Small businesses in California can keep their health plans next year ... why should they instead cancel

3:58 PM
Small businesses in California can keep their health plans next year ... why should they instead cancel -

announced this week, California small businesses will be allowed to maintain group health insurance plans affordable to the Federal care Act (ACA) not comply by next year. However, there is a better health insurance solution for small businesses and their employees - and the first step includes the group health insurance canceling California | Image by Flickr, szeke

small and medium businesses in California. keep their health plans next year

According to the Sacramento Bee, Senate Bill 1446 signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, brings the state in accordance with a federal policy that may be small is still non-compliant plans by 2015 to provide the Bill California small employers provide employers additional time available to transfer ACA-compliant guidelines.

While the Bill relief for many small companies offering interest rate increases and schedule changes over due to the ACA, it is not to resolve the real health problem for small businesses.

The real problem is that group health insurance is broken. There is a better way health benefits for small business employees.

to provide a better health insurance solution for small and medium-sized enterprises

The better, cost-effective solution for small businesses in California are available (and in the states around the nation) to group health insurance today allow employees to purchase individual health insurance, and offer an employer-financed contribution to individual health insurance (a " cancel contribution ").

While the ACA (and this recent expansion of California) has done little to help with group health insurance costs, the ACA has made significant improvements to individual health insurance. On average, each health insurance costs less than group health insurance premiums for the same or better coverage, covers both healthy and sick people the same, and offers more choices employees. There is also a premium tax credits for most employees, the lower the cost of health insurance even more.

Plus, when a company breaks the group insurance employee for a special enrollment period are automatically eligible for the purchase of individual health insurance coverage. That is, the employees do not have to wait until the next open enrollment period (November 15 start) to buy individual coverage.

3 steps to better health solution

A better health solution simple, and it consists of three simple steps:

  • Step 1 - deactivate the small group health insurance

  • step 2 - you give your employees a monthly "health care" to spend on health insurance certificates; whether these tax-free over a Healthcare Reimbursement Plan (HRP) or a taxable stipend

  • Step 3 -. Employees Allow health insurance in health insurance to buy marketplaces (and a bonus receive tax credits that limit their health insurance costs as a percentage of income.

This approach is in California and across the nation popularity to win for small businesses. in fact, we estimate that 60% of all small businesses group health insurance in favor of individual health insurance and health care contribution of 2017. Read more about this shift in small business health insurance here.

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Download the eBook: How to Cancel Group Health Insurance

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