Millennia and debt - a change in mentality

10:41 PM
Millennia and debt - a change in mentality -

Millennials and debt — a shift in mindset - TaxAct Blog

Millennials are special - and not just because we were all raised to stars of gold. The generation refuses to adhere to traditional checklist of the American Society of life events. This is partly due to the average graduate $ 30,000 in student loans.

This is also due to a change in mindset toward debt and how to live life.

Debt is not necessary

It seems strange to say - but student loans have transformed this generation against the idea of ​​debt . Put a huge burden on the shoulders of 18 to 22 years before they even earn a real wage creates quite the game when they go out into the "real world."

The dreaded sense to pay down student loans has led many to start thinking it does not have to be that way. Tweet this

He embittered many millennials against the debt, which in turn delays other stages of life.

Of course, some will take the mindset that debt is inevitable and the only way to afford a car or a house or even a wedding is to take more loans

informed millennium -. if you will - recognize that there are ways to get out of debt fast and leave for good. Tweet this

The rising side hustles

The days of working a job from 9 to 5 are slowly disappearing. Millennials take more than one job to get aggressive with the repayment of loans or simply because they can not afford to life with one paycheck.

side hustles jobs are actually more of a regular salary. These jobs also contribute to the recession of a generation that job security feeling is a historical relic, never to return.

If you lose an income stream, at least there is another to help you get by until you find a new job.

freelancers generation

The era of being a business man (or woman) and spend your ranks upward career in a particular organization.

Millennials know that companies are not loyal to them, so why should they be loyal to companies? The thought that even working a desk job will not keep you financially secure has created a generation of freelancers and entrepreneurs.

must not forget that the need for a second job to pay the debt, or just get by, often turns into a secondary career which then leads to becoming your own boss.

With 40 studies estimating percent of the workforce will be freelance in 2020, it is not a bad idea to get a jumping start building your niche.

Why millennials are not married (yet)

there are not too long, it was completely taboo for unmarried couples sharing the same address. These days, the phasing out of production in the "marrying age" are likely to be co-habitating with a partner (or several different) before settling.

The freedom to live . with another person without delay marriage certificate need to marry It also helps couples address potential problems in a marriage - like their finances ..

with the carrying student loan debt average millennium it is increasingly rare for a millennium couple can avoid the chains of creditors

Delaying marriage can also be a reaction to the feeling of needing to get your finances in order

in a survey conducted by All State and National Journal Heartland Monitor, 69 percent of Americans aged 18 -. 24 and 68 percent of Americans aged 25 -. 29 felt consumers and non mortgage debt affected their decisions on the major stages of life such as marriage and property

understandably millennia couples would feel their finances, especially the debts are under control before being legally bound to another.

According to Pew Research Center, millennials will also establish a record generation with 25 percent never marry at all.

The reason to avoid a mortgage

is Generation Rent.

Millennials are not wildly interested in the property earlier in life than previous generations because it does not feel possible to make a mortgage payment with a few hundred dollars a month already goes towards student loans .

But it is not just about the affordability factor.

lease provides the ability to easily move employment opportunities and makes it more affordable to live desirable large cities where the property is prohibitively expensive.

This is not to say that the generation will never buy houses. Studies have shown that many learners still believe home ownership is the right decision, but loads of debt and non-traditional jobs such as freelance make it harder to get approved for an affordable mortgage.


The debt does not retain

debt, then a huge pain, does not hold back the millennium generation. Instead, it changes the way some 20 years and think about the future and are the election to try to control their own destiny in a new way.

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