5 Life Hacks They Do not Teach You in School

2:33 PM Add Comment
5 Life Hacks They Do not Teach You in School -
Anyone of a certain age has heard of the "three Rs" of education - reading, ' riting and 'rithmetic - but there are some life skills any of your studies will teach. In fact, it takes a lot more these days to pass after the end of your schooling, especially when it comes to ensuring that you have the financial resources to take care of you and your family.

Here are five life hacks that you can not learn in school.

1. Paying off debt
Recent statistics from the Federal Reserve show the average American household is between $ 7,123 and $ 15,270 of credit card debt and $ 32,258 of student loan debt. In addition, the Federal Trade Commission reports that many people face a financial crisis at some point in their lives, either because of illness, loss of a job, or overspending. This debt is an imminent problem in just these situations.

Whatever you got in trouble, get out of debt is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a solid financial future. The FTC said an important first step is to create a household budget, ensuring the amount you take in each month exceeds your expenses. Once the expenses are under control, use the extra money to pay off credit card debt as quickly as possible, starting with the cards that have the highest interest rates. You may also want to consider the counsel of credit or debt management, but make sure to do your homework to avoid scams.

2. Negotiating a pay rise
The companies expect moderate wage increases of 2.9 percent for their non-management salaried employees in 2014, according to a survey of 910 US companies by Towers Watson, a global professional services company. Employees should not sit and wait for a raise, however - they should ask. When requesting an increase, experts recommend arming yourself with facts about the financial performance of your business and the salaries of others in comparable positions. And when you do ask for a raise, do not say it because you need the money. Focus on the value you bring to the company, as higher earnings or acquisition of new customers.

3. Buy a house
With debts under control and better pay up, many people start thinking about buying a home. One of the first things to consider is how long you plan to stay in the house. The initial costs of buying a home, including closing costs and estate agent fees, you can lose money if the value of your home does not increase the time that you plan enough to sell. Many experts advise to stay in your home for at least three to five years, but a mortgage calculator can help you manage the numbers. You should also consider other expenses such as home insurance, property taxes, association fees and maintenance.

4. Save for the future
Whether a house, a car, college education of the children, or your own retirement, saving for future may seem daunting, if not impossible, but it is easier than you might think. It begins by creating a household budget (see point # 1). Then adopt a mindset of "paying yourself first" - agree to set aside a certain amount of savings each month and treat that as you would any other project household bill to be paid . Finally, start saving as early as possible to take advantage of compound interest (This earning interest on your interest.). A common rule is aimed 50/20/30.

5. protect your assets
Even if you earn a good income, have no debt and are diligent about saving for the future, few could absorb the cost of a catastrophic event such as an illness or a major accident. that's where insurance comes in. insurance allows you to drive a car knowing that the cost of repairs or medical care will be covered in case of accident. It also allows you to own a home knowing that it can be repaired or replaced if it is damaged or destroyed. life insurance can even give peace of mind knowing your family will be supported if something happens to you.

"Insurance is an essential element of any financial plan because without it, you could lose everything you've worked so hard for a single catastrophic event," said Rick Burt, vice president Executive of products ERIE.

Although car insurance and home insurance are often mandatory, Burt recommends consumers consider personal umbrella insurance and life insurance. "A personal umbrella policy gives you an extra layer of protection beyond your auto and home insurance in case you are sued because of an accident. And life insurance is essential if your family depends on you financially. - If you are the main breadwinner or the person taking care of things at home "

for more information or to find an Erie insurance agent, erieinsurance.com visit.

I froze to the test: I can still protect pipes

1:32 PM Add Comment
I froze to the test: I can still protect pipes -
Thermometer in snow

Take heart, because all is not lost. There are simple, quick, you can do to protect the pipes and make sure your water is flowing, not frozen. Just follow these simple tips:

  • kitchen cabinets This allows the hot air to circulate around pipes
  • Keep doors closed garage .. to protect water lines.
  • Allow your cold water taps drip on the coldest days. The move will make it harder for water to freeze.
  • Keep your thermostat at the same temperature day and night. Never drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit when you leave your home.
  • Make sure you have suitable seals on all doors and windows.
  • Place a 60-watt bulb in areas where you are concerned about freezing pipes. Make sure there are no combustible materials near the bulb.
  • Take quick action if the pipes located inside of an exterior wall are freezing. Cut a hole in the wall to the inside the house to expose the hot air pipes.

learn more about the signs of frozen water pipes and what to do if you think the worst

Six smart (and smart) smoke detectors to consider

12:31 PM Add Comment
Six smart (and smart) smoke detectors to consider -

This Sunday is the summer time, the time of year when we put our clocks forward one hour. It is also the time of year to check your smoke detector batteries and consider an evacuation plan with your family.

This year, you can also consider investing in some new smoke detectors. The new models feature technologies such as the ability to text you if something is off. They are also much more stylish, with new stylish designs and whimsical designs (one as a bird!)

Read about six of the most buzzed about new smoke detectors section below.

Read article at Apartment Therapy source

Six Books for owners of small businesses

11:30 AM Add Comment
Six Books for owners of small businesses -

In the spirit of networking company serving exceptional customer, the following books for small business owners and large businesses alike are highly rated by critics and readers. Erie Insurance Corporate Librarian Adam Groves organized this list, which is limited to books published in 2013, based on the recommendations of its ERIE colleagues.

