Five things you need to know about the ACA

11:43 AM
Five things you need to know about the ACA -

	Five Things You Need to Know About the ACA - TaxACT

On 1 October 2013, the landscape of health insurance has changed dramatically as patient protection and affordable care Act (ACA), often called Obamacare, entered into force.

Thanks to a major overhaul of public policy, subsidized coverage can now be purchased by the state-run or national exchanges, and no one can be turned away.

changes to the status quo, however, can generate lots of questions from people concerned about how this new system will affect them.

To answer some of the most common concerns we've rounded up five essential pieces of information about the new health care law you need to know.

1. You can not be denied coverage.

The policy of "guaranteed issue" of the ACA means you can not be denied coverage, even if you're older or a pre-existing condition.

and whatever the level of coverage you choose - bronze, silver, gold, platinum, or catastrophic. - your premiums will not be different from those of other candidates who are the same age and live in the same geographic location

2. You may be eligible for financial assistance.

in order to make them more affordable health care, eligible applicants can receive tax credits to help reduce the cost of their premiums .

This grant, which is paid by the government directly to your insurance company, is available to households with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) .

to date, nearly 26 million Americans are eligible for this financial assistance, which can reduce the cost of insurance within 10% of their household income.

3. There are penalties to be insured.

If you are not covered by a health plan through your employer, Medicare, Medicaid or other public insurance program, you must take out insurance on one of the exchanges March 31, 2014, or pay a penalty

for individuals, it is $ 95 or 1% of your income -. whichever is greater. (The costs will increase over the next two years.) However, the penalty can be waived in cases of financial hardship, and members of certain religious sects recognized by the IRS.

4. You have to worry about fine print.

under the ACA, the key benefits you are entitled to are clearly defined, and they are included in all plans.

There are 10 key advantages: ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization; laboratory services; maternity and newborn care; mental health services and substance abuse treatment; rehabilitation services and devices; pediatric services; requirements; and preventive services and wellness, and chronic disease management.

5. There is a deadline to meet.

The key date mark on your calendar is March 31, 2014 . This is the last day of the open registration, the time during which you can sign up for an eligible plan for coverage in 2014.

For more, go to or call 855-224-9212 for help finding the best plan for you

photo credit :. slimmer_jimmer via photopin cc

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