Uninsured rates sharply in the second quarter of 2014.

11:31 AM
Uninsured rates sharply in the second quarter of 2014. -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in full height swing, the uninsured rate in the US fell by 2.2 percentage points to 13.4% in the second quarter of 2014. This is the lowest quarterly average recorded since 08, according to a recent Gallup poll of more than 45,000 Americans.

Uninsured Rates in the US at an all time low

Custom Seat Driving Uninsured Rate Down

According to Gallup, a major reason for the jump in uninsured, the individual mandate of the ACA which entered into force in 2014 and requires nearly all Americans either health insurance or pay a penalty of timing.

The fallen by 3.7 points uninsured rate since the fourth quarter of 2013, when it averaged 17.1%. The decline reflects an increase in the health plan enrollees in early April before 15 April extended closing date for people who had previously experienced technical difficulties with the federal health insurance market.

increase in individual health insurance, Medicaid Coverage

The survey asked also about how Americans are assured to find an increase in the individual health insurance and Medicaid coverage.

While American adults still most likely to have health insurance through an employer (43.5% in 2013, compared with 16.7% in

There was also a slight increase in the proportion), a fifth (20.7%) say they now have health insurance they have a family member for August-September paid by Medicaid insurance itself or reflects the ACA expansion of Medicaid eligibility in May countries covered.

Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.

Read the Gallup poll here.

Health Care Reform Checklist for Employers 2014

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