This is what happens at the top of their list when it comes to the power of hardbacks, paperbacks and ebooks to work for you and your business.

      1. Success depends on how we interact with others

Give and Take :. A revolutionary approach to success

      by Adam Grant reveals the effectiveness of networking, collaboration, influence, negotiation and leadership skills and can affect your definition your business'-success.

2. The Unstoppables: Tapping Your Entrepreneurial Power Bill Schley is New York Times bestseller analyzing the "emotional mechanics" that define entrepreneurs on the move. It gives you six sets of rules to help you take your business to the next level.

3. Is your business equipped to change with your customers? What is the business of the future? Changing the way companies create experiences Brian Solis aligns customer experience innovation and leadership in an effort to support business performance for a new generation of consumption.

4. Creating a place where people want to work and succeed is important for every business. No Excuses :. How you can turn any workplace in a Great One by Jennifer Robin and Michael Burchell proves that any business can change for the better when you have the right tools and mindset

5. SmartTribes :. How to Become a Brilliant Teams Together by Christine Comaford shows how you can revive and engage your team by replacing the old mentalities limiting new practices that promote optimal performance

6. Crafting the customer experience for people not Like you: How to Delight and Engage customers of your competitors Do not Understand by Kelly McDonald explains how companies can foster long-term loyalty and brand preference with the service exceptional customer and personalized.

The capacity for innovation and adaptation is essential to your success. With these readings, you will gain new tools to move your team and your business.

How to help your car Collect winter

10:29 PM Add Comment
How to help your car Collect winter -

Your car has struggled against the snow, ice, salt and potholes for months. Needless to say, some attention is certainly to help retrieve your car for the winter. Here are eight areas of your car, you'll want to check (or have checked) Now that winter is in the rearview mirror.

  • Tires. Now it's time to exchange your snow tires for your all-season tires. If you kept your all-season tires all winter, you'll want to have them rotated. Indeed, the drive wheels will wear faster in all conditions, but especially in severe winter conditions. By having their regular rotation (about every 3,000 to 6,000 miles), they will better distribute wear and tear and prolong the life of your tires.

    Also, if you 're keeping your all-season tires on all year, make sure to check the tire pressure. The cold air reduces tire pressure, which reduces the adhesion of the tires have with the road. The tire pressure may have automatically upgraded when the weather warmed, but it is always best to check. (If a tire is particularly weak, it could mean that there is a puncture or leak.)
  • wiper blades. Your wiper blades probably overtime removing snow and slush on your windshield. This, and the fact that the cold weather wear blades, means you'll want to inspect the spring. Replace them if they look worn, creaking or not to water quite clear on your windshield.
  • of the body of the car. The salt used on winter roads can corrode your car, which can cause rust to form. This is particularly true as regards the substructure of the car.

Help your child prepare for an internship

9:28 PM Add Comment
Help your child prepare for an internship -

If your child is preparing for the opportunity of paid internship or not, congratulations! Internships are a great way for students to learn about themselves, gain experience, network, and more.

If you, Aore enthusiastic about the idea, but worried about everything that comes with it, Don, AOT worry, Äîthat, AOS very natural. In this series, you, Äôll information about:

  • Why internships matter: Internship Both paid and unpaid gaining popularity as more companies use as a screening tool future employees. Learn why internships as paid and unpaid important than ever
  • When your child should look for: .. There are several ways in which your child can learn and implement opportunities
  • How to help your child find housing: internships are often away from home and campus, meaning the search for housing is on. How to help your child find a safe and friendly accommodation budget
  • how your child can protect his property and find out what, AOS insured: .. Learn some simple safety tips to keep things safe and sound
  • What are the personal safety precautions your child needs: security is always a concern, especially in a new city. Learn some ways your child can stay safe while he or she is an intern.

Finally, see an article by one of ERIE, AOS own trainees. It lists useful tips your child can use to make a lasting impression during his internship.

Fun Facts on Cherry Trees

8:27 PM Add Comment
Fun Facts on Cherry Trees -

There is still a week to visit the National Cherry Blossom Festival in DC

While we know all the cherry trees in the capital of our nation are beautiful, you did they serve as a major symbol of US-Japanese relations? Or that women, once chained themselves to themselves in protest?

Learn more about the history of these magnificent trees below.

Read the article source at the National Park Service of the US

How can I prevent my car from hydroplaning?

7:26 PM Add Comment
How can I prevent my car from hydroplaning? -
hand on windshield wiper

When your vehicle hydroplanes, you lose the ability to gain traction, steer and brake effectively. This makes aquaplaning one of the most dangerous driving conditions.

This raises the question, how can I avoid hydroplaning when driving? The key is to have a plan in advance and prepare your vehicle to operate effectively in slippery conditions. Long before the rain conditions arrive, you must :.

  • Check your tires and wiper blades Your tires are your first line of defense against hydroplaning because the clear water of the road, allowing you to maintain traction. Make sure your tires are ready for the task by ensuring that they are properly inflated. Also go further and inspect your tires. Rotate or replace tires that show significant wear of the tread.
    Finally, replace all wiper blades makeup noises or leave marks on your windshield. The new wiper blades are much cheaper than repairing your car after an accident.
  • Know the roads. You may not know exactly where the water collected on the roads, but some safety rules in general. You are safer driving in inland waterways, as opposed to external paths. This is because the water drains to the outer lanes before it arrives on the shoulder. You should also avoid puddles rule continues through them only exposes your vehicle to unnecessary risks.
  • Smart Drive. Safe driving in wet conditions is as much about the temperature outside as it is on the way you handle your vehicle. When navigating on wet roads, slow to give your tires a chance to disperse water.

also avoid sharp turns or sudden stops, which put a burden on your tires. Remember to turn off your cruise control for the whole trip, even if it is a long drive. This will prevent your vehicle to maintain the desired speed, which is dangerous if your car hydroplanes.

