Broker tips for adapting to the changing health landscape

10:05 AM
Broker tips for adapting to the changing health landscape -

The health insurance market is a dramatic change. As health professionals learn, this "new normal", which to navigate those who adapt to thrive. This article contains information about the future of health insurance in the US, why premium refund at the top, and as premium refund helps adapt insurance professionals and thrive in a changing market.

A big change is happening insurance from group to Individual

after our recent White Paper, the individual health insurance market is expected to more than 150 million policyholders of 2025. With Group health to expand the cost, and all the new ones are not sustainable benefits of individual health insurance, we expect that 60% of small businesses by 2017 single-coverage_premiums

merges overview of individual health insurance: the inevitable end of the small Business Health Insurance

Why and How premium billing is at the top of

with a plan premium refund, companies offer a monthly health allowance to employees to use individual health insurance. Employees buy their own insurance health and reimbursed to the amount available in their balance.

The services of a premium refund software provider recruitment, the company eliminated the time to offer cost and administrative burden health benefits.

As premium refund insurance customize Professionals Helps Broker premium refund and Thrive

can not a solution, the other has to offer. By offering a diversified solution that is tailored to each company, insurance professionals will be able to attract new customers who need and desire the services of a professional health insurance. Many health professionals use premium refund outside of Open Enrollment new business capture.

In addition, since small groups fall employer-sponsored group health insurance, that is the solution to keep these customers. Premium Refund offers a real health benefits, which saves time and money for the customer, while the tools to keep in place new employees, come back to brokers and insurance agents for individual health insurance.

The Ideal Customer Profile for premium refunds

company offers no advantages Healthcare

Ideal company size: 1 - 50 W-2 employees

Common Business Challenges :

  • No recruitment / retention tool

  • looking for the tax savings

  • compliance

Typical decision makers:

  • gatekeeper owner

  • Business owner

Industry Verticals:

  • Professional practices

  • non-profit organizations

  • Tech startups

company offers employees health care benefits Currently

Ideal company size: 2 - 500 W-2 employees

Common Business challenges:

  • Current group plan to expensive

  • Searches recruitment / retention tool

  • administration time

Typical decision:

  • management team

  • HR

Industry Verticals:

  • production

  • Professional services (ie consulting, accounting, etc.)

  • health care (urgent care, assisted living, etc.)

questions on the adaptation of health insurance landscape to change?

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