Obama Addresses Frustrations exchange, promises of improvement

8:28 PM
Obama Addresses Frustrations exchange, promises of improvement -

Health Care Reform Just earlier this morning, President Barack Obama spoke to the nation, raise recent challenges in the federal health exchange of deployment. In the near months that exchanges were set up, many consumers shopping for coverage under the federal website Healthcare.gov experienced technical complications such as error messages, delays page, frozen screens and more.

An administration official said, "the site is unacceptable, and we are improving, but the product is good and across the country, people get access to affordable care from January 1." President Obama agrees, insisting at his event that the health care law is more than just a website, and access of the population to quality and affordable health insurance, the essence of the law is in fact works very well.

In order to simplify the process of buying insurance, the administration has updated the site's home page to provide more information on other avenues to enroll in health care. The Department of Health and Human Services also provides outside technology experts to help diagnose problems.

The administration reported that nearly 476,000 applications were filed by both federal contracts and state health insurance online, but it is unclear how many of these people have actually been able to Sign in coverage so far.

in his speech, President Obama assured the public that the administration is doing everything possible to get federal websites and running successfully. Remember that the early projection by the Office of Congressional budget, believing that 7 million people will gain coverage during the registration period? The President ensures that everyone who wants to obtain insurance through the new health exchanges will still be able to do so.

So that consumers can do in the meantime? GoHealth is open now and consumers can get answers about the law, view or compare plans through our online portal or phone. We also help consumers estimate their tax credit and compare all the options available to health.

Visit our online exchange to GoHealthInsurance.com or call (888) 322-7557 to speak to a licensed today.

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