What's new for 2014 tax returns

5:25 PM
What's new for 2014 tax returns -

The 2015 tax return season is here. Most taxpayers their tax return 2014 file and all tax due by April 15 to pay for this year's tax return 2015. The biggest change is that you at federal report return your health insurance and claim or a premium tax credit agree. Here is an overview of what returns your 2014 tax year new What’s New for 2014 Tax Returns

New this year -. Healthcare Coverage Reporting

2015 is the first year, you'd cover the qualification must demonstrate health ( " minimum coverage ") for the previous year ( 2014). This happens when your 2014 tax file.

If you had qualified health insurance for the whole year, you will just check a box on your tax return.

In addition, you should receive a message from your health insurance after 31 January 2015, to use with your taxes, to describe your coverage status during the past year.

You can pay fee if you have no health insurance

Also new this year on your taxes if you had not reporting in 2014, and you qualify not qualify for an exemption (discussed next), then there is a charge (also known as the Individual shared responsibility fee ).

to pay for your 2014 tax return, you pay the greater of the two amounts:

  • $ 95 for each adults and $ 47.50 for each child up to $ 285 per family or

  • 1% of the family income net of federal tax returns threshold. The federal tax returns threshold is $ 10,150 for a person. Files individually, $ 20,300 for someone who shared files

Also, the fee is calculated on the basis of "Overlap months this means." That you are not covered every month, you can 1/12 of the year fine may owe. However, be short periods of not charged uninsured.

exceptions to Fee

You may be entitled to a claim exemption from the health insurance.

If you qualify for an exemption, will close the new IRS Form 8965, health exceptions, and then add it to your tax return. Some exceptions apply, you must have health insurance market directly but are easily obtained most of the exceptions to the IRS if a return of the submission.

Read more about exceptions here. [1945003[

[] New 1945007 this year - to reconcile your Premium Tax Credit

Also new this year on you 2014 tax returns, if you receive (or apply) premium tax credit, you must complete the information you received in the marketplace on Form 1095-a with the Form Form 8962nd You will receive Form 1095-A, health insurance market Statement from the marketplace until early February.

To summarize, if you get an advanced premium tax credit or for a premium tax apply credit at tax time, you will:

  • Get form 1095-A in the email. Form 1095-A contains the information that you need to fill 8962 form - Premium Tax Credit (PTC).

  • file Form 8962 with your Federal Tax Return. The form uses this information in order to bring the amount of your premium tax credit in line, you are entitled to any advanced premium tax credit you received.

If your actual income was lower than you estimated, if you applied for health insurance, you may have to get a little more advanced in premium tax credits. Form 8962 this will identify, and you would be due a tax refund.

If your actual income was higher than estimated, if you applied for health insurance, you have received too much in advanced premium tax credits. In this case, you have to generally pay some or all.

Read more about filing taxes and premium tax credits here.

New this year - Standard Deductions

There are a variety of credits and deductions for private and business taxpayers. In addition to the standard deduction for individuals, common deductions are home mortgage interest, state and local taxes and donations. Many business expenses are deductible

For the 2014 standard deductions .:

  • Single: $ 60

  • Head of the budget: $ 9100

  • Married filing jointly: $ 12.400

  • Married filing separately: $ 6,0

  • qualifying widow / widower: $ 12.400

for a complete list of deductions and credits for individuals and small businesses, please visit www.irs.gov.

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