Employer-funded Individual health insurance benefits penny pinchers

10:41 PM
Employer-funded Individual health insurance benefits penny pinchers -

Many small businesses forego health services offer to their employees due the rising cost of group health insurance. Thus, they are at a disadvantage when they try to recruit and retain key personnel to how health services are a highly desirable part of most compensation packages.

Small businesses face this double-digit premium increases at renewal time year. As with group insurance premium cost is typically divided between employer and employee, both parties are exposed to higher health care costs. In fact, the costs have almost doubled since 09 for small business health insurance, reported by 91 percent of small businesses increases their health plan at its recent insurance renewal.

is a common misconception about the individual health insurance, that it is more expensive than group health insurance through an employer. In fact, insurance individual health costs up to 60 percent less than group health insurance. In federally run marketplace, 87 percent of those who received selected a health plan premium tax credits and an average of 82 / month $ pay.

This is a big part of the reason why many small employers will drop their group health insurance payfor to help cover their employees individual health insurance. By staff to reimburse the individual health insurance premiums, small businesses can save money while still providing a desirable and competitive compensation package for employees.

employer-paid individual health insurance

As a quick overview by reimburse your employees the individual health insurance premiums, your business:

  • Provides plenty to employees health insurance contribute

  • gives employees tax-free allowances healthcare reimbursement software

  • refunded employees on payroll for approved premium payments

your financial liability is controllable and staff for policy buy that meet their individual health needs best. catching

defined contribution small business health insurance

4 ways you put control health benefit costs, reimbursement of employee individual health insurance premiums

Add able and predict all the health benefits is cost revolutionary for many companies. Here are four ways to control the cost of employer-sponsored individual health insurance:

  1. your business defines the budget by any level of contributions towards the employee health care. Typically, monthly health care allowance will be provided to plan tax-free over a portion 105th There are no annual renewal increases or minimum contribution levels, the business all healthcare costs controls literally benefits.

  2. employees buy individual health insurance policies and submit their expenses for reimbursement. Your company reimburse employees tax-free directly on payroll. With this kind of approach pre third bank accounts is not required.

  3. your business reimbursed employees for eligible premiums to the extent of their health care money.

  4. If an employee leaves the company, any unused allowance is equal to your business to stay.

These four aspects of employer-sponsored health insurance to individual giving financial control and predictability, while creating health benefits that employees feel valued, loyal and happy.

Download our free worksheets make the savings for themselves to see.

What questions do you have about cost control health benefits with employer-sponsored individual health insurance? Let us know in the comments below.

Employer-Funded Individual Health Insurance Worksheets

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