Young Americans have problems with Insurance Basics

1:57 PM
Young Americans have problems with Insurance Basics -

There are a lot of health insurance terms, the consumer before buying health should understand insurance as copay, coinsurance and deductible. In the past, research shows that many consumers do not understand this health insurance basics.

In fact, just last month by the Kaiser Family and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations published a report that showed that many Americans have difficulty with basic insurance terms. A recent survey of Morning consult refuted these findings. The survey showed that overall the most registered voters, understand the concepts of the deductibles and copays. However, showed the survey results show that a large learning curve still exists among younger Americans. Here are the results of the recent survey Morning Consult

voters identify what an attachable

deductible .: starts the amount paid for covered care before the insurance company to pay. For example, a family or individual will have to pay $ 500 out-of-pocket for covered services before the insurance pays; this would be a $ 500 deductible deductible

diagram :. Morning Consult

The morning Consult polling showed that 77 percent of registered voters "must spend identifies the amount of money consumers to health care in their own before their insurance kicks in." Properly a deductible as Twelve percent identified incorrectly a deductible than the amount "paid by consumers in monthly installment of their insurance," which is actually an insurance premium. Ten percent of voters do not know what a deductible.

These results are encouraging overall, especially since in the past, research has shown that many consumers are confused by these terms. But still a learning curve among younger voters is:

  • Twenty nine percent of voters identified erroneously paid in aged 18 to 29 has a deductible than the amount on a monthly basis by consumers to the insurance company

  • Twelve percent of voters do not know the ages of 18 to 29, which was a deductible

  • Eighteen percent of voters incorrectly, aged 30 and 44 identified a deductible, the amount paid monthly by consumers to the insurance company

  • Ten percent of voters do not know the ages of 30 and 44, which was a deductible

on the other hand had older voters a very thorough understanding of a deductible. A majority (84 percent) of voters correctly identified a deductible at the age of 45 to 64, while 86 percent of voters over 65 years correctly identified a deductible.

Votes on identifying how a copay Works

Copay: (or Zuzahlungs) a flat dollar amount a consumer the seller paid healthcare for a covered service. For example, it can a $ 30 Zuzahlungs for each covered his visit to a general practitioner, and 10 $ for each filled prescription generic. Copayments are planning Plan and are sometimes different depending on the type entered into the roofed Service Copay

diagram :. Morning Consult

The Morning polling showed Consult that total voters have a general idea of ​​how a copay works. My understanding was not as extensive as it was about deductibles, but a total of 58 percent of registered voters responded correctly that "copays for doctor visits and hospital stays are maintained by the doctor or the hospital." Nearly a quarter (24 percent) respondents thought that copays for doctor visits and hospital stays are sent to the insurance companies. Eighteen percent of respondents did not know how a copay works

was the learning curve

, more evident in younger voters .:

  • Among registered voters aged 18 to 29 only 42 percent were able to correctly identify how a copay

  • Further, 42 percent of registered voters thought, aged 18 to 29, that copays working for doctor visits and hospitalizations for health insurance sent companies

  • Sixteen percent of registered voters do not know the ages of 18 to 29, as a copay works

  • Fifty eight percent of registered knew voters aged 30 and 44, as a copay works

  • Sixty knew one percent of registered voters aged 45 to 64, as a copay works

The voters over 65 years old had a firm understanding of copays. Only seven percent thought copays be sent to the insurance companies, while 68 percent correctly identified how a copay works. A quarter of voters over 65 did not know how a copay works

Read the full results of the survey Morning Consult here

Additional Resources: ..

The 4 health insurance terms need to know all Americans (but not)

9 individual health conditions you should know

understanding Health Insurance provides a basic overview

The Future of Small Business Health Insurance Whitepaper

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