The rate of uninsured Americans Steady

3:59 PM
The rate of uninsured Americans Steady - Remains

One of the goals of adoption was the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to to reduce the percentage of Americans without health insurance. The ACA, more specifically, the individual joint responsibility provision has already led to a significant decline in the number of uninsured Americans in 2014

Rate of uninsured Americans has open enrollment Dropped

A recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that more than half of the market participants, who were enrolled in the individual health insurance during the last open enrollment period uninsured. In addition, a recent survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has carried out a significant drop in the level of uninsured Americans showed up in March 2014

The most recent Well-Being Index survey conducted by Gallup and Healthways found that the rate of uninsured Americans has 13.4 percent since the second quarter of 2014.

background to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

Gallup and Healthways tracking the percentage remained stable were from American adults without health insurance since 08 are 1, the results of the third quarter, based on more than 44,00 interviews with American adults from July 2014 to 30 September 2014, part of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Every night, Gallup and Healthways ask 500 American adults whether they allow a health insurance for the precise and continuous measurement of the percentage.

percentage of uninsured adults remains stable

on the election results, according to the proportion of uninsured adults has remained at 13.4 percent, the lowest level since Gallup and Healthways began in 08 tracking percentofuninsured1

chart: Gallup

, the sharp decline of 17.1 percent at the beginning of 2014 occurred when the individual joint responsibility of providing ACA has entered into force. The requirement of the ACA for most Americans to have health insurance in order to avoid a fine, has had a significant impact on the rate of uninsured Americans.

Rate of uninsured Americans declines Most in the West

Since the end of 2013, the most significant drop was in the rate of uninsured Americans in the West. The rate of uninsured Americans has dropped 4.8 percentage points, from 18.7 percent to 13.9 percent percentageofuninsured2

chart :. Gallup

There have also been significant declines in the other regions:

  • The rate of uninsured Midwesterners fell 3.9 percentage points from 13.7 percent to 9.8 percent

  • , the proportion of uninsured southerners fell 3.4 percentage points, from 20.4 percent to 17 percent

  • the south maintains the highest non insured population in all four regions

  • northeast of the rate of uninsurance has dropped dramatically

from 12.5 percent to 9.8 percent, a majority adult financed by the employer or self-funded plans covered

employer-sponsored health insurance is the most common method of insurance for Americans ages 18 through 64; However, the rate of 44.4 percent to 43.3 percent since 2013 Type_of_Insurance has

Chart reduced: Gallup

The proportion of Americans who self-funded health insurance has, by 16 7 percent to 20.7 percent. Gallup writes the four-point increase as a result of many more Americans to obtain individual health insurance through a government exchange. In addition, attributes Gallup increasing the people with Medicaid to the Medicaid expansion ACA.

Read the full results of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index here.

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