Frequently Asked Questions - Do I have to buy health insurance in 2015

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Frequently Asked Questions - Do I have to buy health insurance in 2015 -

Do I have to buy health insurance in 2015? The main provisions of the Affordable Care Act ? (ACA) are since the beginning of 2014 is in force, but many employees and small business owners are still asking: "I have a year to buy health insurance in 2015?" and "What is the penalty if I do not buy health insurance?"

This article frequently asked questions about the request responds to the health insurance and the punishment have for any health insurance have

. Tip: This article is an excerpt from our new download eBook "Affordable Care Act 101." the free guide here.

I have to buy health insurance if I'm not covered?

most Americans are obliged to have health insurance or pay a tax penalty if they do not. These ACA rule is called the "Individual Mandate" or "Individual shared responsibility fee" and began in 2014. Coverage can job-based health insurance, private health insurance or belong through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare.

What is the penalty if I buy me no health insurance?

having the penalty for not "minimum coverage" is defined as "Fairy Custom shared responsibility." the This fee is either a flat fee or a percentage of household income, whichever is greater. The penalty is increased in the first three years Individual_Shared_Responsibility

Source :. Affordable Care Act 101

Example of the individual joint responsibility Fee:

Nancy is single and earns an annual income of 40,000 $ / year , Nancy was uninsured in 2014 Tax Time, Nancy is required to have a single joint responsibility to pay fee. Nancy is either 1% of income (net of federal tax returns threshold) or $ 95, pay whichever is greater.

Nancy annual income ($ 40,000) minus the federal tax returns threshold ($ 10,000) is $ 30,000. One percent (1%) $ 30,000 $ 300

Since this amount is greater than $ 95, Nancy pays $ 300 fee.

More single shared responsibility Fee examples here.

Does everyone who is not insured, the fee is payable

You can not single shared responsibility have to pay fees if you are not insured, and:

  • are required to pay for the lowest cost Bronze plan more than 8% of household income.

  • are not a US citizen, a US national, or a resident alien lawfully in the US

  • had a gap in coverage for less than three consecutive months of the year.

  • will not file a tax return because your income is below the tax return threshold. In 2013, the tax return amounted threshold of $ 10,000 for individuals and $ 20,000 for a couple.

  • Are not qualify able for Medicaid because your condition is not to expand the program selected.

  • participate in a health sharing service or a member of a recognized religious sect with objections to health insurance.

  • are members of a federally recognized Indian tribe.

  • are detained.

  • for an emergency exemption Qualify.

If I owe fees for 2014, how can I pay it?

If you go uninsured in 2014 and do not qualify for an exemption, you will be the individual to pay a shared responsibility fee to the IRS 2014 tax return. You will probably need until April 15 to submit their tax returns for 2014, 2015

How can I prove that I Had Coverage the fee is not paid?

If you receive an insurance in 2014, you should send a message from your health insurance company by 31 January 2015 and that your coverage status in the course of describing with your tax return to use.

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