Weekly Favorites: Beware These 5 Tax Surprises Terrible, and more

10:04 PM
Weekly Favorites: Beware These 5 Tax Surprises Terrible, and more -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites

weekly TaxACT favorites: February 28, 2014

Caution These 5 tax Surprises Terrible

via Bankrate

you always follow the wise counsel of the late singer-songwriter Jim Croce: you do not pull on Superman's cape, you do not spit into the wind, and not try to pull a fast on the Internal Revenue Service. OK, maybe that last was not part of Jim's words, but the feeling - knowing the consequences before acting - still applies. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to do regarding the tax collectors for Uncle Sam. Continue reading ...

Tax gift :? Do I pay the gift tax when someone gives me money

via Sally Herigstad

Surprise - mom and dad gave you a nice check! Perhaps it is enough for dinner, or perhaps it is more of an "early inheritance." Anyway, you have to worry about paying tax on your gift? Continue reading ...

Climbing Cost of home ownership

via Bankrate

the most recent housing difficulties were attributed to unusually cold winter and lack of housing available for sale. But another reason buyers are not rushing to sign an agreement might be that owning a home becomes much more expensive. Continue reading ...

Credit: Abby Lanes via photopin cc

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