$ 5.7 billion drop in the hospital does not have by medical expenses by ACA

12:43 PM
$ 5.7 billion drop in the hospital does not have by medical expenses by ACA -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) easier to obtain and more affordable individual health insurance. With more Americans in 2014 covered due to the ACA, there was for hospitals nationwide significantly less compensated care cost (UCC) have been. A recent report of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) estimates that hospital UCC in 2014 to be $ 5.7 billion lower than they would have been otherwise, due to the decrease of uninsured people.

Drop The Congressional Budget Office originally predicted in uninsurance rate Due to the ACA

that 6 million Americans of the health insurance market in 2014. In a recent announcement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, millions of Americans would be covered 7.3 are currently enrolled in individual health insurance through the Marketplace.

the ACA has received many previously uninsured Americans guaranteed-issue, affordable health insurance allowed. In fact, found a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation conducted that 57 percent of the market were registered are not insured previously

attributable A recent analysis by the Urban Institute Health Policy Center led the growth in insured Americans to two factors .: Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits.

The analysis pointed out that the countries that expanded Medicaid in their uninsurance rates to June had significant declines in 2014 states with Medicaid expansion saw their uninsured rate fall 6.1 percentage points, while non-expansion states saw only a decrease of 1.7 percentage points.

In addition, coverage for households to increase middle-income by 5.3 percent. After analyzing these households with average income by the premium tax credits were targeted.

Coverage expansion means less Uncompensated care costs for hospitals

The HHS reported that first projectections UCC will propose fall by $ 5700000000 in 2014 due to the large coverage expansion. This represents a 16 percent reduction from baseline UCC spending.

The report lists the decrease in the UCC coverage expansion by both Medicaid and health insurance marketplaces. There was an estimated 10.3 million decline in the total number of uninsured, and an estimated 8 million more people from Medicaid, according to the HHS report.

The decrease in hospital UCC was attributed in insurance coverage on the increase, which decreased the proportion of hospitals' volume of uninsured patients. The HHS used data from the hospital the results of Q1 and Q2 2014 five large for-profit hospital operator in the United States.

further, as shown in the table below, total trended hospitals to see relative reduction in their number of uninsured patients between Q1 2013 and Q1 2014 Medicaid expansion States saw hospitals significant declines :. the Department of Health and Human Services

As can be seen below in the table in their rates of recordings for uninsured individuals change_in_uninsured_hospital_admissions

chart, were the declines in more clearly between Q1 2013 and Q2 2014, the decline was admission of uninsured individuals in their volume of uninsured approval 15-34 percent overall. Hospitals in Medicaid expansion states saw an even greater decline between 48 percent and 72 percent of change_in_uninsured_admissions_2

chart :. The Department of Health and Human Services

Read the full report from the Department of Health and Human Services.

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