The College Conversation Every parent should have with their children - Your Complete Guide

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The College Conversation Every parent should have with their children - Your Complete Guide -

The Tough College Conversation Every Parent Must Have With Their Kids - TaxAct width=

One reason parents put off critical conversations, in which case talk difficult college, because they feel conversations can jeopardize the relationship.

This is why the "how" of the discussion is essential.

When I discuss difficult things with my millennials, I begin by choosing a time when we are all relaxed and there is no tension in the air (yes, with teenagers, find the moment magic can be a miracle).

a good option is to get them out of their favorite meal or a Frappuccino.

Second, it is important to start with something along the lines of "You know that I love you and I want your future to be as bright as possible. I want you to succeed. "

This sets up the conversation in a positive light.

You could also make this atmosphere assertion by adding something like," going to college these days is a huge challenge and I admire your desire to get your education. I'm so proud of you because you live in a different world than I did 20 years ago, and pay for college is much more difficult. "

This lets them know you are proud of them and adds a measure of humility on your side too.

Implement ABC of getting your student to talk.

as you have conversations about college, remember the success of ABC in getting your student to talk.


you need to get your facts together because you lose credibility if you pull numbers out of the air. for example, if you say, "Going to College X will cost a dollar gazillion. "

instead, go to a college cost calculator to ensure that your figures are accurate.


one of the skills I had to learn an author who made radio and television interviews is how to speak in sound bites.

With 1,0 interviews under my belt, I can go into sound bite mode and keep the dialog going with my teenagers.

My husband, a fighter pilot who has never had to shorten his memoirs flights, was recently told by his boss that he pontificates too.

so we developed a hand signal that I give him so he knows when he sounds like, "blah, blah, blah" in a cat.

Since we have both agreed to hand signal in advance, it offended (charades is the symbol for "little word" just in case you think there a wayward finger involved). It works like a champ!


Let your children know in their terms, even $ 40,000 of student loan debt like their future.

If they pay $ 500 a month in loans (or $ 800 or $ 1,000), then this is equivalent to having to live at home to make ends meet.

or it might look like to be forced to have 3-4 roommates to pay the bills based on an average salary of $ 38,000 / year after graduation.

It also means the difference between driving a nice car or take public transport.

One can even say that once they are married and have children, they may not have the ability to allow a parent to stay home with the child because the two partners must work to pay student loans.

stick to your guns - but not shoot yourself in the foot

The College Conversation Every Parent Must Have With Their Kids — Your Complete Guide - TaxAct Blog

Before you have the critical chat with your senior high school student or course you need! to have this same conversation with yourself and / or your spouse.

You should ask yourself the following questions and come up with the answer that will set the limits of your own financial future and your child.

Remember, if you take advantage of your future retirement for their college expenses, then you will do them a long-term service because perhaps financial burden that you have them .

One of the best things you can do for your child is to be financially independent to need monetary help for your own retirement. Tweet this

Here are 8 questions you must first set

  • how their cost of education each school they are considering? Estimate a college cost calculator.
  • What is the income they can expect to earn from a job using their major or their profession? Go to to calculate.
  • How much money will they need after scholarships and grants to complete their college education? Go to FastWeb to find 1.5 million scholarships.
  • what they expect to do every summer between college semesters and / or during the year of a part-time job? (It is better to underestimate what they can do).
  • How much money is saved by going to a community college (living at home) for the first two years?
  • How many of your 529 and other savings plans can help you with college costs?
  • What is the expected amount of student loans they need and students interest rate loans> and how much they will pay per month and for how long? See my free tools to calculate the repayment of debt.
  • How much student loan debt can take you to your name without jeopardizing your retirement?

Once you have answered these questions and come to an understanding of what you can contribute, while critical discussion with your student about what is really possible in terms of choice colleges and what is impossible.

Here are some friendly reminders to help you stick to your guns during this difficult college conversation with your children:


never a Home Equity line of credit to pay for college. Tweet this

You have to keep the equity in your home for your own retirement nest egg. Do not damage your own future to pay for your child's future

It goes in the direction of the flight attendant when she gives instructions for the oxygen mask :. "If you are traveling with children, choose your own mask first, then help your child."

If you go unconscious financially because of a HELOC, then you can not help your child's future .

401 (k) s

Never borrow from a 401 (k) to pay for college for the same reasons that the HELOC. Tweet this


not ready not co-sign unless you can repay the WHOLE loan in full as you assume the same risk as your child.

One of our children have decided to try to go to a college that we do not support because it was too expensive.

Our child has tried to make us co-sign a loan of $ 20,000 for the value of a half of expenditure and we refused.

the result was a tense relationship, but in the long run, we stuck to our guns and had the painful task of watching this child to learn life's lessons the hard way.


Never put your home as collateral for a student loan. Tweet this

I had the unfortunate experience of seeing well-meaning parents lose their homes because their child defaults on private student loans where parents have up that kind of guarantee.

In fact, do not put up any kind of guarantee for any type of student loan.

A new mantra

not enough parents. have these critical conversations with their students and sooner is better than later when it comes time to have the tough talk

We have developed a mantra with our children and it was

I will go to school where I can get the best education possible for the least amount of student loan debt.

Remember that your child can not go into significant debt student loan without help from you (or another cosignator).

Therefore, it is not like they have leverage when they respond with "I'm 18, I can do what I want and I'll Berkeley."

Um, in fact, they can not go there unless they got a full driving scholarship, inherited a trust fund was $ 0,000 or a rich uncle decide to cover their expenses.

they can not get a lot of student loan debt without your signature.

they may need a paradigm shift that helps them see the reality of their situation and this is the new mantra comes.

for us, this mantra has led to 7 degrees without college student loan debt schools like Stanford (2013), USNA (2011), USAFA (2015), USMA (2017) , University of Texas (09), and Moody Institute (2012).

It also meant our students received scholarships, worked part-time during the year, worked during the summer have obtained internships, found a research assistant job, got the dual credit enrollment, received credit for their AP exams and achieved hours for CLEP tests.

If we can do it, you can do it as well and it all started with a series of critical discussions.

ACA premium tax credits Advance Continue

3:34 PM Add Comment
ACA premium tax credits Advance Continue -

ACA Advance Premium Tax Credits Continue - TaxAct Blog

The Thursday, June 25, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of tax subsidies for taxpayers eligible buying insurance through managed federal exchanges.

in short, advancing credit premium taxes continue.

This is good news for millions of Americans who are enrolled in health insurance through the federal market and receive tax subsidies to help offset costs.

How did we get here?

king c. Burwell is a lawsuit that went all the way to the Supreme Court.

He contested the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as "Obamacare," tax credits paid by the federal government in the 36 States that establish their own exchanges.

prosecution argued that the ACA, as written, did not give the authority of the federal government to pay APTC in these states.

If the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell had won, the federal government would no longer have been able to pay the Medicare tax credits in those States under the law on the current health

key reminders: ..

Report additional information on your tax return

If you buy health insurance through a government sponsored market (federal, state, or both) and receive the tax credit on advanced premiums, remember that you will need to report some more information on your tax return. Unless you qualify for an exemption, you are required to have health insurance coverage or face a penalty tax time comes.

Market Update with all the changes of life.

It is also important to remember that you must inform the market of any changes that you experienced your household status, income and insurance. This is important because the information is used to help you get the most accurate tax credit so that you need not part of the amount back when you file your taxes.

extension filers with the premium tax credit must file by July 31, 2015.

