Health insurance market costs - 2014-2015 compared

11:18 AM
Health insurance market costs - 2014-2015 compared -

Now that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have been in full swing for one year, is the biggest question is how is the premium compare costs over the past year? A recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis helps to answer this question. The answer? It depends a lot on what part of the country in which you live.

increases offered Nationwide premiums health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace + 2% for a silver plan and + 4% for a Bronze plan. Live in Summit County, Colorado? You can see declines in premium costs by up to 45%. Live in Alaska? You can see premium increases of up to 28%. Here's a look at the analysis of



Image Source :. KFF

health insurance market costs - 2014-2015 compared

As consumers, changes in market cost depends really on where you live. For example, in 2014, if you have purchased a Silver plan, were 40 years old, Non smoking, lived in Birmingham Alabama and $ 30,000 a year made, would you $ 258 / month were employed paid before tax credits. With tax credits would you $ 209 / month. Compared to 2015, you now have $ 264 / month ($ 6 / month increase) before tax credits and $ 208 / month ($ 1 / month decline) after they were applied would pay (see chart below).

is also lower for a bronze plan, prices are significantly lower than the rate of recovery. If you lived in the same circumstances as the individual mentioned above in 2014, would $ 208 / month before tax credits and $ 0 / month after paid. For 2015, prices have increased slightly. They would be ($ 10 / month increase) are applied before bonuses tax credits to $ 218 / month, and $ 162 / month ($ 2 / month decrease) pay

Remember: , These are only examples of one are the state and a large city. See to see KFF site full list.

Silver Plan


Image Source: KFF

Bronze plan


Image source: KFF

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