Weekly Favorites: Time to Make Moves fiscal year-end - and more

1:21 PM
Weekly Favorites: Time to Make Moves fiscal year-end - and more -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites

weekly TaxACT favorites: October 24, 2014

6 and Don'ts for an energy-efficient home

by Sally Herigstad

autumn is here, and with it higher energy bills. You are on the right track if you are already thinking of ways you can save money this winter. all the steps you can take to have an energy efficient home are not equal, however. Here are some do's and don'ts to help you make the most of your energy saving efforts. Continue reading ...

It is time to tax movements year-end

by Kay Bell

tax season finally ended, with millions of tax stragglers get their 2013 returns to the Internal Revenue Service before the deadline October 15 extension. Now it is time to think about 2014 taxes. Continue reading ...

2014 Tax planning begins with your tax bracket

by Kay Bell

The 2013 fiscal year is finally over. That means it's time to turn your thoughts to tax moves you can do to reduce your tax bill 2014. A good starting point for any tax planning is with the basics like to know what your tax bill probably will be. Continue reading ...

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