4 ways money can buy you happiness, health and

4:59 PM
4 ways money can buy you happiness, health and -

4 Ways Money Can Buy You Happiness, and Health - TaxACT

Is there a way to spend your tax return wisely and take summer holidays really necessary?

If you're among the 75 percent of taxpayers who received a refund from the IRS this year, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that put some of that money to a life experience that is personally rewarding and memorable (as opposed to the purchase of material goods) can be a smart investment.


research that dividends are your happiness and health.

According to a tax refund survey, 84 percent of those surveyed plan to save or invest their statements, or use the money to repay debt or make a required purchase.

those are all great choices, but set aside a part of your bargain for something that makes you feel good - fun, relaxing getaway; a fun social activity with family and friends; or a donation to a charitable cause - can have benefits for the short- and long-term health

With refunds averaging around $ 2,689 this year, consider allocating a portion of that something that increases your life satisfaction


Here are four smart ways to invest in your well-being and how money can buy you happiness:

1. Pass on experiences rather than things

you might think a luxury car or new Dip-your-senses, LED curved screen TV will make you happy.

After all, these are purchases you 'll be able to enjoy for years as a holiday still feels like it's over too soon.

However, studies show that the opposite is true.

Although the accumulation of things will not make you unhappy when it comes to well-being in the long term, spending money on an experience that creates lasting, happy memories is the best investment.

When asked to a group of consumers to think about recent purchases, 57 percent said they felt happier after putting money into an experience, against 34 percent who were happier with the significant elements.

research shows that often we get used to things we buy pretty quickly, so the new kitchen floor or smartphone soon becomes familiar and more may not seem that special.

experiences, however, live in our minds, so that happiness from a getaway is far from being ephemeral. (Unless something humorous or exciting happens hardware store, it is unlikely that you revisit the shopping experience of kitchen tiles how you fondly remember telling fireside ghost stories on the family camping trip.)

need another reason to help fund your getaway?

Consider your health.

Several studies show that people who regularly take holidays have longer life spans. As scientists study the links between health and happiness, they found that positive emotions can reduce the risk of everything from colds to chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart problems.

If your refund check was modest this year, do not let you mess things up.

The researchers say treat yourself to frequent small indulgences could bring even more happiness than a great folly. So go ahead and book a weekend, a massage or a meal in an expensive restaurant you've been dying to try.

2. Giving money to a good cause

Spending on others and not just yourself, also increases happiness - if you buy a gift for a friend or a donation to a worthy cause

studies. also showed that giving active charity rewards the brain center. And here's a surprise: Give as little as $ 1 can make you feel rich

According to specialists Michael Norton and Elizabeth Dunn behavior, the authors of Happy Money: the Science of Smarter spending , parting with even small amounts increases your feeling of "wealth subjective" which means that you feel as if you have enough money to give.

$ 500 donation to charity makes you feel as if you earn $ 10,000 more, according to Norton research. (And, of course, when tax time rolls around, you'll be able to claim these charitable deductions.)

3. Invest in strengthening social ties

Everything enriches our connections to others makes us happy. This also plays why experiences are joyful. - They are often shared, and we can reminisce with family and friends around a beautiful sunset on the beach, a wild rafting trip or an unforgettable evening

Obviously, time spent with loved ones makes us feel good, and when the researchers looked at the numbers, they calculated that people are happier and less stressed and anxious weekend, the days they spend six to eight or more hours of socializing with others.

Those with strong social ties also have been shown to live longer.

be socially active may actually be as beneficial to you as not smoking! Tweet this

4 Ways Money Can Buy You Happiness, and Health - TaxACT

So think to spend on activities when you get out there and mingle with old friends - or make again.

Sign up for a cooking course or painting or join a group where you will meet others with common interests, such as wine tastings or hiking.

Make a gym or a fitness class the regular date offers bonus physical and mental benefits of exercise. (Also, you might be able to offset the cost of a gym with a reduction or reimbursement from your health insurance company.)

4. Buy yourself more time

the reason why we do not seek the most memorable experiences or hanging out with friends? We think we do not have time. But one of the most attractive ways to invest your hard earned money on services or to add more hours of fun to your day.

According to Happy Money , it is possible not only to save time, it is one of the main ways to spend money wisely

Too often, the opposite is true. We are willing to sacrifice time to save money - the choice of a four-hour stopover airport, for example, instead of spending additional hundreds of dollars for a direct flight - but, say Norton and Dunn, we should spend money on ways that provide us more time to do the things we love

There is an important point in particular. in our culture starved time

Treat yourself to a cleaning service or to have groceries delivered -. or bombing for a direct flight -. can free up time to be with family and experience life-enhancing

the search is this :. to improve the health and happiness, time - like money - must be spent wisely, doing activities you love, with people who make you feel good

After all, your the wellness worth

photo credit :. srboisvert via photopin cc

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