6 Highlights on breastfeeding and your health

1:08 PM
6 Highlights on breastfeeding and your health -

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, a campaign funded by the Ministry of health and Human Services US. The organization hopes that the campaign will highlight the importance of breastfeeding, recalling all mothers and families that this approach may not be the best choice for everyone and every situation.

We have described some tips and facts to help you understand the benefits of breastfeeding and ultimately decide if it's the right decision for you and your newborn.

  1. breastfeeding is covered as a preventive care service for women.

once you give birth to your baby, breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling are covered by all the individual health insurance plans as care service preventive under the affordable care Act. This means that these nursing services are covered at no extra cost to you with no cost-sharing involved. Make sure health insurance to cover the cost of your newborn Facebook august - baby

  1. Your baby -. And you -. Can benefit from breastfeeding

your baby can obviously benefit from your breast milk, which gives newborns the right amount of protein, fat, sugar and water, and also helps to protect the baby against infection and disease. Breastfeeding can also serve as bonding time for mother and child. Mothers can also benefit: .. Breastfeeding can save you money, help you lose baby weight and can reduce your risk of disease

  1. You can benefit financially, as

women and families who choose to breastfeed their children could save up to $ 1500 on infant formula in the first year alone.

  1. breastfed babies tend to be healthier in the long run.

Generally, breastfed babies are less likely to develop various illnesses and diseases, including asthma, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and obesity .

  1. Nursing mothers may also prevent illness and disease.

It has been proven that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer in a mother.

  1. Remember :. Breastfeeding is not necessarily for everyone

Only about 75 percent of mothers start breastfeeding, which means that the other 25 percent of mothers choose not not breastfeed their babies. It is important to remember that breastfeeding is a personal choice, so talk with your family before making a decision.

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