Why does the ACA a door for contribution revenue Opened

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Why does the ACA a door for contribution revenue Opened -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) makes radical changes health insurance, including buy as small and medium entrepreneurs for themselves health, their family and their staff. Open_the_Door_for_Defined_Contribution

adapt, are new solutions insurance agents and brokers to their product lines as defined contribution. With "Pure" defined contribution health benefits, the employer sets up a health plan to reimburse employees for individual health insurance.

Here is why the ACA has opened a door for "Pure" Defined Contribution sale.

two big changes

The two biggest changes for small insurance business health are 1) the health insurance, the rising cost of the small group, and 2) new benefits for the individual insurance market health. These factors are pushing small and medium customers in group health insurance, and the attraction of making it "Pure" defined contribution health benefits. Let us consider these two factors in more detail.

# 1 cost of group health insurance

After payroll, group health insurance premiums are the main costs for employers. From 1999 to 2013, the cost for each group cover 168% and family coverage increased increased 182% (source). The cost of health insurance group are prohibitive for companies and their employees.

For this reason, small and medium groups group canceling plans at an alarming rate and looking for more affordable health insurance solutions. Agents and brokers with solutions that keep the cost challenges to meet these customer business.

# 2 New benefits for individual health insurance

While group health insurance is becoming less attractive, has the ACA individual health made insurance much more attractive for small businesses and their employees, because :

  • individual health plans are now guaranteed output

  • On average, individual health plans cost less. And there is a premium tax credits that reduce the cost even more for eligible persons

  • Individual health plans give employees a wider range
  • Individual health plans are portable; employment

In addition, the employer mandate (and delayed until 2016 for employers with 50-99 employees) not tied only to employers with 50+ employees.

The chance

So what does this mean for agents and brokers?

First Defined Contribution is a practical tool for business retention Client canceling group health plans. Defined Contribution is cheaper than group health insurance because the employer surcharges are in health care spending, employees on individual health insurance. For small and medium groups cost challenges, Defined Contribution is a solution to keep their business.

Defined Contribution Secondly opens the door to attract the business of small and medium perspectives, not offer health benefits. In fact, the ideal group for contribution is demographic this. In 2012, there were 2.3 million small and medium-sized groups in the US who do not offer health insurance, say 61%, cost was the number one reason for not offer health benefits. Defined Contribution is a tool for agents and brokers to win the business of these large, relatively untapped market.

Are You Defined Contribution revenue adapt with health insurance changing market? [1945009Siehe]

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Grow Your Business with Defined Contribution eBook

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