If you filed an extension for the year 2014 of tax and you bought a health insurance coverage through a market government-sponsored health insurance, do not put off filing for much longer, if you have not already occurred your statement. To keep your tax credit on advanced premiums for 2016, you must file your 2014 return last Friday, July 31, 2015.

Still need a health insurance coverage for 2015 ?

The open enrollment period for 2015 ended; However, you might be able to qualify for a special enrollment period due to a change of life. Open Enrollment for 2016 begins on 1 November 2015 and ends January 31, 2016.

As always, we keep track of all the tax law changes so that you do not need.

Your complete guide to the 8965 form - health coverage Exemptions

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Your complete guide to the 8965 form - health coverage Exemptions -

Your Complete Guide to Form 8965 — Health Coverage Exemptions - TaxACT Blog

What you need to know about the 8965 form

DID that if you are not covered by a health insurance plan qualified last year, you could face a penalty when filing your tax return?

Fortunately, you may be eligible for one of several exemptions available.

Although some of the exemptions require you to apply by the market (also known as an exchange), others may be claimed without submitting an application by filing IRS Form 8965 with your tax return returned.

What is the Form 8965, which must file?

IRS Form 8965, Health Coverage Exemptions, is the form you are filing to claim an exemption to waive the penalty for not having the minimum health insurance coverage.

Any person filing a tax return who is not eligible for health care coverage must file Form 8965.

If you have coverage through your employer, buy insurance through a contract or use private insurance, you do not need to file form 8965.

If you are not required to file a tax return because your income is too low, you also do not need to file form 8965.

If you do not have coverage and you do not qualify for an exemption, the spreadsheet form for 8965 is used to calculate your penalty (the TaxACT program will automatically for you).

Certain exemptions are as simple as checking a box on your return.

If your household or gross income is below the filing threshold and you are not required to have health insurance coverage, you do not need to provide additional documents or an exemption code when filing your return.

TaxACT will analyze your income level and check the appropriate box on your return if necessary.

TaxACT exemptions reports on your statement with a special code

TaxACT signals an exemption code on the 8965 form to the following exemptions:

  • coverage gap short - be without insurance for less than three months in 2014 (for 2015, it is two months without insurance)
  • unaffordable premiums defined as the minimum amount you have to pay would be more than 8 percent of your household income
  • unaffordable premiums defined as total cost of self-only two or more family members, employers or -sponsored cover the cost of any employer-sponsored coverage available for all family would be more than 8 percent of your household income
  • live abroad more than 330 full days during a period of 12 months, or live as a resident of another country
  • Living in the United States or a citizen or US national, or as an alien lawfully in the US
  • joining a health care sharing ministry
  • membership a federal Indian tribe recognized
  • incarceration, including being in a jail, prison or similar facility
  • the inscription in certain types of Medicaid and TRICARE programs not considered as a minimum cover (2014 only)
  • eligibility for coverage under an employer plan that you have not bought, which began in 2013 and ended in 2014 ( 2014 only)
  • buy insurance through the market during the initial enrollment period, but with a gap in coverage at the beginning of 2014
  • successful application for the children's health insurance program (CHIP) coverage during the initial enrollment period, but with a gap in coverage at the beginning of 2014
  • membership of a federal Indian tribe recognized

You must market approval to take these exemptions

Some exemptions must be granted by the market.

calling for the following exemptions, you must apply for and receive an exemption certificate number (ECN), which must be reported on your tax return (and thus, makes you exempt from paying the penalty):

  • membership in a health care sharing ministry
  • belonging to a federal Indian tribe recognized
  • incarceration, including being in a prison, a prison or similar facility
  • belonging to some religious sects
  • eligibility for services through an Indian health provider, such as a native American Indian, of Alaska, or spouse or a descendant of
  • the circumstances that prevent you from obtaining coverage
  • the lack of access to affordable coverage based on household income
  • Ineligibility for Medicaid only because you live in a state that does not participate in the Medicaid expansion under the affordable care Act
  • non-renewal of your policy -health and you consider unaffordable other planes

to receive your exemption and ECN, you must complete a form available on

once you sign and send the form with all required documentation, expect to hear back within two weeks.

However, it may take much longer than if the market has any questions or need more information.

therefore allow enough time to request ECN before you want to file your tax return.

Note that certain exemptions require both market approval and code to the exemption, but other exemptions require that one or the other.

If you request an exemption, but it is refused, do not give up. You have 0 days from the date of receipt of the notice of refusal to appeal the decision.

File a single 8965 form per household

So you need to ask a blanket exemption for each person in your household, you can report all exemptions for yourself and members of your family on a form 8965.

your home includes you, your spouse, and all those whom you assert (or could claim) as a dependent on your tax return.

If you are a dependent on the return of someone else, you do not have to worry about the penalty form or deposit 8965.

What is the difference between taxes on inheritance taxes?

1:32 PM Add Comment
What is the difference between taxes on inheritance taxes? -

What's the Difference between Estate Taxes and Inheritance Taxes? - TaxAct Blog

From 2015, you can have a property worth $ 5,430,000 before you need to worry about federal estate taxes in taking a bite of money and other assets you leave to your heirs.

is where the problem lies.

If taxpayers stop worrying about tax planning death altogether, their heirs could be in for a nasty surprise after death. The heirs or estate may have a considerable amount of money to the state, even if they have a penny of federal estate tax.

In many cases, the State Tax could have been avoided with more careful. Planning

the difference between inheritance and estate taxes

The main difference between inheritance and rights succession is who pays the tax. The clue is in the name.

property tax are paid by the estate of the deceased before the money is distributed to their heirs.

Inheritance tax are paid by the person inheriting money or property.

the federal government collects a property tax, although few taxpayers actually have the federal estate tax. This is because a deposit is required for estates with combined gross assets and prior taxable gifts over $ 5.43 million in 2015.

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have also an inheritance tax. As the federal estate tax, the estate tax is paid to the state before receiving any inheritance.

On the other hand, six states have an inheritance tax. These states are Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. (Maryland and New Jersey both goods and inheritance.)

Because the property tax is calculated on the estate, it does not matter who the beneficiaries of the estate are, after the estate is reduced by the property received by the spouse of the deceased.

For inheritance tax, however, the relationship between the deceased and the beneficiary is of great importance.

the widow or widower of the deceased is totally exempt from inheritance tax, and children do not pay tax or a reduced rate on estates. Other parents may also pay a reduced rate and only the legacy of a threshold amount.

Who is responsible for producing the succession of statements and the estate tax?

The executor must file a federal estate tax return and a declaration of succession of the state, if necessary. The executor pays the tax on real estate funds.

The executor also file a return of inheritance status for the estate, if they live in a state that has an inheritance tax and indicates the amount of each beneficiary receives.

The amount of each beneficiary of inheritance tax payable is calculated on this form.

How can I avoid paying inheritance of the state?

The most obvious way to avoid paying inheritance taxes of the state is to ensure that you live in a state that did not have them when you die. This is not practical or necessary for many people.

However, if you've split your time between two states, you can ensure that you can ask the state without inheritance as your home when you die. (The sunny weather is not the only reason why so many people call Florida their home!)

You may be able to reduce the amount of estate taxes that you need by transferring assets before dying the selection of beneficiaries who will pay little or no inheritance tax (such as your spouse, children, and relatives), or the implementation of various types of trusts.

