ACA Tip: How to save money on individual health insurance

8:51 PM
ACA Tip: How to save money on individual health insurance -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was in a law signed in 2010 and is one of the biggest changes in the health insurance for employers and employees.The new ACA changes introduced that greatly benefit individuals and individual health insurance by offering more affordable and accessible than ever before.

[1945006DieserArtikelenthält] information about how the ACA can save you and your family money while you get access to reporting better health

. Tip: This article is an excerpt from our new e-book "Affordable Care Act 101." Download the free guide here .

Save. Money with Premium Tax Credits

of ACA, the federal government offers rebates for health insurance to eligible individuals and families under The discounts, called premium tax credits, many people help affordable individual or family health insurance through the new state health insurance buy marketplaces.

The health insurance tax credits "Advanced liabilities" that is, they can be applied toward your premium if you buy health insurance.

Who for premium tax credits take to complete?

you are for a premium tax credit into consideration if you meet certain income requirements and have no access to affordable health insurance through an employer or government program like Medicaid or Medicare.

the tax credits are households earning up to 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) available. As the following chart shows, this means earning households to $ 46,680 for an individual in 2014, or $ 95,400 for a family of four, qualify Eligibility for premium tax credits

Source :. Affordable Care Act 101

are how high the premium tax credits?

The premium tax credits act as a cap on how much you pay for health insurance. The insurance premium is on a sliding scale between 2% -9.6% of income capped, depending on your income. For example, as the graph above shows, if you make $ 23,340 per year (0% FPL), the maximum amount you pay for health insurance is, is 6.34% of the income, the $ 1,480 / year ($ 123 / month) is. how much are premium tax credits

Source: Affordable Care Act 101

How the Premium Tax Credits Access

The premium tax credits are available only if you buy individual or family health insurance on your national health insurance market.

save money by the right category of Plan Selecting

In the past, it was difficult to understand the levels of coverage of the plans. This is no longer the case. From 2014 individual health insurance plans in four standardized coverage levels are categorized, called These categories help you compare plans better metallic_tiers

Source "metallic levels of coverage." "Apples to apples". Affordable Care Act 101

to save money, it is important to choose the right metallic animal for your health and financial needs. If you are unsure what plan to choose, it is always a good idea to an insurance broker you talk with your selections to help.

If you use anticipate a lot of medical services, it is ideal to choose a platinum or gold plan. Although premiums higher, you pay less out-of-pocket, when it comes, to obtain medical care. If you do not recognize a lot of health needs, with a silver or bronze plan choices is ideal to save money. Although it will be higher out-of-pocket costs if you need medical services, you will pay a much lower premium.

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