Next, learn some tips on how to drive when heavy rain pours.

Advantages and disadvantages of life on a golf course

6:25 PM Add Comment
Advantages and disadvantages of life on a golf course -
Golf ball

Living on a golf course has an obvious appeal for anyone who enjoys the tee on a base regular. In addition to your next round of golf just outside your door, living on a golf course often provides a view of a sprawling green vista. Many golf communities also have new homes and offer additional amenities such as spas, planned activities and more.

Yet for all their upsides, there are aspects of life on a golf course that could give you a break. They include:

  • Stray golf balls. The possibility of a golf ball airborne landing on you, your car or your home is a real possibility when you, Aore living on a golf course. If you Aore particularly concerned about this, looking for a home away fairways. Also make sure you have the right insurance in place. Your home insurance typically covers damage to your home while the full coverage in your auto insurance policy generally covers damage to your car. Just be aware that full coverage is optional, so talk to your Erie Insurance Agent to ensure that you have the right to protection
  • The sound of golf carts :. You, Äôll want to check where the path for golf carts work. If you Aore near a path, you, Äôll likely to be subjected to noise carts and people zipping by a good part of the day
  • Noise golf course. things can get noisy if you Aore very close to the course. This is especially true if your home borders a starting area. Another thing to consider is the noise groundkeepers. The courses are usually mowed very early morning. If your master bedroom overlooks the course, it probably AOS your sleep may be interrupted by the noise and lights.
  • Pesticide runoff. Many golf courses receive regular spraying of pesticides. Their run is dangerous to people and pets. Check in with each course that you visit to see if they use organic options and / or have areas without pesticides
  • Deed restrictions :. It, AOS common for golf communities to be governed by a homeowners association, AO. Although the association will keep their neighboring properties pleasant to watch, restrictions may limit the number of projects to improve the home you can do. Some associations also provide landscaping and maintenance requirements. Always make sure to see if your community has a homeowners association. If they have one, look at their rules and restrictions to see if they are feasible or too strict for your taste
  • Restriction of reasons :. Many courses restrict where you can walk, bike or recreate. If these activities are important to you, how easy it is to enjoy non-golf leisure before buying.

If you have considered all these things and decide that life on a golf course is the right choice, you might consider buying a golf cart. It, AOS significant to note that, like cars, golf carts need insurance coverage.

Infographic: a hands-free phone is not without risk

5:24 PM Add Comment
Infographic: a hands-free phone is not without risk -

Studies show that 80 percent of drivers believe hands-free phones are safer than mobile phones .

In reality they are not. Search over 30 studies shows that hands-free devices are safer than mobile phones.

Learn why by looking at the infographic below. It is full of surprising facts that will make you think twice hands free phones and distracted driving.

provided by the National Security Council

ERIE Agent Actions Cinco de Mayo History, Traditions

4:23 PM Add Comment
ERIE Agent Actions Cinco de Mayo History, Traditions -

Cinco de Mayo is a day of celebration and let's face it, lots of good food and margaritas-for many Americans. So it is probably even bigger deal down to Mexico, right?

A little history

In reality, it is much more laid back south of the border. Just ask David Gallegos-Persichetti, an Erie Insurance agent at MMA Insurance in Pickerington, Ohio, who immigrated to the US from Mexico in 1995.

"Cinco de Mayo is not independence Mexico Day is actually on September 16, "he said. "The Cinco de Mayo, we celebrate the victory of the Mexican Army over the French occupiers in the city of Puebla."

The Battle of Puebla took place in 1862. It is still celebrated all these years later because of how unlikely the Mexican victory was. The French army was 8,000 strong and well equipped while the poorly equipped Mexican army was just a little over half that size.

"When I was a child, we recognize the heroes of the battle in our school," recalls David. "At home, we would have a little dinner with our family."

traditions Preserving

David was 19 when he came to the United States. He admits he was surprised that the Americans celebrated Mexican holiday at all.

"I am impressed by the number of people who knew Cinco de Mayo," he said. "However, many of them do not know the correct story, then I have what we really celebrate always say."

David also invests time to help his son David, 10, and her daughter, Isabella, 7, understand the party.

"Keeping traditions alive and remains strong in our culture is very important for me," he said. "I read the Spanish and we celebrate all Mexican holidays. On Cinco de Mayo, my wife and I have family over and serve traditional Mexican cuisine. "

a food that makes an appearance every year is dulce de Puebla camote (sweet potato candy Puebla). This traditional treat consists of sweet potato puree that are mixed with sugar and rolled in wax paper to resemble a cigar. Learn how by following the recipe below.

sweet potato candy recipe from Puebla


3 sweet potatoes, each about 6 oz
1/2 plus 1/2 cup teaspoon of sugar
1/3 cup butter
cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
1/2 cup water

Peel the sweet potatoes and cook them in a pot of boiling water for 25 minutes. Drain and mash the potatoes with warm soft 1/2 cup sugar, butter and cinnamon.

