Student Loan Relief takes a huge burden from the shoulders of Karole

2:58 PM
Student Loan Relief takes a huge burden from the shoulders of Karole -

We believe that we are acting as a company and as individuals, is a measure of who we are.

as a society, we act responsibly and with integrity to provide the best value in the tax preparation products.

as individuals, we believe fiscal responsibility and higher education play major roles in our future community.

This competition rewards students and graduates who share the same values ​​and act responsibly using their college education to improve their communities.

Congratulations on Karole win $ 500!

Karole graduated from High Point University in 2010 with a BA in communications, media studies while enjoying a minor in Spanish.

in 2012, she returned to the High Point University to pursue a Master of Arts in Strategic Communications, Public Relations

Karole expects to reach the masters of art degree in May 2014

the following is a brief question and answer with Karole:

TaxACT: What made you choose this field of study in

Karole : I love technology and media. However, I did not want to get into broadcasting. I wanted to stay in the web-sphere. I started working in social media, and naturally I gravitated toward public relations

TaxACT.? How your education will make a difference for you and your family

Karole: I'm more than $ 150,000 in student loan debt because my mother lost her job after my freshman year in college. She wanted me to have the best education and pushed me to stay in High Point University despite a $ 35,000 price tag per year. Now I work to get my education and a good job that I will be able to repay my loans

TaxACT :. How your field of study make a difference in your community

Karole: I like small businesses. I work hard to get these companies off the ground using the latest techniques of networking

TaxACT.? How TaxACT loan relief student help you make a difference to your community

Karole: student loan relief would take a huge burden on my shoulders. Instead of working for money, I would be able to work for less, but better enjoy my work and be able to help more small business owners.

Karole, we wish you nothing but the best in all your future projects!

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