If you have substantial assets and you are worried about the inheritance of the state, seek professional legal advice in your state. A little attention can now save your heirs a considerable amount of money - and frustration -. When they inherit your estate

How to File Taxes? - The ultimate tax guide for students

12:31 PM Add Comment
How to File Taxes? - The ultimate tax guide for students -

How to File Taxes? — A Tax Guide for College Students - TaxAct Blog

Whether you are in college for the first time or on your way to the finish your degree, being a student presents special financial challenges.

Know how the university could affect your taxes can help you plan ahead and identify the tax benefits that can make your finances a little easier when you hit the books.

Awards may be taxable or not taxable

Most scholarships are not taxable income. Scholarship and fellowship amounts that you use to pay your tuition, books, supplies and equipment while pursuing a degree are tax-free.

Generally, if you are paid for the services you need to make as a condition of the grant, you must include the payments in its taxable income.

education credits and deductions can save you money

the first credit, you should look into is the American opportunity credit. It pays to essentially the first installment of $ 2,000 you spend on tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment. If you qualify, it also gives you 25 percent of the next $ 2,000 return, for a maximum credit of up to $ 2,500. The American opportunity credit is good for four years of undergraduate study.

Another credit you should be aware is the Lifetime Learning Credit. It gives you a tax credit equal to 20 percent of tuition and certain related expenses up to $ 10,000. The maximum credit is $ 2,000.


Both studies are eliminated for higher-income taxpayers. If you are a dependent, you can not claim the credit, but your parents may be.

You can not use the same expenses for a tax benefit, and you can not claim both credits for the same student in the same year.

Avoid the penalty for not carrying health insurance

If you do not have health insurance in 2015, you might have to pay a $ 325 per person or 2 for penalty percent of your annual household income, whichever is greater. You should not worry about the penalty if you are not insured for more than two months of the year, or if your income is low enough that you need not file a tax return.

You may be able to get insurance fully or partially subsidized by health insurance markets, also known as exchanges. Your state may have its own market or you can use the health insurance market from the federal government.

If your parents have health insurance, you may be able to stay on their plan until you turn 26. The coverage probably isn 't free, but it is often cheaper than to try to buy insurance yourself.

How to tell if you need to file a tax return

as a student, you can not make enough money to have to file a tax return. However, if you work during the summer or enter a program of work / study in school, it may be time to start filing tax returns.

If you are not a dependent on your parents or someone else return, you usually file if your gross income is $ 10,300 or more for 2015 ($ 20,0 if filing jointly). If you file as head of household (usually because you have a child), you must file if your gross income is $ 13,250 or more.

Even if your gross income is lower, you may have to file if your parents or other people can ask you as a dependent on their return (if they actually do or not). If your filing status is single, you must file a return if any of the following conditions are true in 2015:

  • Your unearned income such as interest and dividends, was more $ 1,000, or
  • earned income, such as wages, was more than $ 6.300, or
  • your gross income was more than the greater of $ 1,000 or your earned income ( up $ 6.300) plus $ 350.

Even if you are not required to file a tax return, you must file if you had federal income tax or state withheld from your salary. It's worth the few minutes it takes to know if you have an upcoming tax refund.

7 ways to be military affects your taxes

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7 Ways Being in the Military Affects Your Taxes - TaxAct Blog

Being a member of the US Armed Forces can make a variety of unique challenges to your financial and family life. You can serve abroad for extended periods of time, travel for training and travel frequently. You can also hire special expenses such as the cost and maintenance of military uniforms.

special arrangements Fortunately, the IRS has designed for service members to help alleviate some of the headaches that can arise from these challenges.

Here is a look at the most common ways being a military man or woman can affect your taxes and liabilities to the IRS

1. not all income is taxable.

If you receive combat pay, you should not include it as taxable income. Similarly, you should not pay taxes on compensation received for living expenses and family, uniforms, spending deaths, displacement and travel expenses, group term life insurance and training professional.

However, you will pay income tax on the basis of compensation, such as paying for training and active duty service, bonuses and incentive money and repayment of student loans for specific programs .

2. Travel and accommodation costs are deductible

If you travel more than 100 miles and spend the night as a member of the National Guard or armed Forces reservist, you can take a tax deduction -. same if you do not itemize.

IRS allows you to deduct the amount you spend for travel and accommodation related to work, more than 50 percent of the cost of your meals. But be sure not to deduct more for the cost of food and accommodation for the federal daily rate for accommodation and meals allows.

3. military uniform costs may be deductible.

If you buy uniforms that are not suitable to wear when you're off, you can deduct the cost of buying with your miscellaneous itemized deductions. Any uniform cleaning and maintenance is also tax deductible.

However, unless the amount withheld is significant or if you included additional itemized deductions, you can not receive a tax benefit for that expense. You can only deduct the amount of the load, if included with other miscellaneous itemized deductions exceed 2 percent of your adjusted gross income.

4. The tax relief is provided for additional moving expenses.

Although the military pays for basic expenses, it is not uncommon to hire some moving expenses that are not covered. In this case, you can deduct unreimbursed on your tax return moving expenses without having to meet the distance requirements or time limits which are the standard for moving expenses deduction.

additional moving expenses are deducted as adjustments to income. You do not have to itemize to take advantage of this tax break.

5. You can keep your home state of residence.

Change State of residence if you often move can be a huge pain. Not only is it complicated to produce tax returns for multiple states, but you may end up paying more state taxes in one state against another.

Fortunately, if you move you, for military reasons, you can keep the residence in your home state. If you have a spouse, this directive applies to them too.

If at any time you live in a state that collects income tax, but keep the residence of the state in a state that has not, in general the new State can 't do apply the income tax.

again, if your employer in the new state will withhold income tax from your pay, you can file a nonresident return to that state to receive a refund.

6. More time to file your return is available.

The additional time to file your tax return may be allowed if you are stationed overseas or are in a combat zone during tax filing season.

when serving overseas, you automatically have more time to file your tax return without having to request an extension. But this extension is only until June 15. If you need more time, make sure to request an extension that gives you until October 15 to submit your return.

If you serve in a combat zone, the IRS gives you more time to file your taxes. You have 180 days from the date of your return from the combat zone or your last date continues hospitalization for injuries received while serving in a combat zone to file your return.

The 180 days are in addition to the number of days you were allowed to settle in when you entered the combat zone. And without interest or penalties will be your responsibility during this extension.

Keep in mind while extensions give you more time to file, any tax you owe must be paid by the regular due date of the return.

7. Some military members are eligible for tax breaks for death.

If the survivors of a service member who died during active service receive a death gratuity of $ 100,000, this amount is

tax free.

Furthermore, if a service member dies while serving in a combat zone or in support of combat operations, the tax liabilities of the service member to the IRS are forgiven. This includes tax for the year of death, and potentially all previous years.

file for free and get the guaranteed maximum refund you deserve with TaxAct

With so many tax advantages available, it can quickly become difficult to determine what fits your situation specific. Fortunately, TaxAct can help. No matter how complex your return, simply answer a few easy questions TaxAct, and you can produce your federal and state returns fast, easy and FREE. With TaxAct all US active duty military, reservists and may file both statements of federal and state income completely free. It is their way of saying thank you for all that you do.

