The dilemma with employer-sponsored health insurance

3:10 PM
The dilemma with employer-sponsored health insurance -

employerhealthinsurance Currently, employer-sponsored health insurance is the basis of America health insurance. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has new changes introduced which benefit greatly the individual, consumer-oriented health insurance market. Now the insurance is no longer contingent on employment.

New research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) raises the question "Are employment-related benefits with a view to 'crisis' or even an uncertain future?"

health Prolonged employment is not based

Paul Fronstin, director of health research and education program in EBRI, explained that the ACA "levels the playing field, as it has never been before," now that medical insurance to employment is not dependent.

most people are familiar due to employer-sponsored health insurance to the fact that in the past, most people had sponsored coverage through the health insurance the employer. As the coverage of a is individual (or family member) employment dependent, when an employee leaves the company, the employer-sponsored health insurance ends. While there are opportunities for employees to extend coverage if employer-sponsored coverage ends (through COBRA), it is expensive and temporary.

Fronstin also points out that "A worker might argue are not their employers need more for health benefits once the law fully implemented and health exchanges are a viable way to employer-sponsored health benefits . This raises real questions about the future of employment-based health insurance. "

Apart from the fact that it is not dependent on an employer, individual health insurance plans in the ACA offered exchange cost less than similar employer -sponsored plans , Moreover, most exchange buyers have a wider variety of plans than the typical employer-sponsored listing.

EBRI research parallels what other industry experts are saying about the dilemma and death, financed by employer health insurance.

For example, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel J. in his recent book "American Healthcare Reinventing" predicts that "less than 20 percent of workers in the private sector get promoted traditional employer-health by 2025 that insurance. "

S & P Capital IQ, a division of McGraw-Hill, came to a similar conclusion. S & P Capital IQ predicted could by 2020 0 percent of American employees who are currently receiving health insurance through their employers moved that traded in the individual health insurance and government.

in a recent white paper, we discuss how the shift initially start with small companies, that 60 percent of small businesses, the prediction is funded for one employer traditional employer health insurance eliminate contribution to individual health plans by 2017.

What about employers who still want to offer benefits?

funded with employer health insurance to pay rates on the rise, some employers choose the employer shared responsibility to pay fees rather than rising premiums. However, many employers still know the value of health benefits of the offer to recruit and retain key employees.

employers are looking for a simpler, less expensive way to provide their employees with health benefits available without paying increasing employer-sponsored health insurance premiums. Employers can provide their employees with an estimated health benefits, while all the benefits and flexibility that offer individual health insurance through:

  • Not traditionally offered, employer-sponsored health insurance. Only employer-sponsored offer health insurance disqualified employees (and often their families) of premium tax credits

  • implementation of a defined contribution health plan for employees for individual health insurance premiums to be reimbursed

employer-sponsored health insurance is a dramatic change. Health insurance to get out of the business of buying employers shift are defined in the individual health insurance and contribution, because this solution allows the employer, while improved health benefits.

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