Beans and other cheap secrets of healthy eating

8:15 PM
Beans and other cheap secrets of healthy eating -

Dry Beans and Other Cheap Secrets of Healthy Eating | TaxACT

If you try to understand how to eat healthy without spending your whole paycheck at Whole Foods, look no further than your mom.

Let's just take the diet of the family on the job to my home in the mid 0s this was pre-Internet. There was no mom forums, no meal planning sites, no coupon-clipping application.

But my mother knew what to do to save money and make amazing food.

Oh, my father cooked once or twice a week as well, but it was never quite as impressive as the food my mother.

looking back, I can see the simple things she did that not only saved us money but more importantly, we learned to savor the food and make food with sincerity and not just block a frozen lasagna in the microwave and called dinner.

Fresh is cheaper

spaghetti sauce in a jar is still unknown to my mother. We are not Italian, but my mother did the best (everyone say that?) Pasta dishes, especially spaghetti and lasagna

Everything was fresh :. whole garlic, onions, basil and oregano and either fresh tomatoes or tomato simple (and cheap) crashed into a box.

This is the sauce, and even though it was many other ingredients to make spaghetti sauce from a jar, it was a cheap fresh meals that tasted even better the next day.

to this day, I start most of my quick meals with fresh garlic and onions in a saucepan simmering. I'm not a chef, but I know the value of fresh vegetables and herbs. And it never made a difference in my grocery costs.

Beans taste better beans

I never had to box until I was living on my own. My parents always bought dried beans and soak them in water before cooking

Beans were an easy crockpot dinner when my mother did not have time to cook from scratch. It soak overnight, then throw them in the crock pot with lots of spices, baking all day.

When we got home, we would pick up a large bowl, squeeze fresh lime juice on top and eat with bread and salad.

It will still cost $ 0.79 for a bag of beans book and our fridge was always stocked with the basics for a salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers Persian).

canned beans never taste as good. Think about it: you have to wash the beans in a box because they were sitting in their own juice. Have you had unwashed, canned beans? Just to motivate you to take the extra time and soak the beans and make them yourself.

Food Matters

What we eat matters. Even if you are on a monthly food budget of $ 150, you can still eat healthy. Just think about what my mother would do. She never let us leave the house without 2 or 3 fruits in our backpack, and dinner vegetables always included and food made from scratch if it was his own broth, sauce or rice (not talk to him about that moment rice- sin).

These habits become ingrained.

You know what I grab-and-go breakfast is when I do not have time to sit down and eat? Two mandarin, banana, cucumber slices and a granola bar.

Okay, the last part is a bit of a cheat, but overall, it is healthy and cheap!

Do you have frugal tips for your food and grocery

photo credit :? Jane Boles via photopin cc

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