Enjoy simply offers up to receive your free 2016 Premium Pack. Your discount will appear when you enter your EIN next spring military.

1099-MISC Deadlines for 2016 and new state Filing Requirements

10:29 PM Add Comment
1099-MISC Deadlines for 2016 and new state Filing Requirements -

1099-MISC Deadlines for 2016 and New State Filing Requirements - TaxAct Blog
Mark your calendar now so you do not miss important deadlines in the preparation and filing.

2016 federal forms - Beneficiaries and IRS e-file deadlines

The following table includes key dates you'll want to remember to pass significant tax forms and for electronic filing them with the IRS. Note :. dates 1095-C have been revised according to IRS Notice 2016-4

form because of beneficiary E-file to the IRS
1099- MISC February 1, 2016 March 31, 2016
1099-MISC boxes 8 or 14
February 15, 2016 March 31, 2016
Other 1099 Forms
3921, 3922
February 1, 2016 March 31, 2016
W-2 February 1, 2016 March 31, 2016
1042-S March 15, 2016 March 15, 2016
1094-C 1095-C
(Affordable Care Act )
February 1, 2016 March 31, 2016

Note: E-file maturities usually March 31, while the deposit by the paper is February 28.

for more information on the dates of deposit and other specific forms that 1099-MISC, please see https: / /

state requirements

the following table includes the state's filing requirements. CSF refers to Combined state / federal program where the IRS before 1099-MISC information about the condition. In some states, it is necessary to file by paper; click the State link to learn more. In Massachusetts, Oregon and soon in Pennsylvania, state files can be downloaded from Track1099.

State CSF Not required required
Alabama x
Alaska x
Arizona x
Arkansas x
California x
Colorado x
Delaware x
Florida x
Georgia x
Hawaii x
Idaho x
Pub 110
Kansas x
specifications for the electronic submission
required if the source
Louisiana x
Maine x
Maryland x
x x
Michigan x
Minnesota x
Mississippi x
Missouri x
Montana x
Nebraska x
Nevada x
New Hampshire x
New Jersey x
NM x
New York x
North Carolina x
ND x
Ohio x
electronic filing FAQ
Oregon x
1099-Misc Overview
Rhode Island
holding forms the source
W-2 magnetic deposit media Requirements
required if the source
SC x
South Dakota x
federal form 1099
Texas x
employer Guide tax withholding
compulsory if the restraint
Vermont x
Virginia x
Washington x
West Virginia
required if the source
Wisconsin x
Wyoming x

7 FAQ to better understand the 1095-C form

9:28 PM Add Comment
7 FAQ to better understand the 1095-C form -

7 FAQs to Better Understand Form 1095-C - TaxAct Blog

From this January, in addition to your regular W-2 form from your employer you can receive a new form related to the affordable care Act; Form 1095-C.

If you bought or received health insurance outside of Medicare exchanges in 2015, and you have worked for a major employer, to find 1095-C form health insurance provided by the employer and offer coverage , to arrive in your mailbox. A copy of this form will also be sent to the IRS.

This is the first year the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has required most companies to provide the 1095-C form. Employers have until 31 March 2016 to distribute the form.

What 1095-C form?

Form 1095-C reports to the IRS that you have a minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and months of the year you had coverage.

Why is it so important to prove that I had a minimum essential coverage?

under the ACA, you must have coverage for yourself, your spouse and your dependents for ten months of the year in 2015, or you may have to pay a penalty.

This penalty is called "shared Individual payment of liability."

penalty for 2015 yields (due April 18, 2016) is the highest of:

  • 2 percent of your household income, or
  • $ 325 per adult and $ 162.50 per child under 18 (up to $ 975 for a family)

While penalties for 2015 are stiff, they spike even higher in 2016If you do not meet the minimum essential coverage requirements in 2016, the trouble you might face is the greater of 2 5 percent of your household income or $ 695 per adult and $ 347.50 per child under 18 (up to $ 2,085 for a family).

There are many exceptions, however, it may mean that you will not be liable for the penalty.

What is the difference between form 1095-A, 1095 B and 1095 C?

Form 1095-A, Statement of the insurance market disease is for people who have health insurance the insurance market disease, often called an exchange.

When preparing your federal return in 2015, you will need to use this information to complete your income tax return, claim input tax credits on premiums and settle tax credit payments.

Form 1095-B, health coverage, should come in the mail if you purchased or received insurance outside of an exchange.

Form 1095-C, provided by the employer illness insurance provides coverage and is required by companies that meet the conditions to qualify as applicable large employers.

This usually includes employers with more than 50 full-time employees in the previous calendar year.

How can I enter information 1095-C form in TaxAct?

TaxAct easy Q & A interview will ask you questions about your coverage, including how many months you have had insurance coverage and has been covered by the plan.

you should be able to find answers to your 1095-C form. If everyone included in your tax return had coverage for all 12 months of 2015, you just check a box and you're done!

If you or someone else was missing a blanket, TaxAct will then guide you to enter the appropriate information.

Should I attach the 1095-C form on my tax return?

No. 1095-C form is only for your records. Do not attach it to your return. Your employer has already sent a copy of this form to the IRS, which will be used to match the information you enter.

I want to file my tax return, but my 1095-C form is not yet come. What should I do?

You do not have to wait to receive the 1095-C form to your return. Just enter the information you know about your coverage by answering questions throughout TaxAct Q & A interview.

Once you receive the form, keep it in a safe place in case you need to reference later.

Can I get a copy of the 1095-C form for my adult children who are on my insurance plan?

Your employer is only required to provide a 1095-C form as the holder of the primary font. If you have other people on your plan, such as adult children, you need to make copies for them so they can prepare their tax returns.

A quick and easy guide to file a tax return for a series (Form 1041)

8:27 PM Add Comment
A quick and easy guide to file a tax return for a series (Form 1041) -

How to File an Income Tax Return for an Estate (Form 1041) - TaxAct Blog

If you are the personal representative for someone who died recently, you might need to file form 1041, tax return of estates and trusts for their estate.

However, each succession requires a declaration of succession. Sometimes all you need to do as a personal representative is sure an income tax on individual income is classified for the year of death.

Here's how to determine if you should file a property tax on Form 1041.

There are four different statements of income, you may need to drop after the death of an individual:

form 1040, US individual income Tax .

After a person dies, a personal representative must file a tax return on income, covering the period from 1 January to the date of death of the person.

If the person was married, the surviving spouse can file jointly with the deceased for the year of death. The representative must also file for all previous years, if necessary.

Form 1041, Tax Return US income for estates and trusts.

This is commonly known as a tax return on income succession. It covers the income and other tax items for the deceased's estate. However, tt should not be confused with a declaration of succession.

Form 706 , United States Estate Tax Return.

Unless the succession is important, you may not need to file the return. Form 706 is required if the gross estate at the time of death of the individual exceeds $ 5.43 million (in fiscal 2015) or to spend any amount of exclusion used for the surviving spouse.

Form 709 Gift Tax Return United States.

This is another form that you may not need to file. Form 709 is required if the deceased made a taxable gift before death for which they file a gift tax return.


As the personal representative of an estate, you must file Form 1041 to the estate if it has more than $ 0 income for the year or if any of the beneficiaries of the estate is a nonresident alien

income of the estate includes, but not limited to :. interest, dividends, wages of the deceased acquired but do not get after death, and received rent money.

as soon as you distribute real estate assets less likely they are to generate income for the estate. If the real estate assets are held jointly and therefore pass directly to the surviving spouse, they do not generate income for the estate.

