6 tips for your business may go away talent

12:56 PM
6 tips for your business may go away talent -

Laptop Work-3 recruiting and retaining top talent is crucial, before especially for small business owners and startup entrepreneurs who fill fewer rooms. While finding a qualified candidate, seems to be heavy, your small business or startup can be gone before they even apply the setting process or driving candidates. Here are the top six ways to drive businesses away top talent.

1. Boring Job ads

What looks like job descriptions and ads? Chances are, they could use a little renovation. While most job descriptions a generic list of properties that contain a candidate, must only have a few, really do a good job to "sell" the applicant on the job. It is important to have job descriptions that sound like they were written by a man, outlines the advantages and opportunities for growth with the position, rather than the desired qualifications. Its hard to win key talent, if they do not want to come in and interview in the first place.

2. Long or Tedious application processes

While a well-written job description and advertising attract the interest of potential candidates, a lengthy application process, they can just turn off quickly. When it comes to taking a candidate for too long by all required fields on your applicant tracking system, they are more likely to leave the application and to look elsewhere. Why your desired talent pool jump through hoops during the application process to make?

3. Not properly communicate with each candidate

Many applicant tracking systems include an auto-reply function each applicant informed that their information has been received and is being processed, this is not enough interested to some candidates. Try and achieve a personal message to each candidate, no matter how short. A fast, personalized email simply to inform the candidate that you have received your CV, and come from a person much more short-means approach is as a robot.

4. No news is not good news

While no one wants to get bad news, hear anything, is even worse. If the job was filled opening, canceled or postponed, considerate and reach the applicants to inform them. Apart from polite, this will ensure that your organization has a good reputation in the industry. In addition to a potential candidate to lose by the possibility decreases that they would apply again for your business, does not respond to an applicant makes it less likely that they would have a qualified friend refer your way.

5. uncompetitive

Once you get through the application process and to find compensation a desirable candidate, it is important to ensure that they offer competitive compensation packages within your industry. The phrase "you get what you pay for," is especially true when it comes to pay for high-quality talent. If your company make deals and getting rejected on a regular basis, it may be time to reevaluate your compensation and benefit packages be.

6. Defiance vacation / time off policy

Too strict time off policy is another way to drive top talent. While a number of protocol with off smoothly is a business to operate crucial for requesting time, you can really have a potential job candidate by appearing to give inflexible or unreasonable staff time.

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