There is open enrollment for Obamacare and small businesses nationwide health insurance decisions. Confused? Overwhelmed? Do not be. Here are three small businesses Obamacare tips to help you understand your health insurance options
Tip # 1 :. Remember, democrat stop employer mandate does not apply to small and medium enterprises
If a small business has fewer than 50 full-time positions, then there is no penalty for non-traditional health insurance for their employees offer , See this worksheet to calculate FTE
Many small businesses are confused by this regulation -. But just remember - less than 50 employees, no requirement to provide health insurance, and not "play or pay" decision
Tip # 2 :. Individual health insurance has changed - for the better
Under Care, individual health insurance has new advantages that make it better, and more affordable than traditional group health insurance. All small business owners should understand these four benefits of individual health insurance if health insurance options for the 2015 review:
portability: The employees can keep their policy if they switch jobs
choice: select employees the policy that best meets their needs, including the network of providers and level of cover
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coverage: Individual health insurance covers all the essential health benefits and is accessible to everyone, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions
savings: Individual health insurance costs less and employees may be granted for a premium tax credit to assist with the cost of their monthly health insurance premiums
Read more: What is individual health insurance?
As such, most (if not all) small businesses transition employees individual health insurance and contribute to its premium expenses with a premium refund Program
Tip # 3 :. Open Enrollment is a good time to switch the individual health insurance and premium refunds to
Open enrollment is an opportune time for small business employees individual health insurance and a premium Start reimbursement program (where the small business employees reimbursed for their individual health insurance). That's because all employees will be able to register in individual health insurance.
Wait ... Can not employees enroll in individual health insurance at any time? No. Under Care is now limited periods when employees can enroll in the individual health insurance. Employees can only enroll in a qualified health plan during either
A annual open enrollment period (ex: 15 November 2014 to 15 February 2015) or
During special enrollment period , for a "qualifying event in life. " triggering Common qualifying life events losers group health insurance included (eg fiscal canceled group health insurance), marriage, birth of a child, a significant change in income, etc.
As such savvy small businesses are the advantages of the open enrollment period under the group health insurance terminate (if they have it) and change them on the individual health insurance and premium refunds.
See Related Infographic: How to set up a premium refund Program
Which tips or questions you have about Obamacare? Leave a comment below.
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