Half of the brokers say they considering the health insurance business leave. But brokers, health care reform be adapted rewarded for their perseverance. This is according to annual Aflac workforces report for Brokers .
released this week, the report shows that 49% of health insurance professionals think about to leave the industry, while 67% say that they have many of her colleagues saw output the industry last year.
, the number of call considering that it has ended up in last year's survey results, a sign that brokers are increasingly losing confidence in the insurance business, and that the health reform changes continue a toll.
There is no surprise. In the past, 'Insurance Health "bread and butter" group has been health insurance, the subject brought by the health care reform a dramatic shift with new structural changes. In addition, cost of employer-sponsored group health insurance are at an all time high for employers and employees
Change or Move On
Many brokers are at a crossroads.?; the decision on whether to adapt their business model or move. The report shows that have left the industry while some brokers, and others do not consider so, those who have adapted to the new health reality, are the best ways to successfully navigate determining the varied landscape. According to the report, 36% of brokers completely or agree strongly that health care legislation the opportunity presents for their company.
But that's not to say that the challenges do not remain.
Rising health care costs client (47%)
understanding to influence decisions: According to the report, the five most important issues for brokers today are impact of health care reform (38%)
Remaining relevant (29%)
diversification benefits packages (26%)
customer uncertainty about health care reform (27%)
employers must Brokers More than Ever
with all the changes healthcare environment reform and health insurance employers need brokers today more than ever help for health care reform, to understand and new options to change health insurance. want to increase
report that 45% of companies surveyed found These changes its dependence on brokers or insurance when changes to their benefit plans.
do employers need brokers who are familiar with the health care reform, contribution health plans, consumer-oriented options, voluntary products and wellness programs. For brokers, which can be customized, this means great opportunity for brokers in the new market
. See: 3 easy ways Brokers Terms Defined Contribution to grow their book shop
Read the full report here Aflac.
What do you see? are leaving brokerage industry?
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