Let the fresh sweet potatoes. When they are cool enough to handle, use your hands to make a cigar shape, sprinkle with a little sugar and wrap in waxed paper. You can eat them at room temperature, and they have life span of about three days. Disfruta! (This is Spanish for "Enjoy!")

Infographic: Cities start a business in small

3:22 PM Add Comment
Infographic: Cities start a business in small -

This week marks National Small Business Week, a time when we celebrate America's small business owners


There are many things to think about when you run a small business. This applies even if you plan to start a small business. One thing to consider is where to set up shop. Small businesses derive differently depending on where they are. Discover where small businesses flourish as consultant section below. Some of choice will probably surprise you!

Read source inc.com

Video: How to be a responsible dog owner

2:21 PM Add Comment
Video: How to be a responsible dog owner -

responsible dog owners play a key role in ensuring their dogs do not bite other people. In this video, the Insurance Information Institute share information about dog bite liability and basic advice on how to choose and train your dog to be a well behaved member of the family.

Then learn more about why dogs bite and what to do if you believe a dog is about to bite you.

Get your boat ready equipment for summer

1:20 PM Add Comment
Get your boat ready equipment for summer -

Your boat has been stored for months as you, AOVE expected for¬ † winter to finally end. And now that it, AOS addition, you can, AOT wait to get out on the water. Before leaving, make sure your boat and boating equipment are ready for the season by following these tips:

  • Add your boat inspection Even if you store your boat. in a protective shelter, it, AOS still possible, it has suffered damage during the winter. Before bringing it to the landing, inspect your boat. Hoses and other rubber parts may have been affected by dry rot since last time. You should also check the metal surfaces and electrical areas to be sure they haven, AOT been corroded by moisture.
  • Check your pump, AOS water turbine rubber. The rubber wheel using your water pump supplying water to the engine to keep it cool. Unfortunately, the rubber wheels only last about two years (or 0 hours) before needing to be replaced. When inspecting your water pump, be sure to watch the rubber wheel. An operating unit will prevent your engine against overheating.
  • Make sure your fluids are full. Like your car, your boat needs more fluids to run. Make sure your oil, power steering, power balance, cooling and transmission oil are at satisfactory levels before leaving.
  • Test the battery. If your battery is more than four years, it, AOS probably time for a replacement. Even if it, AOS beyond the old test before heading over the water. The last thing you want is for her to die so that you, Aore the middle of the open water.
  • Bring to the experts for an update. It, AOS worth having a professional take a look at things every year. boat accessories, like your engine, will likely require a tune after months without going to use. The development will also include a compression test and sealing and pump water inspection. Your mechanic will also check the lubricant in the lower unit, inspect the warning alarms and test spark plugs.
  • Take your safety equipment. Packing for a day on the water should include more than just water skis and sunglasses. Make sure your boat has the appropriate board navigation equipment. This includes life jackets, fire extinguishers, visual distress signals, a bailer, an anchor, a first aid kit, a flashlight and a bell or a whistle. You should also make sure to bring a fully charged cell phone with you wherever you are heading.

Next, learn about the essential water safety tips.

Safety Tips Summer Party

12:19 PM Add Comment
Safety Tips Summer Party -

barbecues, graduation parties, picnics, the Fourth of July there are all kinds of festive events summer this time of the year.

Unfortunately, dangerous lights and grill food can put a serious damper on your summer party. To prevent your summer party of taking a turn for the worse, see our barbecue grill safety tips. Then check out the article below to learn important food safety tips.

Read source fda.gov

4 things to consider for your wedding

11:18 AM Add Comment
4 things to consider for your wedding - At-Home

A 2013 survey of 17,500 married by TheKnot.com and WeddingChannel.com, it is easy to see why many couples choose a wedding at home. The survey found the average wedding budget is $ 28,427 - the cost of a new car or a deposit on a house.

With the rising cost of weddings and the move towards more casual wedding styles, wedding at home can be an attractive option. While the bride and groom should cover the basics like making sure they have enough space, refreshed landscaping and rental of tables and chairs, they must also ensure that their insurance coverage is the task of managing the big day.

Here are four key insurance issues couples happy should think about planning a wedding at home:

  • property - Your personal property is covered by your insurance policy owners. "But you have to consider the limits of the personal property of your policy with your agent," said Joe Vahey, vice president and product manager at Erie Insurance. "The limit is usually a percentage of the value of your home, so you'll want to ensure it covers all the wedding gifts you receive with a potentially expensive one-of-a-kind dress."
  • liability insurance - Some liability coverage is included on the standard homeowners policy to cover the possibility that an injury can occur on your property. So if your uncle falls while doing the chicken dance or your aunt diving trips to catch the bridal bouquet, you're probably covered. Again, review these liability limits with your agent to make sure you have enough coverage.

    "It is always wise to consider adding an inexpensive policy of personal catastrophe liability (PCL), sometimes called umbrella insurance, your policy, "said Vahey. "Having this additional protection you and your future spouse with the necessary peace of mind on a hectic day supply"

  • Rings - Consider. "Scheduling" your wedding rings - or adding to your separate policy. - rather than relying on the overall coverage provided by a standard font comprehensive warranty in standard policies may have a limit value a planned ring has additional coverage to the specific value of this ring of. so you do not have to worry if you need to replace a lost or stolen ring
  • Power -. Your caterer should carry their own insurance, but make sure to request and confirm . If you provide food and someone gets sick, your liability insurance may be necessary to start. again, this is a political PCL could be interesting.

