Weekly Favorites: ways to teach children about taxes, duties April 15 tax, Social Media Spying Tax

10:17 PM
Weekly Favorites: ways to teach children about taxes, duties April 15 tax, Social Media Spying Tax -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites: April 12, 2013

Weekly Favorites : April 12, 2013

3 (Good) ways to teach children about taxes via LearnVest
Nobody enjoys paying taxes, but the next time you are with your children and you encounter a fire truck rushing to the rescue, report it to your children and say: Look! So does our tax money used to help someone who really needs help ... Continue reading.

More April 15 tax Tasks via Bankrate
Great job you need to fill this period ends and filing your tax return 2012 or Form 4868, which will give you a extension until October 15 to file your tax return. Remember, if you get extra time to file the forms, you must still send what you expect of duty, or a close approximation of the amount ... Continue reading.

Social Media Spying Tax via Bankrate
you might want to reconsider bragging on Facebook about buying a Ferrari when you post just an annual income of $ 30,000 on your 1040. Or at least tighten privacy controls on social media account ... Continue reading.

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Photo credit:.! Stuck in Customs via photopin cc


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