Weekly Favorites: Workout Sixty-Minute Money, IRS Announces Delay, 5 Financial Conversations for your child

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Weekly Favorites: Workout Sixty-Minute Money, IRS Announces Delay, 5 Financial Conversations for your child


Weekly Favorites : January 11, 2013

the Money Workout Sixty-minute by Ellie Kay
How do you want to be financially transformed into one hour a week? I think the finances of each person can be transformed by strategically investing an hour a week. Continue reading ...

IRS Announcement period: No waiting - 5 reasons to file your taxes now!
We have received confirmation that the IRS will not be processing personal tax revenues until 30 January for the vast majority of taxpayers. This does not mean you have to wait to file. Get your tax refund back as soon as possible by filing your taxes now. Continue reading ...

5 Financial Conversations you should have with your child via LearnVest
When it comes to advice on how to teach your children about the money, it is difficult to sort SO not-great stuff to get the "oh, that's useful!" parts. It is unfortunate because experts say it is important to address the subject of money with children at a young age. Continue reading ...

Photo credit: Paolo Margari via photopin cc

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