If you have questions about coverage for your home or wedding insurance in general, contact a local agent Erie Insurance in your community.

What you need to know about lightning safety

10:17 PM Add Comment
What you need to know about lightning safety -

This week marks Awareness Week safety against lightning. Although disasters like hurricanes tend to get more attention during the summer months, it is important to know how to stay safe from lightning. Indeed, lightning presents serious risks to people and property.

safety against lightning and people

Lightning can occur during a time of year, but the lightning losses are the most high during summer. July is usually the month lightning. The lightning strokes often occur in the afternoon. Two thirds of all victims of lightning occur between noon and 18 hours Here are some interesting facts:

  • The males are five times more likely than women to be struck by lightning; about 85 percent of fatal crashes of thunder are men.
  • Those aged 15 to 34 account for nearly half of all victims of lightning strikes (41 percent).
  • About a third (32 percent) of lightning injuries occur inside.

safety and lightning goods

from 07 to 2011, the local fire departments in the United States responded to an average of 22,0 fires per year that were started by lightning. These fires caused an average of nine civilian deaths and $ 451 million in direct property damage per year. Home fires accounted for 19 percent of lightning fires. Fires in non-residential structures, including businesses and other non-residential properties, accounted for 7 percent. vehicle fires represented 1 percent. The remaining 73 percent were external properties and unclassified

Lightning fires in non-residential properties caused an average of $ 108 million in direct damage annually from 07 and 2011. The average annual damage non-residential properties include :.

  • $ 28 million in storage facilities
  • $ 22 million in gathering places such as houses of worship and restaurants
  • $ 19 million non-home residential properties such as hotels and motels
  • $ 15 million in mercantile and commercial properties such as offices, specialty stores and department stores
  • $ 15 million in industrial plants and manufacturing
  • $ 3 million in various goods

what you need to know

Read on to learn:

  • How to avoid the lightning: you will discover how to protect yourself no matter where you are
  • some shocking facts about lightning: .. Check out this infographic to learn some eye-opening facts about Lightning and security of lightning
  • has about protection against lightning systems: watch a video and learn more about these systems that help prevent buildings from catching fire.

Ready to learn more? Then we'll begin.

Being a homeowner: What you need to know

9:16 PM Add Comment
Being a homeowner: What you need to know -

What you see real estate as an investment opportunity or if you are looking for ways to pay the mortgage on your old house that you wait for the market to rebound from the seller, you may be considered an owner.

Being an owner, of course, is more than simply collect a rent check every month. In the following posts, we'll explore some of the unique issues facing owners and show you what it takes to be a successful owner. We'll see:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of being a landlord The rent money is great, but what are some negative aspects? You want to know about these issues well before becoming owner.
  • How to find a good tenant The good tenants are being a landlord much easier, so we'll show you how to find the best.
  • things to say to a new tenant Setting expectations in advance will help to promote good relations with your tenants. Here are five things you should tell anyone who rents you.
  • How to be a good owner The good tenants make everything easy, so how do you return the favor? We'll show you how in this post.
  • How Insurance Insurance is an important part of the equation for owners and tenants. Our experts weigh what is required, what is recommended and what policies you should ask your tenants to carry.

Being an owner can generate a little extra money on the side. It is a great opportunity, so we'll learn more about being a landlord.

(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: No Right Way to make a left turn

8:15 PM Add Comment
(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: No Right Way to make a left turn -

Since I (vaguely) embraced this teaching-my-girl-how -to -drive period of my life, I got really close to being struck by another vehicle "only" three times. What was the common denominator, you ask? The infamous left turn.

In each case, my daughter Maddi was so focused on what she was doing and how to go around it forgot that traffic coming the other way had the right of way. YIKES.

This made me cry and declare me the worst teacher never . But who would blame me? We were fortunate, however, that every time the other driver had enough time to hit the brakes.

This made me wonder about left turns and how many accidents occur when drivers make a left. Unfortunately I could not find too many statistics on left turns versus right, but I know more about the roundabouts. A roundabout is a circular intersection or junction where the traffic flows in one direction around a central island. He denies the need for a left turn and the curvature of the road appropriate to reduce the speed of vehicles.

Of course, I had heard of roundabouts before and how they were considered much safer. Yet we do not have them where I live in Pennsylvania, which has not really helped.

Compared to other types of intersections, roundabouts have demonstrated the safety and other benefits, according to the Federal Highway Administration. They include:

  • a reduction of more than 0 percent of deaths.
  • 76 percent reduction in injury.
  • reduction of 35 percent in all accidents.

Did you know that there are actually several years UPS changed their routes to avoid drivers all left turns? The company said the decision was taken because of safety and effectiveness.

What to do?

It might be embarrassing to do that UPS did and change our routes include only right turns. But we can emphasize caution when our young drivers (and us older people, too) make a left turn. Be especially careful when you are a fire waiting to make a left turn and the light turns yellow.

Also pay attention to what other vehicles are doing when they make a round -. Especially when you are at an intersection

I am now back in the car with her after near misses - being .. hopefully a little calmer, and, of course, always on the lookout for left turns

Read the next installment of this series regular

11 ways to save on back to school shopping

7:14 PM Add Comment
11 ways to save on back to school shopping -

Do not look now, but summer is almost over. It is the lazy afternoon right at the beach will soon be replaced by the mad dash to get our children to school.

