You have insurance. So What ACA Treat yourself?

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You have insurance. So What ACA Treat yourself? -

You Have Insurance. So What Does the ACA Offer You? - TaxACT

Do you have health insurance through work?

For you, the question could be :? should I use health care markets which are part of the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare

The simple answer is no, you probably do not need. It is possible, however, that you may want.

An employment plan based on

If you are employed and have health insurance through your employer, you are probably considered to be covered and will not be required to pass a map of the market. If you are covered, you will not need to pay a penalty tax for fiscal year 2014.

The exceptions to this are if the health plan from your employer does not offer minimum essential coverage or if the lowest self-only cost, on minimum standards cover assembly jobs is 9.5% of the income of your family (coverage must be "affordable").

For example, if your family earns $ 30,000 per year, your plan only covers you (just you, not your spouse or family), costs less than $ 2,850 per year, then it is considered affordable.

To help determine if your plan based on work meets the minimum value HealthCare. gov has employer coverage tool that you and / or your employer can fill. It can be found here.

health plans that meet the minimum standards are designed to pay at least 60% of the total cost of medical services for a typical population. In other words, the individual being covered up is planned not to pay more than 40% of covered medical expenses.

If you are interested in different and / or better coverage of health insurance. Maybe you pay high premiums or employment-based plan does not provide everything you need.

The first thing you can do is to assess your current health insurance policy so you can compare.

Typically employers pay a portion of your premiums. If you decide to withdraw from an insurance plan based on work and buy your own via the market (, your employer will not contribute to your premiums.

The second thing to do is to compare similar health insurance plans in your area on the market. To view and compare plans, go to and click on "View the plans before I ask."

Remember, if your employment-based plan is considered "affordable" and meets the minimum value, then you are unlikely to be eligible for the plans at lower cost depending on your returned.

Cancellation Plan

There have been misleading stories in the press recently about how Obamacare cancels some insurance plans. Here's what you need to know - each insurance plan in the market must meet 10 eligibility criteria; in other words, it must provide a specific minimum coverage in 10 different fields.

The confusion comes from the fact that all plans in place before the implementation of health legislation met all eligibility requirements 10. Most of them were the health insurance policies of individuals themselves had bought rather than an employer.

When the health care law came into force in March 2010 he allowed insurance companies to continue to offer plans that do not meet the new requirements for people who have already signed up for them . They were dubbed "grandfathered plans."

The tricky part is that insurance companies do not change their plans, and often. So part of what happened was the insurance companies that offer these "acquired rights plan" wanted to change these plans either to remain profitable and to meet more appropriately in the market.

Insurance companies have little incentive to continue offering insurance person has been authorized to buy. Thus, in many cases, insurance companies have canceled "grandfathered plans."


If your employer offers a health insurance plan through your work that responds to 10 basic standards as well as the minimum standard, you probably will not find a better deal on the market. After all, your employer pays at least 60% of the costs.

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