A quick and easy guide to file a tax return for a series (Form 1041)

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A quick and easy guide to file a tax return for a series (Form 1041) -

How to File an Income Tax Return for an Estate (Form 1041) - TaxAct Blog

If you are the personal representative for someone who died recently, you might need to file form 1041, tax return of estates and trusts for their estate.

However, each succession requires a declaration of succession. Sometimes all you need to do as a personal representative is sure an income tax on individual income is classified for the year of death.

Here's how to determine if you should file a property tax on Form 1041.

There are four different statements of income, you may need to drop after the death of an individual:

form 1040, US individual income Tax .

After a person dies, a personal representative must file a tax return on income, covering the period from 1 January to the date of death of the person.

If the person was married, the surviving spouse can file jointly with the deceased for the year of death. The representative must also file for all previous years, if necessary.

Form 1041, Tax Return US income for estates and trusts.

This is commonly known as a tax return on income succession. It covers the income and other tax items for the deceased's estate. However, tt should not be confused with a declaration of succession.

Form 706 , United States Estate Tax Return.

Unless the succession is important, you may not need to file the return. Form 706 is required if the gross estate at the time of death of the individual exceeds $ 5.43 million (in fiscal 2015) or to spend any amount of exclusion used for the surviving spouse.

Form 709 Gift Tax Return United States.

This is another form that you may not need to file. Form 709 is required if the deceased made a taxable gift before death for which they file a gift tax return.


As the personal representative of an estate, you must file Form 1041 to the estate if it has more than $ 0 income for the year or if any of the beneficiaries of the estate is a nonresident alien

income of the estate includes, but not limited to :. interest, dividends, wages of the deceased acquired but do not get after death, and received rent money.

as soon as you distribute real estate assets less likely they are to generate income for the estate. If the real estate assets are held jointly and therefore pass directly to the surviving spouse, they do not generate income for the estate.

Filing of tax return on income succession of the

The fiscal year for the succession begins on the date of death of the person. If you are the legal representative of the estate, you have the option to file the tax return on income of the estate at any time during the twelve months following the death.

The only requirement is the tax period shall end on the last day of the month you choose to file. If you choose to file the return before the twelfth calendar month, the estate is then deemed to have a taxation year.

In order to pursue the filing process, you first need a taxpayer identification number (TIN) for the estate, you can apply on the website of the IRS.

After obtaining TIN areas, following TaxAct easy step by step guidance makes filing a simple declaration of income tax of the estate.

TaxAct prompts you to enter the income of the estate, such as rents, dividends and interest received. In addition, the software will ask you if there are deductible expenses, including:

  • mandatory distributions of income to the beneficiaries
  • costs Executor
  • legal , accounting and other professional fees
  • administrative costs
  • various deductions, including office supplies and investment advice. (The field can only deduct miscellaneous deductions to the extent they exceed 2 percent of adjusted gross income.)

Information on each beneficiary to whom the estate can pass the income must be reported.

by entering recipient information, TaxAct prepare a Schedule K-1 for each beneficiary, which documents the income they received and can be used for their own purposes of tax reporting.

preparing a Schedule K-1, so the estate can report a deduction for the amount of income on his 1041 form for generating income are taxed only once.


After completing the preparation Form 1041, be sure to drop by the deadline of tax return (April 18, 2016 April 19, 2016 for residents of Maine or Mass .).

If the estate has a taxation year, the deadline to file is 15 e day of the fourth month following the end of the tax year.

Also, be sure to pay any tax due by the assets of the estate and distribute Schedule K-1 to recipients showing their share of distributions.

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