Obamacare Open Enrollment Ends March 31, 2014

9:41 PM
Obamacare Open Enrollment Ends March 31, 2014 -

Obamacare Open Enrollment Ends March 31, 2014 - TaxACT

This is the deadline. If you do not have registered for health insurance , there is no day like today.

Despite record snowfall and wind chill gripping the country, January was a hot month for health care.

More than 1.1 million people have signed up for coverage through the state and federal markets, according to a recent Department of Health and Human Services report, bringing the total of new entrants to about 3.3 million.

now, for some new less comforting:

Another survey shows that less than half of Americans know that 31 March is the deadline to sign up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

health insurance Pulse Bankrate.com found that nearly a quarter of respondents wrongly believe that the deadline had already passed on 1 January and about 11 percent think they have until the end 2014 to enroll in a plan.

Although some of the confusion may come from the Obama administration extending several ACA deadlines, you should not assume that the date of March 31 will change.

If you have not registered for health insurance and you need it is a good idea to act now rather than dragging your feet until the last minute.

Here are three reasons you should purchase health insurance now:

# 1: Avoid the rush

as long as you allow yourself to evaluate plans and compare price, the more likely you'll find the best .. health coverage for you and your family

it is that simple

as the deadline looms, wait Involved a large advertising push to get the word - and the potential for website traffic or the treatment of arrears as that around the first of the year. (Due to the increase of registered who signed the end of last December, the insurance companies found themselves overwhelmed, and many people are struggling to check their coverage by seeing a health care provider.) Who need this hassle

# 2: Avoid potential disaster if something unforeseen happens

as soon as you register, the sooner your new coverage kick in. the registration of 15 March, for example, means that you are covered beginning April 1.

If you wait until the bitter end, your insurance will not start before 1 May (During registration open, selecting a plan by the 15th of the month means that your coverage will begin the first of the following month.

If you register between the 16th and the last day of your coverage does not begin until the first of the month after next.)

While 30 days may not seem like a long stretch, all it takes is a slip running your car to escape a shower April accumulating medical bills that can overwhelm you if you are not insured

# 3 :. Avoid the trouble

March 31 is the date to have insurance in place. If you are not registered then you could face a penalty tax of $ 95 or 1 percent of your annual income, whichever is greater.

After that, most people without coverage by the employer, Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP can not buy insurance until the next open enrollment period, which begins November 15, 2014, unless you experience a "qualifying event" such as getting married, having a child, or losing your employer-sponsored coverage.

so, with less than six weeks go, why push your luck?

to learn more, go to GetInsured.com or call 855-224-9212 for help finding the best plan for you.

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