Measure employee satisfaction and loyalty - a review of the tools

6:26 PM
Measure employee satisfaction and loyalty - a review of the tools -

Happy to help loyal employees of your company to increase productivity and morale , Yet, one of the worst mistakes you can make is to assume that the employees are satisfied. Instead, create an environment in which employees regular feedback. One way to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty, is through internal investigations.

To give you some of the employee satisfaction and loyalty measurement tools are to understand, I'm going a couple of options discuss popular with small and growing businesses. Internal Surveys to Measure Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty

a simple internal survey

a popular option for organizations of all sizes is a simple internal survey of employee satisfaction to eat. SurveyMonkey is a free survey tool (with upgrade options) that can help you create a simple survey and track the results. SurveyMonkey also offers free templates on employee satisfaction surveys, so you do not start from scratch.

Tip : When creating an internal survey, identify the most important measurements you want benchmarks and track over time. Limit the survey to five or ten questions, and keep your language simple

For example, use an internal survey to find out .:

  • employee morale and morality ( "Do you love your job?" "you think that this is a positive place to work?")

  • the employee engagement and loyalty ( "Do you feel like an owner?" "Did you feel your work fairly balanced?")

  • organization and management ( "Did you feel supported in your role?")

you can also use internal surveys as an exit interview - to learn and to pursue why employees leave your organization.

employees Net Promoter Score ( "ENPS")

If you are looking for employee satisfaction and loyalty to take measurement a step further, measure and your employees "Net promoter Score" or ENPS pursue.

What is NPS? NPS is a measure of the likelihood of the customer to refer your product or service to a friend or colleague. NPS is a fast and reliable manner takes into account the customer loyalty to determine and predict the growth.

What's employee NPS or ENPS? Likewise, many companies use NPS to measure employee satisfaction. The question is simple - "On a scale of zero to ten, as it is likely that you would recommend this company to work as site recommend" used in a NPS score with customers, employees NPS scores are categorized into: and organizers, Passive slanderer. The staff NPS score gives an impulse to the satisfaction of the employees. And as we all know, satisfied employees mean satisfied customers.

If you are looking to obtain measurements in demanding employee satisfaction or use an NPS measurement, there are several companies that offer these products and services.

Example: Zendesk is a customer service software, the surveys and Net Promoter Scores (NPS) can integrate. Surveys available through Zendesk can be used for both the customer and employee satisfaction.

Qualtrics is another company which, including NPS employee satisfaction surveys and analysis features. Qualtrics provides sophisticated analysis of the data and traces of results over time.


How you look measure your employee satisfaction and loyalty, there are numerous tools from a simple internal survey to more sophisticated analyzes. We have discussed only a few of the companies and tools you are doing can help. What other tools or business would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below.

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