Understand the difference between the itemized deductions and the standard deduction

6:25 PM
Understand the difference between the itemized deductions and the standard deduction -

Understanding the Difference between Itemized Deductions vs  the Standard Deduction - TaxAct Blog

Detailed and standard deductions can be confusing - especially if you are relatively new for filing a tax return.

Some people try to detail when they are better off using the standard deduction. On the other hand, some taxpayers avoid detail because it seems too difficult -. Even when detailing the deductions could save money

Here are some key concepts that you must understand to get the best itemized deductions of tax savings or standard deduction, without spending more time on your taxes necessary.

You can claim itemized deductions or the standard deduction, but not both

the standard deduction is a fixed amount that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows you to deduct from your taxable income. This amount is based on your filing status, age and other factors.

Instead of taking the standard deduction, you can claim all the deductions you are entitled to in Annex A. We call itemize your deductions.

Some people can not take the standard deduction

you can not take the standard deduction if you are married filing separately and your spouse lists the deductions.

you can not also detail when you file for a tax period of less than one year, or if you were an alien or dual status of non-residents during the year.

you typically need significant benefit deductions to itemize

If you have only a few deductions, you probably should not itemize. You are better off using the standard deduction

Do not worry about picking up receipts for itemize deductions unless you can have more of these standard deduction amounts :.

2015 standard amounts Deduction:

State deposit standard Deduction
Filing Married jointly $ 12,0
qualifying Widow (er) with a dependent child $ 12,0
Single $ 6,300
householder $ 9,250
Married Filing separately $ 6,300

Keep in mind that you are allowed additional standard deduction if you are 65 or older at the end of the tax year or if you are blind.

If you are a dependent of someone else, like your parents, your standard deduction is the greater of $ 1.050 or your earned income (such as wages) over $ 350, but the total may not exceed the basic standard deduction for your filing status ..

If you have a high income, your deductions may be limited

If your adjusted gross income is within certain limits, your allowable itemized deductions are reduced. The limits are $ 258,250 if you file as single; $ 309,00 for married filing jointly or qualifying Widow (er); $ 154,950 for married filing separately; or $ 284,050 if you file as head of household.

The standard deduction is not reduced when your income is higher. However, if you are subject to the alternative minimum tax, you may be better off taking itemized deductions.

Certain deductions do not count after reaching a "floor"

If you have certain itemized deductions, such as medical expenses, you may be expected to benefit from itemize your deductions.

However, medical expenses only to improve your tax bill when they are quite substantial. You can deduct most of the medical expenses to the extent they exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross income (7.5 percent if you or your spouse age 65 or older at the end of the tax year) .

The exception to this is the cost of medical insurance if you are self-employed. You can deduct the premiums for health insurance for self-employed as an income adjustment, even if you itemize deductions.

Personal exemptions are more deductions

Each personal exemption you claim reduces your taxable income of $ 4,000 (2015). This is in addition either the standard deduction or itemized deductions.

When in doubt, enter your itemized deductions in TaxAct.

It is not difficult to find and enter your itemized deductions in the tax software. For your main itemized deductions such as mortgage interest costs to home, you've probably already received a form in the mail showing how to enter.

Do not forget about charitable donations, including non-monetary contributions. Enter the information to take a tax deduction on the sales or state income tax, if it applies to you. You might be surprised how quickly the deductions add up.

TaxAct calculates your standard deduction and compares your allowable itemized deductions, and allows you to decide which one to claim.

Do not feel bad if you do not have enough deductions to itemize

Some people are disappointed when they do not receive detail. They may have bought a house and they heard about how much they would save on taxes next year. He then reveals their total deductions are less than their itemized deductions.

The best way to think about it is that your deductions do you any good. It's just that the standard deduction was even better. It has nothing to feel bad about.

Have you always enter your deductions, even if you do not usually end up detail?

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