Weekly Favorites: Secret Weapon-Granny and Grandpa College Financing and more

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Weekly Favorites: Secret Weapon-Granny and Grandpa College Financing and more -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites June 6

weekly TaxACT favorites: June 6, 2014

Paying for College: 21-Step Guide to Preserve the rich

via Forbes

If you are the parent of a college is linked to children of any age you think now how your family will finance the degree. The difference between the right and do not do it right could easily be a value between $ 10,000 and $ 0,000. Continue reading ...

Secret Weapon College Funding: Granny and Grandpa

via Forbes

When my father asked me last year how he could help my family financially, I don 't blink an eye. "You can contribute to university funding of Education your granddaughters." Like millions of doting grandparents, he was happy to do so. Continue reading ...

10 essential tips to merge with Finance success as a new couple

via Sally H erigstad

When you become a couple, you are more likely to work and have your own earnings. You may be older and perhaps children already. You can form a household without marrying. All these factors make a big difference in how you choose to merge finances - if you merge all. Continue reading ...

Try not to become a person of success but rather try to become a person of value. - Albert Einstein Tweet this quote

TaxACT Weekly Favorites

Credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

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