CEO Mom :? What time a mother is really value

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CEO Mom :? What time a mother is really value -

CEO Mom: What a Mom’s Time is Really Worth - TaxACT

Have you yourself a working mom looks

When I married my husband we had five babies in seven years and moved 11 times in 13 years. I left a good job as a broker to have a rewarding career as a SAHM (stay at home mom).

One of the questions I often heard was, "Do you work?"

Although I politely responded, "Yes, I work very hard as a stay at home mom," I think "what would you say I work" Sometimes an unsuspecting person would then go to say something more like, "well, I mean really do you work? Do you have a job?"

I bite my tongue until blood ....

what I wanted to say, "what do you mean I really worked that I am an accountant, a contract administrator, driver, a nurse, a soccer mom, a stylist, a woman and a chef! Also 10 other job specialties! I do all these things as a mom I am CEO mOM! "

they do not usually ask the same question twice.

These days as a financial writer, speaker and a mom, I spoke with scores of spouses who work outside the home because of the state of our economy and need not by choice.

What time a mother is really worth

Each year, publishes report on what time a mom really worth. According to the site, "the basis of on a survey , determined that mothers spend time performing 10 typical job functions equivalent to an annual salary of $ 113,568 for a housewife . home of "working moms salary is $ 67,436 in 2013; This is in addition to the salary they earn in the workplace ".

That's a lot of value associated with this great work of motherhood!

By Mom's assistant at, you can connect to a calculator that tells you what you will be paid on the economy for all the work you do as SAHM or as a mom who also works outside the house and inside the house!

How effective working mother outside the home? Do pay to work in today's economy with rising prices and a modest hourly wage?

For example, let's Jennifer

Jennifer was an administrative assistant who need to work outside the house ends meet. She made an average salary of $ 8.50 per hour and felt she contributed greatly to the family finances. She had only one child at daycare, traveled a short distance to work and paid no taxes on state income.

Then Jennifer attended one of my seminars Living Rich for Less and was challenged with the idea of ​​"crunching the numbers." She finished our "form of compensation for the working mom" and was shocked. The online version of this is the "salary calculator Zone" on

Jennifer discovered that working full time, she made $ 3 a week! She did not know how these additional nights of pizza (because she was too tired to cook), and trips to the beauty salon (to maintain a professional hairstyle), and all these lunches (away from home) added up!

she realized she needed to make some dramatic adjustments. she decided there was a better use of her energy and left her job outside the home.

But Jennifer did not stop there.

She implement money saving strategies and make ends meet at home. now she has less stress in his life and the freedom to contribute to the financial needs of his family with saving money and launching his own writing home business. In his case, a penny saved was a penny earned more.

The Working Moms Compensation Form - TaxACT

Once you come up with a figure, ask the big question.

are my time, energy and effort is ______ dollars a week?

You will be surprised at how painless it is to reduce and save your family a large sum of money.

Or, you can start your own home business to make up the difference in income. After all, not all compensation is measured in dollars and cents.

On the other hand, you might find that it is worthwhile to continue working outside the home and that is always a great choice-one that works for you and your family! Anyway, have a relaxed, happy mom on the front of the house is something that is important to your family.

Whether you are a SAHM or a working mom outside home your work is invaluable in terms of what you do for your family and for others. So take some time and a value for yourself!

This is what the "working mom" will do!

What is your time worth?

photo credit: Edgar Barany via photopin cc

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