Filing of tax return on income succession of the

The fiscal year for the succession begins on the date of death of the person. If you are the legal representative of the estate, you have the option to file the tax return on income of the estate at any time during the twelve months following the death.

The only requirement is the tax period shall end on the last day of the month you choose to file. If you choose to file the return before the twelfth calendar month, the estate is then deemed to have a taxation year.

In order to pursue the filing process, you first need a taxpayer identification number (TIN) for the estate, you can apply on the website of the IRS.

After obtaining TIN areas, following TaxAct easy step by step guidance makes filing a simple declaration of income tax of the estate.

TaxAct prompts you to enter the income of the estate, such as rents, dividends and interest received. In addition, the software will ask you if there are deductible expenses, including:

  • mandatory distributions of income to the beneficiaries
  • costs Executor
  • legal , accounting and other professional fees
  • administrative costs
  • various deductions, including office supplies and investment advice. (The field can only deduct miscellaneous deductions to the extent they exceed 2 percent of adjusted gross income.)

Information on each beneficiary to whom the estate can pass the income must be reported.

by entering recipient information, TaxAct prepare a Schedule K-1 for each beneficiary, which documents the income they received and can be used for their own purposes of tax reporting.

preparing a Schedule K-1, so the estate can report a deduction for the amount of income on his 1041 form for generating income are taxed only once.


After completing the preparation Form 1041, be sure to drop by the deadline of tax return (April 18, 2016 April 19, 2016 for residents of Maine or Mass .).

If the estate has a taxation year, the deadline to file is 15 e day of the fourth month following the end of the tax year.

Also, be sure to pay any tax due by the assets of the estate and distribute Schedule K-1 to recipients showing their share of distributions.

tax deductions for non-commercial Bad debts

7:26 PM Add Comment
tax deductions for non-commercial Bad debts -

Tax Deductions for Non-business Bad Debts - TaxAct Blog

Have you lost money to a loan that you will never collect? If you answered yes, the good news is you're not alone. Many of us have lent money to a friend or relative at some point.

And first intention may have been good, there are times when things do not go according to plan. Payments stop coming, and finally, you realize that you'll never see your money again.

While you get in this situation is unfortunate, you might be able to take solace in the form of a tax deduction - .. even if you do not own a business

If the amount lent is a large sum, it is possible to absorb money in the year the debt is uncollectible

Here's how.

Identify if it is bad or business nonbusiness debt

bad debt business is exactly how it sounds. - Debt that has just operated a trade or business.

Poor nonbusiness debt is basically nothing else. If you lend money from your personal bank account to a family member, and he or she will repay you is nonbusiness bad debt.

Determine whether you can apply for bad debt on your tax return.

to claim a nonbusiness bad debt as a deduction on your tax return, the debt must have been declared fully irrecoverable.

a debt is uncollectible after trying all reasonable means to collect on her and were unsuccessful. It is also considered uncollectible if the borrower files for bankruptcy and the debt is discharged.

Once nonbusiness bad debt is uncollectible, it is then considered completely "worthless", which means you have no chance of being repaid, and you can provide proof that you are guaranteed debt to protect your investment. At this point, you can deduct the bad debt on your tax return.

However, if you secured debt as a friend, no consideration in return and the debt goes wrong, then it is considered a gift rather than a loan. And as you might be able to guess, gifts can not be used as a write on your tax return that nonbusiness bad debts.

your bad debt paper.

To take a tax deduction for bad debts, you must show that you have a legal debt and you can not win on it. Be sure to keep track of the following information:

  • Note or agreement proving that you have a legal binding debt You do legal paperwork mountains, but you. need to have at least one document showing he had an agreement with the borrower that you had to pay. Otherwise it will be determined that you made a nondeductible gift. An oral agreement can be allowed, but writing is always better.
  • debtor name . Make sure to include information or its business relationship with you.
  • Documents indicating your basic debt . Keep track of the amount of money that you lent. You can not take a deduction for bad debt for the money you never received, as uncollected child support.
  • Documentation showing that you have tried to collect on the debt. letters, emails and phone calls notes are examples of documentation that will work.
  • additional documentation indicating why the debt is worthless . For example, if the borrower goes bankrupt, you'll want to keep this documentation. You can not deduct the debts if they are totally worthless.

Enter the bad debt on your tax return.

While having a bad debt is never a good situation to be, you have a few options to help offset the loss.

But there are a few details to pay attention.

to deduct a bad debt, you must have included the amount in your income or loaned cash

for example, you can not claim a bad debt for the money you were expecting receive for the repair of cooling your sister - although it has promised to pay. You need hard evidence to prove the reimbursement was understood by all parties, and the debt must be declared totally worthless.

If you are able to claim the bad debt on your tax return, you must complete the Form 8949, Sales and other capital provisions.

The bad debt will be treated as a loss of short-term capital by first reducing capital gains in your statement, then reduce up to $ 3,000 of other income, such as salaries.

If you can not take the full deduction in the year of loss, you can refer to later years.

If you have already filed a return for the year in which the debt became worthless, the file Form 1040X, Amended US individual income return Tax , with Form 8949.

for seven years from the due date for your original tax return to file a deduction for bad debts bad or two years from the date you paid the tax for this year, if is later.

What happens if a bad debt comes back to life?

Say you have given up to repay a loan and decided to take a tax deduction for nonbusiness bad debt.

If you collect later on this debt, some or the entire amount that you received may be considered taxable income to you.

However, you must pay income tax on the amount of bad debts that effectively reduces your taxes.

This could end up being less than the amount you claimed when you file your return with the deduction of bad debts.

Understand the difference between the itemized deductions and the standard deduction

6:25 PM Add Comment
Understand the difference between the itemized deductions and the standard deduction -

Understanding the Difference between Itemized Deductions vs  the Standard Deduction - TaxAct Blog

Detailed and standard deductions can be confusing - especially if you are relatively new for filing a tax return.

Some people try to detail when they are better off using the standard deduction. On the other hand, some taxpayers avoid detail because it seems too difficult -. Even when detailing the deductions could save money

Here are some key concepts that you must understand to get the best itemized deductions of tax savings or standard deduction, without spending more time on your taxes necessary.

You can claim itemized deductions or the standard deduction, but not both

the standard deduction is a fixed amount that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows you to deduct from your taxable income. This amount is based on your filing status, age and other factors.

Instead of taking the standard deduction, you can claim all the deductions you are entitled to in Annex A. We call itemize your deductions.

Some people can not take the standard deduction

you can not take the standard deduction if you are married filing separately and your spouse lists the deductions.

you can not also detail when you file for a tax period of less than one year, or if you were an alien or dual status of non-residents during the year.

you typically need significant benefit deductions to itemize

If you have only a few deductions, you probably should not itemize. You are better off using the standard deduction

Do not worry about picking up receipts for itemize deductions unless you can have more of these standard deduction amounts :.

2015 standard amounts Deduction:

State deposit standard Deduction
Filing Married jointly $ 12,0
qualifying Widow (er) with a dependent child $ 12,0
Single $ 6,300
householder $ 9,250
Married Filing separately $ 6,300

Keep in mind that you are allowed additional standard deduction if you are 65 or older at the end of the tax year or if you are blind.