Before you prepare to fight the aisles of your local store for the back school shopping season, check these tips from top bloggers and your servant. They can help you save money and your serious mental-health during the shopping season of the season.

Know what you need

Before preparing to buy school supplies, a list of what you need. It will help you avoid spending money on things that are not absolutely necessary. Most local school supply stores stock lists to make this easier for you. You can also contact your child's school or visit the school's Web site, where many schools have supply lists grouped by grade and / or classroom.

"Having this list of school supplies in hand reduce the amount of time you're in the store as well," said Kristin Willis, blogger and founder of the friendly coupon, LLC. "You can enter, leave and focus on life. "

Recycling and upcycle

Resist the urge to rush, list in hand, to your local store to buy supplies. Look through supplies last year for recoverable items such as rulers, compasses and pencils. It will save money and teach your children the value of recycling.

You can also teach your children how to upcycle, or find new uses for old objects. Upcycling is a great way to save money and help the environment. For example, my second grader will use the bag of last year for lunch that his art box this year. the size and zipper closure, it is ideal for storing crayons and markers. It also lays flat on the tray, which saves space in the classroom.

Hit sales

If you're like me, you want to avoid the frenzy of frantic buyers by purchasing supplies as they appear on the shelves. However, buying too early or too late can cost you money, since most supplies are on sale now.

"Stores are trying to be the first with offers to get more customers, so they begin their sales early in the season," said Joe Daugirdas, better known as Joe Guy coupon, a coupon clipper and avid blogger. "It's easy to go to the store and get what you need at the last minute, but you can pay double or more if you wait too long."

Trying to find the best deal on every little item on your list is extremely long. instead, spend most of your time comparison shopping for expensive items like electronics and backpacks.

Cut coupons

to shave even more money on the sale price, try coupons Check your local newspaper and the Internet for weekly ads and coupons to help plan your shopping trips -.. and your savings

be careful, however, that you do not travel too far from your path. "Save gas by shopping in stores that are near you," advises Kristin. "Going all the way across town to buy $ 0.10 cases compared to 0.20 $ folders in a shop just down the road from your house is not really saving money."

Buy extras now

Keep in mind that the supplies on your initial list could only get your kids through the first part of the year. Consider buying pencils and other extra supplies on your list that will replace all year. The buy in bulk and on sale will save you money in the long run.


  • Host a return to school shopping exchange Ask friends to bring more clothes and equipment their children do not want to. (Ask them to bring in coupons they do not need and share them at the time!)
  • Search for digital books or used. used books cost much less than new brands. Many schools now allow digital downloads, so be sure to check with your child and their school to see if that is an option.
  • Decide what items are really worth. Do your children crave a new tablet? Or would they rather impressive pair of sneakers? By letting your kids designate which item (or items) are worthy splurge, you will save money and teach them an important lesson on the priority purchases.
  • days Shop tax free. Many states and local governments offer duty-free shopping days during the back to school shopping season.
  • Connect with your favorite brands of children. You can learn more about saving and get valuable coupons through the following brands on social media sites like Facebook® and Twitter. Also signing up for e-newsletters brands to get discounts directly in your inbox.
  • Buy gift cards at a discount. Websites like giftcardgranny.com giftcard.com and allow you to buy other unwanted gift cards to people sometimes considerable discounts.

Back to Q & A College

6:13 PM Add Comment
Back to Q & A College -

Your child is among the 21.8 million students returning to college every day now? If so, you're probably busy helping gather all the things they need for life away from home.

One of the things you'll want to talk with them before returning to college is how to keep their car and their property safe and protected. Here are answers to some of the most common questions that parents of students.

are the effects of my child covered by my home insurance when she goes to college?

This is a big question because most universities now require freshmen to have laptops. This, and the fact that students also often bring along expensive items such as bicycles and televisions, meaning it can be quite expensive to replace damaged or stolen items.

The good news is that the owners of policies of most insurers are designed to cover your child if something is stolen or destroyed. At Erie Insurance, full-time students under the age of 24 are automatically covered by their parents' policy. students and / or part-time students who are 24 and older may need to purchase a renters insurance policy themselves and protect their property.

Does the insurance cover different if my child lives in a dormitory over an apartment?

your child's personal property is usually covered by your home insurance if they are away from home. However, when students choose to live in an apartment, they should consider purchasing an insurance policy separate tenants. Indeed, renters insurance also often provides for additional living expenses if a house becomes uninhabitable due to something like a fire. (It is also useful to review some of the other reasons why renters insurance is to consider.)

What steps can my child do to protect his property?

It is a good idea to talk with your child about this for more than 20,400 burglaries were reported on American campuses in 2012 in addition to taking personal safety precautions, your child will also want to keep these tips in mind:

  • always lock doors. This seems obvious, but most dorm thefts occur during the day.
  • fireproof things. Do not leave candles, cigarettes and grids-the most common causes of fires abandonment. To be more security, consider flameless candles, indoor grills and just kicking the habit.
  • Electronic Burn. Graphics make it easier for the police to track down stolen computers, televisions and iPods.
  • Create a home inventory. It is much easier to apply if you save all receipts from major purchases, make a detailed list of valuables in your home, and the photograph or video your possessions. To make the process a breeze, the Insurance Information Institute offers free home inventory software online Know Your Stuff.
  • backup items or more expensive to leave them at home. Bicycles, jewelry, watches and laptops are some of the greatest flight goals. So be sure to lock them up or leave them in a trust resident who does not have a high level of foot traffic.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that most insurers will limit how much they will pay for the flight of an article (in Erie Insurance, the limit is $ 3,000). So if a valuable asset worth more, be sure to take a personal inner additional marine pilot (also known as a "floater") on policy.
  • Consider adding an identity coverage to your policy. young people are more likely to experience identity theft because of the extra time they log onto the internet. (This is especially true if they use unsecured Wi-Fi). Check with your insurer about adding this valuable coverage to your policy. (At Erie Insurance, it is automatically included in many policies. Talking with Erie Insurance agent for more information on the identity recovery coverage.)

