What I would tell my 21-Year-Old Self About Money

5:37 PM
What I would tell my 21-Year-Old Self About Money -

What I’d Tell My 21-Year-Old Self About Money | TaxACT

As a new crop of college graduates enter the real world according to the season of graduation, many of them are new to renting apartments and pay their own credit card bills for the first time.

Reflecting on the months since my own graduation and entry into the world of work, this is what I tell my younger self some money.

What I’d Tell My 21-Year-Old Self About Money

Start using credit (charge, of course)

Yes, you have a map credit, but you rarely use because your parents you avoid debt.

but to build credit and qualify for a mortgage insurance premium and better one day, you need to actually use your credit card. Credit cards offer better consumer protection than debit cards anyway, so start to slide the plastic and pay the balance each month that you know you should.

Then when you have built a decent credit history, getting a cashback credit card to earn rewards on your purchases (not just use the cashback to justify additional purchases!).

Stop wasting money on things cheap

I know it's fun to buy a nice top to H & M or a great photo frame to the target. And $ 20 here or there may not seem like much, but over time these little purchases add foolish, making it more difficult to buy parts that are better made and last longer or save up for things like holiday or down payments.

Before you buy something, ask yourself: Is this really fit me without modifications? (Let's be honest: you're not going to pay for sewing, do not settle for good-but-not-quite right.)

Is it going to look elegant in a year or is it likely to fall apart or look dated desperately? Does it match what I have at home or will I use to justify more purchases in the future? Would I rather now or I'll find something better later?

Be choosey about your apartment

Rent will be your largest monthly expense, so choose wisely.

Moving to the end of each lease because your roommates are proving to be bullies or your bedroom is freezing cold and your landlord prohibits radiators wastes a lot of time and money (movers, brokerage, etc. .).

do not settle for an apartment because you are tired of looking or rent is cheaper than your last place you fall in love with cats colocation.

Get to know your potential roommates as individuals. Ask about things like heating bills and the problems of noise and maintenance. Discover your rights as a tenant.

So, stay in an apartment as long as humanly possible!

Do not follow the Joneses

Our generation came of age watching "Sex and the City" and dreaming of a fabulous urban lifestyle, with Manolo Blahnik and expensive martinis.

In reality, there's no way Carrie Bradshaw could afford these shoes or a Manhattan apartment! Good, quality shoes and work clothes do better printing office (seriously, stop buying shoes from Payless!), But we do not need to drink fruity cocktails $ 12 (actually, it can make you look even younger than you are).

Enjoy time glass of wine in time, it has less sugar and a lower price tag and find friends whose idea of ​​fun does not completely revolve around barhopping. They will be more authentic and interesting, too.

Skip the guilt holiday

When you go on vacation, as you should! -Do Driving other crazy pinching pennies, obsessed with who ordered a second glass of wine or spend three hours hopping bus with luggage when an estimated $ 20 taxi could get you there in 20 minutes.

The holidays should be enjoyed, so putting money before you leave so you can loosen the purse strings a little and enjoy the experience without constraint

What diriez- you of your younger self about spending, saving or budgeting

photo credit:.? martinak15 via photopin cc

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