If you are a dependent of someone else, like your parents, your standard deduction is the greater of $ 1.050 or your earned income (such as wages) over $ 350, but the total may not exceed the basic standard deduction for your filing status ..

If you have a high income, your deductions may be limited

If your adjusted gross income is within certain limits, your allowable itemized deductions are reduced. The limits are $ 258,250 if you file as single; $ 309,00 for married filing jointly or qualifying Widow (er); $ 154,950 for married filing separately; or $ 284,050 if you file as head of household.

The standard deduction is not reduced when your income is higher. However, if you are subject to the alternative minimum tax, you may be better off taking itemized deductions.

Certain deductions do not count after reaching a "floor"

If you have certain itemized deductions, such as medical expenses, you may be expected to benefit from itemize your deductions.

However, medical expenses only to improve your tax bill when they are quite substantial. You can deduct most of the medical expenses to the extent they exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross income (7.5 percent if you or your spouse age 65 or older at the end of the tax year) .

The exception to this is the cost of medical insurance if you are self-employed. You can deduct the premiums for health insurance for self-employed as an income adjustment, even if you itemize deductions.

Personal exemptions are more deductions

Each personal exemption you claim reduces your taxable income of $ 4,000 (2015). This is in addition either the standard deduction or itemized deductions.

When in doubt, enter your itemized deductions in TaxAct.

It is not difficult to find and enter your itemized deductions in the tax software. For your main itemized deductions such as mortgage interest costs to home, you've probably already received a form in the mail showing how to enter.

Do not forget about charitable donations, including non-monetary contributions. Enter the information to take a tax deduction on the sales or state income tax, if it applies to you. You might be surprised how quickly the deductions add up.

TaxAct calculates your standard deduction and compares your allowable itemized deductions, and allows you to decide which one to claim.

Do not feel bad if you do not have enough deductions to itemize

Some people are disappointed when they do not receive detail. They may have bought a house and they heard about how much they would save on taxes next year. He then reveals their total deductions are less than their itemized deductions.

The best way to think about it is that your deductions do you any good. It's just that the standard deduction was even better. It has nothing to feel bad about.

Have you always enter your deductions, even if you do not usually end up detail?

Policy are tax-deductible contributions to

5:24 PM Add Comment
Policy are tax-deductible contributions to -

Are political contributions tax deductible? - TaxAct Blog
As presidential election this year season hums, total campaign contributions far exceeded 800 million dollars - and they continue to increase. With this level of funding, a question is sure to come to mind - are tax-deductible contributions for political

The short answer? No.

Most political contributions, whether local, regional or national, are not tax deductible and have not been For years. So if you happen to be one of many who give political candidates campaign funds, do not expect to derive any of these contributions on your next tax return.

And the same thing for a return business. In most cases, political contributions are not considered viable as a business expense and are therefore not deductible.

When writing checks to a political party can not help your tax bill, there are ways to financially support a cause you believe in and still get a tax benefit in the process. You just have to find a charity that qualifies for tax deductible contributions.

tax qualified charities are not allowed to pressure or give money to a candidate, political party or political action committee (PAC). However, under the banner of "education", they can help convince people on relevant issues that could have an impact on the final result of the election.

How do I know if the gifts to charities are tax deductible?

Only contributions to 501 (c) (3) organizations are tax deductible. These nonprofit organizations have been designated as charities by the IRS.

To help clarify any confusion, specific details about the type of IRS organization and if donations are tax deductible, must be clearly indicated by the charity.

If you are still in doubt the IRS has an online tool that can help. The Check Selection Tool Research Exempt Organizations allows you to search for organizations and finding certain information about their status.

Please note that all organizations are listed and some use "doing business as" names, meaning that they operate their business under a name that is different from their registered legal name. In this case, the search by the registered name may not appear in the database.

what about other non-profit organizations that support the causes that I believe in?

If you want to donate to most non-profit organizations of social protection, otherwise known as 501 (c) (4) organizations in the world of taxation, you must do so without receiving a tax benefit.

However, there are some exceptions.

Donations to Veterans organizations with 0 percent of war vet members and volunteer fire departments can be deducted on your tax return .

do you think that donations to political candidates should be tax deductible?

Weekly Favorites: repay the debt of student loans, year-end tax strategies, Congress dumping $ 1 Bill

4:23 PM Add Comment
Weekly Favorites: repay the debt of student loans, year-end tax strategies, Congress dumping $ 1 Bill -

weekly favorites: December 14, 2012

Save money to repay the loan debt for students by Ellie Kay
I believe that every person can be free to the concern of student loan debt and pay by following the steps to save money. Continue reading ...

6 tax planning year-end smart to consider by Kay Bell
advised taxpayers know they need to make some movements taxes before each new year to reduce their tax bills when they file their returns next year. Continue reading ...

News Summary: Congress weighs dumping the bill $ 1 by Businessweek
Congress takes another look the suppression of dollar bills in favor of dollar coins. Congressional auditors say it could save taxpayers some $ 4.4 billion over the next 30 years. Continue reading ...

Weekly Favorites: Differences between the 1040 federal tax forms, new draft tax law, financial literacy, 2013 Tax rate Questions

3:22 PM Add Comment
Weekly Favorites: Differences between the 1040 federal tax forms, new draft tax law, financial literacy, 2013 Tax rate Questions

- Weekly Favorites - TaxACT

weekly Favorites: January 4, 2013

the difference between form 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ by Teresa S.
would have known the real differences between the 1040 federal income tax form? These forms are actually much more similar than many people think. The only real difference between the forms is the amount of information provided. Continue reading ...

Rich Pay More Under New Tax Bill via Bankrate
When President Barack Obama signs the measure, the tax rate on income above will up 39.6 percent. Continue reading ...

Make financial literacy a permanent quest via Bankrate
Today's children grow up in a world where financial matters have become more complex. As financial services evolve and tax laws change, financial literacy is more important than ever. Continue reading ...

What is your 2013 tax rates and other issues Fiscal Cliff Tax Bill by Kay Bell
Keeping track of all fiscal cliff machinations these few days left me feeling like a special agent who just finished a crazy mission and debriefing is facing today. Continue reading ...

Image Source: Azuaje

A 10-step guide to help you get out of debt

2:21 PM Add Comment
A 10-step guide to help you get out of debt -

10 Steps to Become Debt-Free

Do you have debts? - ?. Student loans, credit card debt, auto loans, mortgages

From time to time, we must face the horrors of pay debts

The problem is that the situation often creates a vicious circle. One type of debt led to another and by the time you realize you are buried neck-deep in financial difficulties.

Living a debt free existence is possible, as long as you are willing to review your financial habits and introduce some lifestyle changes.

This is a 10-step guide that can help you get out of debt.

Determining Absolute Essentials

Let's face it - we live in the world of consumers. We are all used to buy new things, upgrading gadgets we already have and the expansion of our wardrobes.

Just stop and take some time to think about it.

Do you really need all the items you purchase on a regular basis? Can you cut out some expenses?

Working on a list of absolute essentials will help you to minimize expenses, which will ultimately prevent you from accumulating more debt.

Find Purchase Options cheaper

Some commercial changes will be needed when trying to lead a life without debt. It will be simple enough to reduce your monthly expenses by making smart and thrifty purchases.

Get bulk grocery will minimize the cost. Large packages will also be cheaper.

