6 Offbeat ways to take an early retirement

4:36 PM
6 Offbeat ways to take an early retirement -

6 Offbeat Ways to Retire Early - TaxACT

If you really, really want to retire early, here are some ways to do it.

in an ideal world, we would all save money year after year until we had hidden far enough to keep us in the style to which we are accustomed.

So withdraw, secure in the knowledge that we are ready for our remaining expected lives.

It does not always work that way.

divorce, real estate downturn, and business setbacks can define the most relaxed financial plans - .. sometimes almost to the point of

even if your retirement plan is on track, you may decide you want to retire earlier than you anticipated

maybe you can if you are willing to consider eccentric ways to do it. Take, for example:

Become a guardian

If you can take care of the property, outside plant and livestock, or a senior, you may be able to get a free place to live in exchange for your problem.

For example, if you can manage an apartment building, you usually live in your unit free.

you can also find listings for live positions on a ranch camp or summer, or stay with a person who just needs someone to keep an eye on them and races may run.

Removes temporarily

perhaps you feel trapped.

You have not had more than two weeks off at a time over the decades. You just want to do nothing, or at least what you feel like, for six months or a year.

Go ahead.

Why wait until you have saved enough money to last you the rest of your life? If you are in pretty good financial shape, it may be easier to take time than you think.

Your current employer may even pay you leave if you ask.

If you are relatively young, you can return to work with a renewed sense of purpose. Or you can find out what you really want to do when you grow up.

Sometimes we are just as trapped as we fall.

Move with family or friends, or let them move in with you

Maintaining a household for one or two people is expensive. You can live a lot less if you're willing to share housing with one or more persons.

You could leave a student or a single person living with you, and share the costs and responsibilities of maintaining a home.

on the other hand, you might be worth your dungeon if you move with your adult child and take care of grandchildren.

move a ridiculously cheap place

the cost of living in the United States varies greatly from place to place.

There are not that real estate which can cost a fraction of the price further popular hot spots. The cost of eating out, going to the doctor, and a movie can be surprisingly low somewhere other than where you live now.

For example, you live in Washington, DC, but you plan to move to Columbus, Ohio. Overall, the cost of living in Columbus is 47% cheaper than Washington. The cost of housing is an incredible 77% less.

There are no more foolproof way to instantly improve your life and reduce your expenses to move to a place where it costs less to live.

If you are willing to travel outside the US, you can find even cheaper places to live. Rent, food, and services are very cheap in places such as Costa Rica, where you can live for $ 1,500 or less.

Cut a deal with your spouse

If your spouse works, are you that you need two incomes? Here is a fascinating conversation that you can have. Suggest that you try to live on one income, at least for a while.

You might be surprised how easily you can do. By the time you calculate the reduced fee and taxes considerably lower profits, you can as well live on one income you made two.

Find something so big that it does not seem like work

6 Offbeat Ways to Retire Early - TaxACT

face it - if you can not wait to retire, you are in the wrong job. Or maybe you are not a traditional job at all.

Escaping a job you hate to go does not mean you can not make money, or to use all the talents you've spent a lifetime acquiring. You still have much to give. You do not want to commute early every morning to go somewhere and give it.

Sometimes it is not the job you hate, but the journey, cabin, or the company of people with whom you work.

Forget your list of goals, or what someone thinks about you the other.

Start your own business, being a consultant, or try any of a number of things you have not let you do so far.

back to school or take online classes at night or until you qualify for the job you really want. (Note that we do not say "work".)

You have one life. Spend it doing work that is meaningful to you. Tweet this

Your turn ...

What sacrifices would you be willing to do to retire early?

photo credit: Leo Hidalgo (@yompyz) cc

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