Do I need to make adjustments to the car my child coverage if she is away at school?

Because you will have one less driver living at home when your son or daughter goes to college, your household can get a discount if the child does not take the car to college . * If your child takes a set of wheels, review your coverage to make sure he or she is properly insured. (This is especially important if your child is at school in another city or state.)

children are eligible for discounts colleges?

This is an important question to ask your insurance agent. Erie Insurance has a student discount car for young, unmarried students to full-time spend most of the year away from home without the use of a vehicle. If you rent and buy your auto insurance and your renters insurance together from ERIE, you may be eligible for a multi-policy discount. * Ask an Erie insurance agent if you qualify for this type of reduction.

* Discounts subject to eligibility and the rates and rules.

17 easy and inexpensive attraction ideas

5:12 PM Add Comment
17 easy and inexpensive attraction ideas -
p> Did you know that August is National Curb month call?

Curb appeal refers to the appeal of your house seen from the street. It is an important element in making your home feel like a home. It is also essential when it comes time to sell your home. Unsurprisingly, the houses with the most curb appeal usually sell faster and for more money.

Could your home advantage of a little home improvement? If so, check the list below. It contains some simple curb appeal ideas most any homeowner can take.

easy and inexpensive to curb appeal ideas

    1. Edge along the sidewalk and walkway.

    2. Cut your shrubs. Remove all who are in poor condition.

    3. Hire a pro to reduce all overgrown trees.

    4. Clean the inside and outsides of your windows.

    5. Inspect your shutters and front door.
    If they appear to be, applying an extra coat of paint or two.

    6. Consider buying a new mailbox if your current search is the worst for wear. Be sure to check with your city and / or homeowners association to see if there are mailbox regulations.

    7. Plant flowers or even a tree.
    Consult a greenhouse expert to make sure you choose those who will work in your area and your home. If you do not know where to plant, consider starting a container garden or adding flower boxes to your windows.

    8. Redeem outdoor fixtures. Simplify by looking for devices that work with your existing frames.

    9. Wash your driveway and walkway.

    10. Clean and stain your deck.

    11. Take good care of your lawn. This means regularly fertilize, mowing and watering. Also make sure to reseed bare patches.

    12. Replace a worn doormat.

    13. Hang an attractive seasonal wreath on your front door.

    14. Replace worn door handle or lockset on your front door.

    15. Install outdoor lighting. It can be as simple as placing solar lights along your walk.

    16. Tend to your planter beds.
    In addition to planting flowers, you will want to pull the weeds and properly mulch your beds. You can also consider adding a rock or brick border around your beds.

    17. Add an outdoor work of art.
    Some ideas for curb appeal to outdoor art works include birdbaths, ornamental bird houses, weatherproof sculptures, wind chimes and small fountains.

The major projects like replacing a roof and living your home are also important when it comes to curb appeal. So aside from simple curb appeal ideas above, be sure to also keep larger projects that require hiring a contractor in mind as well.

Also remember to let your insurance agent know Erie all major home improvement projects. A large-scale renovation project could increase the value of your home, so you'll want to make sure you have enough coverage in case something unfortunate happens.

Tiny House Movement takes off

4:11 PM Add Comment
Tiny House Movement takes off -

Despite the fact that people have fewer children than in years past, the average American home swelled in size recent decades. This fact, as well as the rise of, ÄúMcMansion, Âu it is easy to see that many Americans think bigger is better when it comes to home.

However, not everyone is a big fan of large houses. A group there argues for smaller homes. houses much lower, actually.

The tiny house movement

The tiny house movement is a social movement described itself with a focus on small spaces and more simplified life. It is sometimes called the movement of life Tiny.

A tiny house is usually no larger than 400 square feet. Yet they can be as small as 100 square feet.

Why live in a tiny house?

tiny house movement proponents cite several advantages of a drastic Downsize. They include:

  • More savings. It, AOS no secret that the property can be expensive. Most Americans spend between 25 to 50 percent of their income on their mortgage or rent. Home maintenance projects, renovations and repairs siphon more money into the house.

    The reports of the US Census Bureau that the US average house costs $ 272,00. Meanwhile, a small house costs about $ 23,000. Tiny owners often do not need a mortgage or they take for a short time. In fact, 68 percent of the tiny owners have no mortgage. Another advantage is lower monthly costs of utilities.

Infographic: Road Rage

3:09 PM Add Comment
Infographic: Road Rage -

Look to the sky and you have probably heard a disturbing trend, "air rage" or passenger airlines airlines argue reclining seats. But here on the road, tempers can flare just as quickly.

Check out this infographic for some interesting facts about road rage. We also advice on how to keep your cool when rabies shots driving.