You can plan your household needs and get on a big shopping trip once a month. This way, you will get all the necessities and save money.

The credit card

Your credit card is a great source of emergency funds, but you will get into debt by taking advantage of this opportunity.

Stop using your credit card to make payments. Instead, get new items only when you have money.

Check your credit card statements frequently.

In this way, you ensure that you are not losing money because of a fraud scheme. If you notice something unusual, you should consider consulting a forensic accountant.

stop accumulating debt

To deal with the debt you already have, you should probably find ways to stop accumulating more debt.

The decision to stop using your credit card is one of the simplest ways to stop debt accumulation.

Cutting spending is equally important. This is a very important step you must take to break the vicious circle.

Draft a repayment plan

Now that you have stopped accumulating new debts, you are ready to come up with a repayment plan.

Structure your payments and how much money you need to repay your debts will make it easier to organize and determine the best financial strategy.

again, having a goal will also make it easier for you to save money.

Change Your Mindset

to save money, you should be prepared for a change of mentality.

Stop thinking as a consumer.

Many people are compulsive buyers. Think twice before you buy something. Did you really need? Can you go a month or two without having to buy these products?

Once you get in the habit of questioning your spending desires, you find it much easier to refuse the temptation.

Start saving!

Saving money is much easier than many people believe whatsoever.

Come with a monthly savings goal. At first it should be a small portion of your income. When you get used to it, you can increase the percentage.

You can consider getting a part time job that will help you in the attempt to save. All the money you get from your second job must be placed immediately into a savings account.

You will have even more motivated to save, once you see the dollars pile up.

Find a cheap loan to refinance

refinance existing debt is generally a good idea. Some loans come with attractive interest rates that make much more sense for you to get this money and end all of the debt you're dealing with.

Be very careful when crossing loans and refinancing options. Compare the opportunities side by side to determine which offer the best conditions.

Consulting a professional in the niche will help because you may have trouble understanding all the terms.

Select Good Budgeting Tools

Internet applications can be effectively used to simplify many everyday tasks. budgeting tools can be something quite beneficial for you.

The application fee budget can help you keep track of expenses, pay installments of the debt on time and save money.

Involve your family

You will face enormous challenges in trying to manage the debt on your own. To succeed, you need to get your family involved.

Ensure that all your family members to understand the current situation.

Describing your realistic financial difficulties will stimulate everyone to limit spending and to contribute to the family savings account.

Try to find a family emergency fund to be used only in exceptional circumstances.

Having to deal with debt is part of modern life. The number of families who live a debt-free life is limited

. You can join this group of individuals, as long as you are willing to do some financial planning. Some baby steps in terms of changing your spending with a credit card and savings habits will help you go a long way

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11 opportunities to Slash Bills College [Infographic]

1:20 PM Add Comment
11 opportunities to Slash Bills College [Infographic] -

Have you just cringe whenever you get those college bills in the mail?

Looking for ways to possibly get some of that cash back?

Here is an infographic that summarizes the tax benefits of education set out in the College Tax Whiz tool.

. Click image to enlarge

11 Opportunities to Slash College Bills

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Copy and paste the code below:

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Payroll Tax Cut: How to Bump Your Take-Home Pay Back Up

12:19 PM Add Comment
Payroll Tax Cut: How to Bump Your Take-Home Pay Back Up -

Payroll Tax Cut Heres How to Help

Do you feel the pain of your reduced salary from the beginning of 'year?

when the deduction of tax on the temporary payroll ended in December, our tax deductions for social security rose to 6.2% of our gross earnings.

He was only 4.2% when the temporary reduction in force.

2% more of your salary may not seem like a huge amount. But on a salary of $ 2,000 per pay period, which is $ 40.

If you look at your dollars that could have been paying on a credit card account, or the cost of milk for a month.

There's just one more reason you may find that you are short of money before you run out of month.

If you're like many Americans, however, who have too much income tax withheld from their wages, you can hit the net pay back up to the amount you get last year, without risk of having a tax bill next April.

if to get paid now

it is your money and you should get it now - not next year. The average American taxpayer gets a refund of about $ 3,000 per year. That is $ 250 per month. That's a lot of gas and lunch money, or better yet, the money to pay off credit card debt

There's your money, and you should get now -. Not in a year. ( tweet this )

In fact, when you carry the 18% credit card debt, leaving the government to take your money and you pay no interest everything, so you pay interest for the credit card company, costing you money.

another reason why you should not use overwithholding like a savings plan is that if you need money for an emergency, you will not be able to get it.

what if overwithholding is the only way I can save money?

If it seems that the only way you can save money is to not see the first, you're onto something.

However, you can find better ways to automatically put the money into savings of having Uncle Sam hold it for you.

for example, you can increase the amount you deducted for the pension plan from your employer. This could reduce your tax bill, too.

Another option is to have the amount automatically transferred from your account to your savings account every month, preferably right after you get paid.

You'll get the same effect, but your money is under your control, and earn interest for you.

How to adjust your W-4

TaxACT provides a Q & A section to help you determine the best way for you to file a W-4 form.

Click Next Year Main tab, and go through the W-4 form section. Enter the numbers of this year to the best of your knowledge.

If you have completed the return of last year's TaxACT shows the comparison of numbers to make it easier.

Once you go through the form W- section 4, print the form and take it to his employer pays for your service. You do not have to send it to the IRS.

That's all there is to it!

When you get your next paycheck, take note of how your tax withholding has changed.

must go through the section W-4 form when your situation changes; For example, if your spouse starts or stops working or you get a raise. You should also look again at the beginning of each year, or when you do your tax return and want to refine the amount you deducted again.

When was the last time you reassessed your withholding tax on income

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10 ways to save money on your car Next Purchase

11:18 AM Add Comment
10 ways to save money on your car Next Purchase -

10 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Car Purchase by TaxACT

Are you in the market for a new vehicle? Do you have a plan for your next car purchase

Getting a new car is a major financial decision - ?. Even when you have the luxury of planning the purchase of your car in advance

a crucial factor which must be taken fully into account is the method you use to pay for your new car.

For example, some people choose to finance their vehicle by the dealer, while others ask for a loan through their credit union or bank.

Moreover, some car buyers prefer to pay cash in full so they can own their vehicle outright, avoiding the monthly payments car.

Save money on your next car purchase by keeping the following tips in mind:

10 Ways to Save Money on you Car Purchase - TaxACT

1. Place the loan and pay cash

If possible, pay in full for your car using money can save you a significant piece of money you would otherwise spend on interest alone.

In addition, some dealers also offer cash discounts to customers, as well.

2. Compare prices at multiple concessions

If nothing else, shop around several dealers will at least give you an idea of ​​what you can expect to get for your price range -. And an advantage when negotiating, as

3. Research your car in advance

Before you go looking for a car dealer or private party, make -you know the market value of the vehicle you want.

The best way is to research prices Kelley Blue Book for each make and model. You can also view the report for consumption for the car, as well.

4. Choose used newest

Buying a car that is several years old will give you the opportunity to get more of the features you want at a lower price.

5. Do not be afraid to negotiate

It never hurts to negotiate the price of the car, especially if you notice minor defects. Most of the time, you can lower the price at least several hundred dollars just by knowing the value of the car and be ready to withdraw if the price is not right.

This applies to both auto and individual dealers.

