3 Tips for buying furniture on a budget

6:13 PM
3 Tips for buying furniture on a budget -

3 Tips for Buying Furniture on a Budget - TaxACT

Are you in the market for new furniture?

Are you returning to school trying to fill this dorm room or apartment?

Perhaps now you have furniture that falls apart and is in desperate need of replacement. Or, perhaps you've recently moved across the country and sold your old furniture so you do not have to move.

Whatever the case, you are in the market for new furniture and you don 't want it to cost you an arm and a leg!

So what is the average cost of new furniture today?

If you look at designer furniture, he would not take any effort whatsoever to drop $ 10,000 on a couch and chair, but I would say that for most of us, this is simply not in the budget.

So, put down the magazine designer and wipe the drool from the side of your mouth. It's time to practice.

There are ways to get a great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

1. The magic of Craigslist

I think it's pretty fair to say that I'm in love with Craigslist . Whatever it is you need, the answer is almost always, "they have on Craigslist, and you can find it for less than half the retail price."

Although the furniture can be a little tricky to find, the statement is always true.

most of the time, the furniture on Craigslist is terribly ugly and I do not want in my living room (and believe me, I'm not picky).

But there are also fabulous choices out there. You just have to be patient and you need to know what you want.

If your living room is absolutely empty, then you are able to score a good deal!

When I'm in this situation, I Craigslist hunting every day and search "live together". For the first two days, I had absolutely no chance, but later this week, I stumbled on a gold mine!

This seller was moving out of town and needed to get rid of everything in the living room. They sold a leather sofa and love seat and two end tables, two lamps, a TV stand and a "TV 55 flat screen for $ 850!

Unfortunately, I am a interlocutor too late, but it will show you the deals you can find if you are looking for them.

2. Make friends with a Mover Furniture

a friend of mine recently accepted a job as a mover to a well-known furniture company in the region.

the company has rented furniture, which was generally for a year or two, and when the lease was, they pick up the furniture of the property.

I quickly learned from my friend that they are not allowed to resell the rented furniture. they either gave it away to their employees, or they donated.

If you are interested in slightly used pieces of furniture for your living room, you can find a mover and buddy up!

3. Do not get fooled by offers

Furniture sales are a difficult business. If your area is anything like mine, you receive flyers through the mail for three or four different furniture companies.

They all claim to have ridiculously low prices, but in reality, they earn two to three times more than the initial cost of the furniture.

If you head to the store with a 10% coupon, you are not saving enough. Do your homework and shop around first.

It is very likely that you can find the same model in a couple of different stores.

Head in the first with so many promotional discounts that you can then head to the second location to see if they can beat that price for you.

$ 5 your reader could save you hundreds!

do you have any tips of your own when buying furniture

photo credit: tjdewey via photopin cc

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