Debt Plan: Practical ways to reduce spending

12:44 PM
Debt Plan: Practical ways to reduce spending -

The Debt Diet: Practical Ways to Reduce Spending - TaxACT

Do you need to go on a food debt regime

My last son? weighed nearly eleven books and I gained an astonishing fifty pounds while waiting. When I asked the doctor how to lose that baby fat, his answer was quite simple :. Diet and exercise

Maybe it was simple for him, but he did not seem so simple a military mom who was on the run with the kids and the constant chaos. But alas, it is true, and after a period of time, I lost the most weight I gained.

Getting out of debt is like going on a diet, it may seem simple, but it sure is not easy. Tweet this

The only thing that really works is to :. Spend less and save more

Debit Diet - Ellie Kay - TaxACT

debt does not benefit from a marriage, a family, or your to come up. Just like being overweight leads to health and emotional concerns, debt has its consequences.

On the other hand, those who have little experience of the debt burden of many advantages. There are fewer arguments more money in a low liability for the debt household. You can answer your phone and not worry about having to screen calls from creditors.

The anguish of floating bills to make the minimum payments will not exist in a house that is fiscally fit.

If you are in the military, for example, a high debt load may mean mandatory counseling, disciplinary action, and perhaps even military discharge

Walking on the scales . - How to know if you are financially overweight

to know if you have a debt problem, you need to step on the scale

you need go on a diet of debt if you :.

  • Using credit card advances of money to pay for living expenses.
  • use and depend combat pay / overtime to cover monthly expenses.
  • use credit to buy things that you used to pay cash (ie groceries, gasoline, clothes).
  • Use overdraft protection plan on your checking account to pay monthly bills.
  • Use savings to pay the bills.
  • Ask friends or family to borrow money
  • Use a credit card to pay another
  • "Float" bills - you wait .. to pay a bill to pay overdue bills
  • only pay the minimum amount due on charge accounts.

out of debt can be easier than you think.

To start, make a credit appointment with the counselor or if you're in the military, get specific military advisor for a financial review.

you can also use my free tools to

you can get out of debt sooner if you reduce costs and reallocate those funds. When you save in an area immediately channel the money saved towards your debt burden.

If you do not take saved money and put it towards a credit card or other debt, then it will simply be reabsorbed into your expenses

Here are some practical ways to reduce expenses and quick start your diet debt :.

Retro Clothing Swaps

When my kids were younger, I used to exchanging clothes with one of my friends who had children close to the age to mine. Children grow up so fast when they are little they do not cover most of their clothes.

This arrangement swapping saved me about $ 350 a school season! For a virtual swap site, go to

reap rewards in minutes

It is amazing how few phone calls can save you up to $ 500 per year.

Call your auto insurance company and ask for discounts they can offer as good conductor, non-smoking, defensive driving course, garage, car alarms, and good student.

Make sure your teen is listed as the principle driver of a vehicle that does not carry collision and comprehensive. Do not forget to look for special rates for military families as well.

While you're on the phone, call your cell phone provider, cable service, insurance company and home pest control company.

Say the magic phrase :. I think to cancel because I think I'm paying too much with your business

It is astonishing how to pronounce the "C" word is going to blow to keep your business and a few minutes on the phone can give you discounts that you never even knew existed.

In fact, the cancellation department is often allowed to offer discounts and other company departments can not grant.

Redefine Entertainment

When times are lean, it is a great opportunity to readjust your definition entertainment. Rediscover the challenge of board games, enjoy the beauty of a walk in the park or visit a new hiking trail.

Instead of going out for dinner and a movie, choose an output per week and visit the restaurants. com for discount gift certificates.

Review the Lifestyle section of your local newspaper and eating in a restaurant that offers mid-week special meals. Check ISF (The free standing inserts) in your Sunday paper for restaurant coupons.

Consider going to a matinee, a dollar theater, or the base theater. Go to and sign up for their email coupons - it us $ 7 to $ 5 each time we use the save

Or download the app to find free promo codes for all cafes entertainment. .

What is one thing you can do today to start your diet debt tomorrow

photo credit: kaneda99 via photopin cc

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