6. Use your old car to trade in credit

Many dealers will let you negotiate in your old vehicle for a credit to the new vehicle for sale -. Some even accept a compromise in paying down

7. Be aware of the total costs

In order to save money when buying a car it is very important to make sure that you consider all of the costs.

This includes the interest rate, additional features, insurance and registration. While it may seem that save you money when you look at the monthly payment, you can get charged more when the interest rate is taken into account.

8. Remain patient in your search

Starting your search with the mindset that you drive home in a new car the same day is one of the worst things you can do when it comes to trying to save money when buying a car.

This can lead to impulse buying, which is almost always mean spending more money.

9. Compare funding programs

Just as individual dealers have different prices on their vehicles, you will find funding programs that are better than others.

Plan to have at least three options to compare before choosing one.

10. Read the fine print on the loan

It is essential to ensure that you will not be subject to penalties for paying your car faster.

On a final note, it is also important to go to the dealership with a plan. Know in advance the type of updates you want so that in the excitement of buying a new car, you do not allow you agree unnecessary up-selling and add-on packages.

you it is easier to save money when buying a car if you already have a well thought out plan in place.

do you have a plan in place heading into your next car purchase?

photo credit: Lawrence Whittemore via photopin cc

Weekly Favorites: ways to teach children about taxes, duties April 15 tax, Social Media Spying Tax

10:17 PM Add Comment
Weekly Favorites: ways to teach children about taxes, duties April 15 tax, Social Media Spying Tax -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites: April 12, 2013

Weekly Favorites : April 12, 2013

3 (Good) ways to teach children about taxes via LearnVest
Nobody enjoys paying taxes, but the next time you are with your children and you encounter a fire truck rushing to the rescue, report it to your children and say: Look! So does our tax money used to help someone who really needs help ... Continue reading.

More April 15 tax Tasks via Bankrate
Great job you need to fill this period ends and filing your tax return 2012 or Form 4868, which will give you a extension until October 15 to file your tax return. Remember, if you get extra time to file the forms, you must still send what you expect of duty, or a close approximation of the amount ... Continue reading.

Social Media Spying Tax via Bankrate
you might want to reconsider bragging on Facebook about buying a Ferrari when you post just an annual income of $ 30,000 on your 1040. Or at least tighten privacy controls on social media account ... Continue reading.

Is it something that you met this week that caught your attention? We'd love to hear. Leave it in the comments below

Photo credit:.! Stuck in Customs via photopin cc


Tax gift: Do I pay the gift tax when someone gives me money

9:16 PM Add Comment
Tax gift: Do I pay the gift tax when someone gives me money -

Gift Tax: Do I have to pay gift tax when someone gives me money? - TaxAct Blog

Last day for the taxation year 2015 [

Surprise - mom and dad gave you a nice check! Perhaps it is enough for dinner, or perhaps it is more of an "early inheritance."

Anyway, do you need to worry about paying tax on your gift?

Annual limits before the IRS takes notice

First, a gift must be large enough before the IRS notes.

a gift of $ 14,000 or less in a calendar year (2015 and 2016) do not even realize.

If a couple is a common property donation, the IRS considers the gift to give half each. Mom and Dad can give $ 28,000 without worries.

A couple may also give an additional gift of up to $ 14,000 to each of his son-or daughter-in-law.

The efficacy annual limit of a couple to another couple, therefore, is $ 56,000 ($ 14,000 x 4 = $ 56,000).

Gift Tax: Do I have to pay gift tax when someone gives me money? - TaxAct Blog

gifts that do not count

Some money transfers never considered gifts, regardless of the amount.

for the gift tax, there is not a gift if:

  • is given to a husband or wife who is a US citizen. Special rules apply to spouses who are not US citizens.
  • is paid directly to an educational institution or medical for medical expenses of a person or tuition. (It does not need to be a child, or even a parent, for this exception.)

Tax on gifts are not a problem for most people

the person making the gift filing the tax return the gifts, if any, and pay no taxes.

If someone gives you more than the exclusion amount of tax on the annual donation ($ 14,000 in 2015 and 2016), the dealer must file a tax return on donations . That does not mean they are the gift tax.

For example, someone gives you $ 20,000 in a year, and you and the dealer are both unique. The donor must file a tax on the gift, showing a donation of more than $ 6,000. ($ 20,000 - $ 14,000 = $ 6,000 exclusion)

Each year, the amount that a person gives others the annual exclusion accumulates until it reaches the shelf life excluding tax gift.

Currently, a taxpayer does not pay gift tax until they have given more than $ 5,430,000 in life (2015).

Is the gift recipient ever having to pay gift tax?

If the donor does not pay taxes, the IRS can collect from you.

However, most donors who can afford to make large enough gifts to be subject to tax on the gift can also afford to pay the tax on donations.

Beans and other cheap secrets of healthy eating

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Beans and other cheap secrets of healthy eating -

Dry Beans and Other Cheap Secrets of Healthy Eating | TaxACT

If you try to understand how to eat healthy without spending your whole paycheck at Whole Foods, look no further than your mom.

Let's just take the diet of the family on the job to my home in the mid 0s this was pre-Internet. There was no mom forums, no meal planning sites, no coupon-clipping application.

But my mother knew what to do to save money and make amazing food.

Oh, my father cooked once or twice a week as well, but it was never quite as impressive as the food my mother.

looking back, I can see the simple things she did that not only saved us money but more importantly, we learned to savor the food and make food with sincerity and not just block a frozen lasagna in the microwave and called dinner.

Fresh is cheaper

spaghetti sauce in a jar is still unknown to my mother. We are not Italian, but my mother did the best (everyone say that?) Pasta dishes, especially spaghetti and lasagna

Everything was fresh :. whole garlic, onions, basil and oregano and either fresh tomatoes or tomato simple (and cheap) crashed into a box.

This is the sauce, and even though it was many other ingredients to make spaghetti sauce from a jar, it was a cheap fresh meals that tasted even better the next day.

to this day, I start most of my quick meals with fresh garlic and onions in a saucepan simmering. I'm not a chef, but I know the value of fresh vegetables and herbs. And it never made a difference in my grocery costs.

Beans taste better beans

I never had to box until I was living on my own. My parents always bought dried beans and soak them in water before cooking

Beans were an easy crockpot dinner when my mother did not have time to cook from scratch. It soak overnight, then throw them in the crock pot with lots of spices, baking all day.

When we got home, we would pick up a large bowl, squeeze fresh lime juice on top and eat with bread and salad.

It will still cost $ 0.79 for a bag of beans book and our fridge was always stocked with the basics for a salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers Persian).

canned beans never taste as good. Think about it: you have to wash the beans in a box because they were sitting in their own juice. Have you had unwashed, canned beans? Just to motivate you to take the extra time and soak the beans and make them yourself.

Food Matters

What we eat matters. Even if you are on a monthly food budget of $ 150, you can still eat healthy. Just think about what my mother would do. She never let us leave the house without 2 or 3 fruits in our backpack, and dinner vegetables always included and food made from scratch if it was his own broth, sauce or rice (not talk to him about that moment rice- sin).

These habits become ingrained.

You know what I grab-and-go breakfast is when I do not have time to sit down and eat? Two mandarin, banana, cucumber slices and a granola bar.

Okay, the last part is a bit of a cheat, but overall, it is healthy and cheap!

Do you have frugal tips for your food and grocery

photo credit :? Jane Boles via photopin cc