11 Life Hacks Employee retention

6:38 PM
11 Life Hacks Employee retention -

It's always nice to increase when little life out hacks your things easier to do . When they do find out, it was as if a light on and choirs of heavenly voices was filmed singing is, is not it? So, when it comes to your small business, we have eleven life hacks rounded to increase employee retention.

1) hire the right people 11 Life Hacks to Increase Employee Retention

could well imagine, "Okay, hire the right people This is not? life Hack, that's common sense. "But you would be surprised, many small businesses forget about to find out. You get caught and forget that ultimately you need to hire a candidate who fits like a glove in the hiring process. Well, do not take this as an indication that there is a candidate that 100% meet every need rather have a candidate with a great balance, see experience, a positive attitude, willingness to learn and appropriate training for the position of employee performance

Let us evaluate you think of your small business than a zoo.

2). A zoo without any kind of order, education and rewards is a crazy act. So, make sure that your small business is to pursue a with to the performance of its employees. It allows employees to see their progress and know where to improve. Your employees will feel accomplished and appreciated to know you care about their development.

3) Track overall employee satisfaction

You might think you're doing everything but if your employees do not think properly so, they do not stick around , The solution? Track your satisfaction. Make an anonymous survey every employee possible to assess their overall satisfaction and make suggestions. Additionally, you will benefit from an annual tracking and comparing your performance. It allows you to make appropriate changes based on what the people want and is to hack a great life to increase their retention.

4) The communication Your company Forte

Remember the example of a zoo without order? Chaos. And a small business without communication is just as chaotic. Why? Communication is the fundamental means by which to satisfy human tasks - it's the same on your small business. If your employees communicate efficiently, everything is achieved in a faster, more precise manner. This life hack is not only to increase employee retention, but it will make your small business successful as well.

5) be transparent, although this life hack is rare in a small business with your employees

, it is one that strongly employee retention increase. As? Your employees do not want to be left in the dark. If you are transparent with your employees, you have them show you trust them. In addition, you never know if you are transparent about the company obstacles, your staff may have a solution to your problem, too.

6) offer the best Affordable Health Care Benefits

You might think it to offer affordable health benefits to your employees is impossible but it is not the case. While traditional employer-sponsored group health insurance has become unaffordable over the years, new, have come out of the woodwork affordable options. One of these is the individual health insurance. In fact, did you know individual health insurance 20% to 60% less funded employer group health insurance on average? Also did you know you can reimburse your employees for their individual health insurance premiums? offer affordable health services is a great life hack your employees to make sure will want to stay with your small business

7) Participate Everyone -. Make it from all

Many people want own their own small business, but because it is a lot of work, most people will not always to open their own businesses. So what can you do? Make your business exactly as it much as like you. In other words, your employees include in the company's decisions. And with a small business, it is easier to get any input. This will be your employees feel urgent needed and part of something bigger.

8) numbers the labor market

Pay your employees about employment help worth it. Look at it this way, if you were employed by a company with a great culture and paid more than other companies were, you would not have to stay to want? Most people would. Remember this. When deciding what your employees to pay

9) make work fun

of a company with a great culture work speak how is yours? Do you and your employees have to work hard and have fun? The truth is, if you work hard and have fun, your employees posture will become slow, less than enthusiastic. Do not be afraid to have a day where you all go out and do something fun. Your employees will feel better build another relationship, and they will not have the desire to work elsewhere.

10) Do not strain your employees

works as important as hard, your employees work overload never the answer to success. In fact, you know, based on a survey, check 50% of employees their email on weekends , Check 34% the e-mail on vacation, and 22% the employees are expected to answer emails outside of work? Do not be one of those employers, if you keep to schedule your employees. Let your employees their weekends, enjoy the evening and leave for a higher productivity.

11) a one-on-one

We talked about communication and is a one-to-one with your employees very advantageous. Why? It shows your employees you want them to know on a personal level, but as a collective group. Even if you have a one-to-one two have only once a year, it is better than not at all. They develop a good relationship with your employees, plus, you can increase employee retention -. A great life hack


What's the takeaway from these eleven life hacks for better employee retention? The employee. If you learn to focus on your employees and take care of them, they will stay with your small business longer. Enter each of these eleven life hacks a try, you'll be glad you did.

What other life hacks would you include on our list? Comment below, we'd love to hear your thoughts and wisdom!

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