ZaneHealth Product Updates - July 2014

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ZaneHealth Product Updates - July 2014 -

The July Newsletter provides updates on the following topics :. Form 720 reporting memory and next webinars

Form 720 Reporting Due July 31 - Does your business Need to File Reminder About Form 720

What does the IRS Form 720 to do with my Zane plan?
Under the Affordable Care Act, the "Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute" was created to evaluate the relative effectiveness of various medical treatments and procedures. To collect the information they need, companies, insurance plans and self-insured health plans are required, a government research fee payable by IRS form filling 720.

How can I tell if my company required IRS Form 720 to complete? How much is the fee?
Those with Zane plan years that ended in 2013, may have to submit this year. If you need to offer a self-insured plan prior to joining Zane Benefits, you can also in 2014 submit

Your Online administrator account includes a reporting feature that all data form summarizes 720 automatically. To this report on your online administrator account, see "Reports"> "IRS reporting tools." Click here to read more .

  • plan years between 1 January 2013 and ending 30 September 2013 are subject to a fee $ 1 per covered life.

  • plan years between 1 October 2013, and ends than 31 December 2014. a fee $ 2 per covered life.

  • The fee is reported and paid annually on IRS Form 720, due July 31 in the calendar year immediately following the plan year.

  • The due date is July 31, 2014

My company meets the requirements, now, how can I complete the form?
are IRS Form 720 downloaded here . The instructions may be here . For purposes of the IRS Form 720, your plan is an applicable self-insured health plan.

as Is there a deadline?
The fees are on July 31 of the calendar year immediately following the last day of the plan year to which the fee. For example, if your company in 2013 a plan terminates maintained, you will have completed the form by July 31, 2014

Is there any good news?
The charge temporarily and applies plan years ending or after October 1, 2012, and before October 1, 2019

Upcoming Webinars

What ZaneHealth is? | Thursday, July 17 at 01:00 ET

In this webinar for a discussion on the reimbursement of individual health and our proprietary software refund, ZaneHealth. Click here to register

How a Small Business HR Hero to be . | Thursday, July 27 are at 01:00 ET

In this webinar Join Ben Peterson, CEO of BambooHR and Rick Lindquist, President of Zane Benefits, as they discuss ways you can stand out as HR Hero and to take it to the next level! Here you can register.


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support team. | | 800-391-9209 x1 | Mon-Fri, 8:00 to 17:00 MT

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