Do the majority of Americans still get health insurance through work?

12:06 PM
Do the majority of Americans still get health insurance through work? -

The majority of Americans buy health insurance through work - for now. However, since the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance continues to rise, employers and workers crawling favorable coverage to find options.

This article takes a look at the current trends in how Americans access health insurance, and how to access coverage in the future. Do the Majority of Americans Still Get Insurance Through Work?

56% of Americans get their health insurance through work

Currently, the majority (56%) of non-elderly Americans receive their health insurance through work.

Of the nearly 267 million non-elderly residents in the US, 56% covered through their employer, 18% are uninsured, 21% by Medicaid or other covered public program, and 6% be covered by a person or a family plan.

So what does this mean? Americans are slowly shifting in the way they access health insurance. In fact, the proportion of Americans who will obtain health insurance has work has been declining over the past decade. As such, predict many economists and industry experts that up to 0% of the company health insurance employer-sponsored group in 2020 in favor of the individual health insurance companies and the government will leave marketplaces.

rising cost of health insurance employer-sponsored group

cost of health insurance to the decline in employer-sponsored is a big factor. to cover the cost for a single employee with employer-sponsored health insurance, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 1999-2014 almost tripled of 2196 $ / year in 1999 to $ 6,025 / year in 2014

According to a survey by Mercer, the health benefits expected employers costs per employee by 3.9 percent [1945007zuerhöhen] in 2015 on average - and that is only if employers make significant changes to their current plans contain costs

if this trend continues beyond 2015, which on the is way done. Americans access health insurance? If employers and employees to employers to provide sponsored health insurance? The response is overwhelming, no.

46% of small businesses offer health insurance not

Because employer-sponsored health insurance costs rise, and because of the prohibitive conditions of participation, small businesses are much less likely to traditional employer sponsored health insurance for employees to offer. In fact, 46% of all small and medium enterprises (with fewer than 0 employees) do not offer employer-sponsored group health insurance - compared to 98% of larger companies that do.

Looking for more employer health insurance facts and figures? Download this free record.

If large companies are unable employer-sponsored group to obtain health insurance, the prospects for small businesses are worse. However, there is a solution - tellers individual health insurance and contribute to a premium refund plan

The switch to individual health insurance

in view of the majority of Americans get their health insurance through work and group health insurance costs have become prohibitive, many small businesses are employees change individual health insurance. Instead a contribution to Group premiums of health insurance, companies and contributing to premium reimbursement plans to reimburse employees for individual health insurance.

In addition to the cost savings, this shift is happening now, as there new benefits for individual health as guaranteed acceptance, choice, portability and tax credits. These new benefits have individual health policies more attractive for employees as an employer plans. As a result, the number of policyholders in the individual market is projected more than 150 million in 2025


Over to raise half of the Americans still have their health insurance through their employers, but it is a fast shift is happening now. Employer-sponsored health insurance has become unaffordable and unsustainable. As such, it is 60% of small businesses is estimated will be in favor of individual health insurance and premium refunds to eliminate in the next three years the traditional employer-sponsored health insurance.

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Chart Source :. Employer Health Insurance Facts & Figures 2014-2015

The Future of Small Business Health Insurance Whitepaper

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