5 cheap ways to extend the life of your furniture

7:51 PM
5 cheap ways to extend the life of your furniture -

5 Cheap Ways to Extend the Life of Your Furniture - TaxACT

Did you take the extra effort to extend the life of your furniture ?

Do you know that your furniture is one of the most expensive items in your home right now?

If you're like the average person, your living room set probably cost you over $ 2,000, and that price included the sofa, love seat and ottoman.

Since this is such a huge purchase that digs deep into our bank accounts, one would think that we would take better care of our furniture and to make more efforts to avoid replacing it within three or next four years.

If, however, you are able to extend the life of your furniture for 10 or 15 years, you could save you tens of thousands of dollars in your life.

So how can you extend the life of your furniture?

Keep It Simple

I would say that for most people, they do not necessarily replace their furniture because it is stained or because the springs are popping out of it, it is because the furniture has lost its style.

What was once popular 3 years ago is certainly not popular today, and then he just looked so great when you bought it, now it seems so out of place and awkward.

To avoid having your furniture turn into fashion in the ugly furniture on in a few years, try to keep the basic style and model of your pretty simple furnishings.

Choose soft colors and subtle patterns that will stay in style for a while. Then, if you need a bit of flair or pop, choose a bold color accent pillows or blankets covering.

It will give your living space that extra something without committing all your finances in a cabinet that could go out of style before your account recovers bank.

Stain Proofing

Of course, the stain proofing and may cost extra hundred dollars or more, but if you drop that somehow grape juice on the cushion in the next weeks, you'll be sure to be glad you did.

again, with proofing spot, you usually get a replacement guarantee if the stain does not come out, so you're covered anyway. This stain will disappear and it will cost you absolutely nothing in the process.

Use the table to eat, Not Your Couch

The couch has never been done for fine dining, so if you are constantly eating and drop food on the cushions, you can not expect to hold up that long.

If you really want your furniture to last, you'll take your food to the table where it belongs.

If you spill there, you know what you do? You just wipe it up. As simple as that.

Keep Pets Away

I know that animals become the norm these days, but they do not have to sit wherever you do.

Dog and cat hair is very difficult to clean cloth, so when you let them sit on your furniture, they not only get their hair stuck in the cushions, their sweat and odors are trapping themselves in the fabric as well.

If you can keep your pets out of your furniture, it will certainly last longer.

Keep it Clean

Just as with clothing, if you keep your own furniture and take care of properly, it will last much longer; and it will be better too!

If you have a leather sofa, make sure to treat the leather once in a while he does crack or crack. If you have fabric cushion, get this empty once in a while.

If you do not, then every time you sit your butt in the cushions, you will push the dirt further and further.

Not cleaning your furniture regularly, you are severely limit its life.

What things do you do to make sure your furniture in perfect condition stays?

photo credit: rustman via photopin cc

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