Our Top Ten Most Read Blog Posts 2013

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Our Top Ten Most Read Blog Posts 2013 -

Top Ten Post

From the first position in 2013 (the difference between Form 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ) to the newest (Persistent myths about reforming health care), the blog TaxACT affected a wide variety of topics

Although different topics, they all point to a consistent theme. provide personal financial and tax tips you can actually use

Here are the ten most read the 2013 blog posts :.

Gift Tax: Do I have to pay gift tax when someone gives me money? - TaxACT tax gift: do I pay the gift tax when someone gives me money

Surprise - mom and dad gave you a nice check ?! Perhaps it is enough for dinner, or perhaps it is more of an "early inheritance." Anyway, you have to worry about paying tax on your gift? Continue

10 Year End Tax Tips - TaxACT 10 year end tax Tips to maximize your 2013 refund

Although the year draws to a close, there is still time to maximize your refund 2013. Here are 10 tips to save more on your taxes before December 31: Next

How the new health care law affects medical expense deductions in 2013 How the New Health Care law Affects Deductions for medical expenses

in 2013, new rules issued under the 2010 affordable care Act, the protection of patients and can affect how much you can deduct medical expenses. Continue

Family loans: Does the IRS care if I lend my kids money? by TaxACT family loans :? Does the IRS care money If I lend my children

You can give your children money from the time they are little - to buy a bike, to get that first car , or buy a house. Does the IRS has something to do with the family ready? Continue

Affordable Care Act 2014 Premium Tax Credit and Penalties - TaxACT Affordable Care Act 2014 and penalties Credit premium tax

Can provisions of ACA help you pay for the insurance coverage disease? From 1 January 2014, you are usually required to have adequate health insurance or pay a penalty. Continue

6 Little-Known Ways to Pay Fewer Taxes - TaxACT 6 ways unfamiliar to pay less tax

You probably keep track of your itemized deductions. You can get a credit for child care expenses, or take advantage of a number of common tax breaks. Continue

Not having a Last Will The big mistake most Americans make Not Having a Will Last: The Big Mistake Most Americans Make

Do you have a will? Despite being told the importance of having a last will, over half of all Americans die without one. Continue

Will Credit Card Rewards Soon Be Classified as Taxable Income? - TaxACT Will Rewards Credit Card soon be classified as taxable income?

This is considered taxable income? Just about anything you can think of, according to this list on the IRS website. Continue

What is a Health Insurance Marketplace and Who Should Care - TaxACT What is a health insurance market and should be of interest?

The market is an online shop where people can shop for insurance, compare different plans and enroll in a plan. Continue

4 Energy Efficient Home Improvements to Save You Money - TaxACT 4 Energy Efficient Home Improvements to save money

Some retrofits however repay your investment more quickly than others ,. The best energy efficient savings deals are often the least glamorous, like a caulking tube. Continue

What was the most memorable you had known in 2013

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