Commuter Tax Benefits Restored: Here, AOS Profiting

3:59 PM
Commuter Tax Benefits Restored: Here, AOS Profiting -

Commuter Tax Benefits Restored: Here’s How to Take Advantage by TaxACT

When most of us hear sensational financial news as the debt ceiling or of the fiscal cliff, it, AOS best to resolve the noise you get involved in political debates stale

But there was a little declared income for the year a lot of cliff that can help you save some money immediately :. the restoration of the tax benefits of the suburbs.

Back in 2011, employees could take advantage of two tax breaks suburban using dollars tax free to their work-related expenses parking ($ 230 per month) and the costs of transport ( $ 230 per month).

public transport portion was reduced to $ 125 per month in 2012, cutting off a valuable benefit for transport users.

With fiscal cliff deal, Congress retroactively (as of 1 January, 2012) increased the tax benefit from suburb to $ 240 per month and $ 240 per month for parking. For 2013, these amounts will be $ 245.

Get your employer on board by offering tax commuter benefits

The advantage may be provided to you, the employee, as a paid employee pre-tax payroll deductions, a subsidy paid by the employer tax free or a combination of the above.

It works for you anyway, though. If you use pre-tax dollars, you spend less than your purchase of transit passes with the money from your paycheck, and you receive a subsidy from your employer, your shipping costs can be significantly reduced.

There are tax benefits to the employer as well if they provide a subsidy. If you still need to use paid parking when using transit, you can apply the same benefits to your parking fees, for a total of $ 480 per month.

So if you pay after tax dollars for travel costs, ask your employer immediately to start saving money.

Enjoy riding transit and save money

If you, AOVE never got on the bus or the train before it can take some getting used to. buses and crowded late trains are certainly a hassle, but try public transit a few times and see if you like Don, AOT save money on gas and parking.

It doesn, AOT to be every day. You could save by combining public transport and carpooling with

Here are some ways to make the most practical :.

  • Know the schedule and arrive at the stop a few minutes early.
  • you have exact change or get a public transportation card so that you don, AOT fumbling with coins.
  • Enter the front and out the back if you Aore riding a bus.
  • Bring a book for long rides.
  • If you buy a monthly pass, transit weekend to explore new places.

transportation costs eat into our income, but you can save money now just asking a few questions of your employer or making the switch transit

photo credit: C. She via photopin cc

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