FAQ: I qualify on health insurance to save

2:21 PM
FAQ: I qualify on health insurance to save -

If the health insurance marketplaces open on November 15 for the general ? Enrollment can buy any personal health insurance. During this "annual open enrollment period," You, your employees and your customers can shop for a personal health insurance. This article answers the frequently asked question, "Do I qualify to save for health insurance?" FAQs - Do I Qualify to Save on Health Insurance?

Do I have health insurance savings Qualify?

When you apply 2015 market coverage for the year, you and your family members may save entitlement to health in three ways:

  1. premium tax credits
  2. Medicaid or
  3. Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Premium Tax Credits

to know if you qualified on health insurance through premium tax credits, calculate your annual household income and check a diagram (below).

to save If you meet certain income requirements, and do not have access to affordable health insurance through an employer or another government program, then you will probably qualify for a premium tax credit.

authorization for premium tax credits based on a standard called "federal poverty level" (FPL). Your tax credit caps the cost of health insurance between 2% and 9.5% of annual household income, depending on how much money you make in the FPL relative.

individuals and families who earn 400% of FPL may be considered. This causes a person to $ 46,680 in 2014 to earn and a family of four earning up to $ 95,400 in 2014


Chart Source: healthcare.gov

Medicaid and CHIP

Medicaid and CHIP are run federally programs , offer health services for low-income adults and children, respectively. The ACA gives each State the option of Medicaid expansion , the Medicaid coverage extended to non-senior citizens with incomes up to 138% of the FPL.

M all states have expanded Medicaid eligibility, and the chart above outlines incomes that come into consideration. For more on Medicaid eligibility, click here

. Tip: If you apply for coverage through your state's marketplace (ex: healthcare.gov), the application process will notify you what kind of savings you qualify.

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