ERIE Help Message propagation Maria

2:08 PM Add Comment
ERIE Help Message propagation Maria -

Dom Tiberi lost her daughter September 17, 2013, when the car she was driving struck the back of a stopped tow truck trailer. The investigators found that the cause of the accident was

In the year Dom "unknown distraction." - A television sports anchor in Columbus, Ohio - has launched an awareness campaign about the dangers of distracted driving. The cornerstone of the campaign is the message of Maria, a token named for his late daughter who demand a commitment to avoid distractions while driving.

Dom's efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving include presentations to more than 8,000 high school students, a series of public service announcements (PSA) and the events of 10 premises hatchback football games from high school this fall. Dom also prompted the Ohio state legislators to declare September Distracted Driving Month.

ERIE joined the cause, both with funding and hands on support. Ohio sales team appears in a PSA-funded ERIE. REA also contributed to the purchase of a distracted driving simulator for use in secondary schools and tailgate events. Columbus Branch employees and agents help the tailgate events staff.

"What we are doing is good - it's the right thing to do," said Ohio Branch Manager Ray Cogan. "But what Dom is doing is incredible. He is so brave to be out there, talking about what happened to her family so others can hopefully avoid similar tragedies. "

In an interview on 10TV in Columbus, Dom said his mission is to help save lives.

" My commitment to all parents out there who have lost children (is) I'm your lawyer, "he said." I want to be your lawyer. My family wants to be your advocate. "Teen safe

program returns Teen ERIE lead

ERIE program, Maj conduct, returned for its third year this month. This year, program will include the above video message from Dom on the experience of his family.

Shift includes an annual contest in which high school students and high school can earn points by creating road safety videos , taking a safe driver engagement, sharing content on social media and referring friends to join Shift for eight weeks contest. Sixteen prizes totaling $ 20,000 will be awarded to students and schools with the most points. the contest ends November 17 more about JointheShift.org.

Video: Why disaster planning is essential

1:07 PM Add Comment
Video: Why disaster planning is essential -

We all saw new images of people tearing affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. Each year, these acts of nature wreak havoc on millions of people's lives. But how many of us really think anything could ever happen to us?

As the above video clips, anyone can be affected by extreme weather conditions. Be prepared for the worst can literally mean the difference between life and death. That's why planning disaster is so vital to all Americans.

Today marks Prepareathon America! One day when individuals, organizations and communities are encouraged to prepare for specific risks through exercises, group discussions and exercises. It also marks the closing event of the National Preparedness Month.

If you do not know what disaster may occur in your area and / or how to prepare for them, today is a good day to learn. Preparathon of America! site contains information on disaster planning for earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires and winter storms. Remember :. An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure

You have the Yellow Dot program

12:06 PM Add Comment
You have the Yellow Dot program

If you were in a car accident and is not responding, what do you want first responders? Know?

Have you-like me-have a loved one with a medical condition? Or you take a medicine that can not be mixed with other drugs?

If medical professionals are aware of your condition, they are in a better position to treat you properly. And it could make the difference between life and death.

Enter the Yellow Dot program

Fortunately, there is a way to share your medical history with first responders without saying a word.

The Yellow Dot program, which was introduced in Connecticut in 02, helps drivers share of medical conditions when they may not be able to communicate for themselves.

Participants in the Yellow Dot program place a yellow sticker on the lower left corner of the back window of their vehicle. This response teams of emergency alerts sticker to check the vehicle's glove box for important medical information about the driver and / or passengers.

states that the report of the Yellow Dot Program that is a success.

"Since our program was rolled out in November 2012, 225,000 kits Dot yellow program have been distributed," said Erin Waters-Tresatt, Deputy Press Secretary of the Ministry of Transport of Pennsylvania. "We continue to reach hand with EMS tips, safety partners, and aging and health-related groups to help educate the public about the program. "

the Dot yellow program is currently active in 22 states. the legislation has been proposed in many others. to find out if your state participates in Dot yellow program, contact your local police office or visit the Department of your state transport website

Six states in which Erie Insurance is offering commercial Yellow Dot Program :.

New York
North Carolina
West Virginia

No Program Yellow dot in your state?

If your state does not participate in Yellow Dot program, the National Council Volunteer Fire offers a similar program for free. As Dot program yellow stickers are placed on the vehicle to alert emergency responders that your medical information is in the glove box. NVFC Visit website for more information.


10:04 PM Add Comment
Recognizing - Neurodiversity in workplace
Men shaking hands

Most people are aware of the importance of a diverse workforce. When men and women from different backgrounds and generations working together, we all benefit from the unique perspective each brings to the table.

Race, ethnicity, age, sex and religion are commonly recognized when considering diversity. But the different ways each of us learn and process information?

Definition neurodiversity

business owners, employers and employees are increasingly recognizing neurodiversity in their workplaces. Neurodiversity is to recognize and celebrate the neurological differences between people. Some common neurological differences include dyslexia deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

While the movement recognizes many conditions, most of the attention is focused on the integration of people with autism in the workplace. Autism, a condition marked by atypical social skills, difficulty communicating and different concerns and interests, has increased tenfold over the last 40 years. Today, a 68 American children is on the autism spectrum. For reasons not fully understood, men are four times more likely to be diagnosed with ASD than females.

The "spectrum" refers to various degrees of differences individuals with ASD display. About 40 percent of people on the autism spectrum have average or above average intellectual abilities. Others, meanwhile, are completely nonverbal. Then there are Asperger syndrome, a condition that is similar, though milder-than autism.

The neurodiversity movement came out of the autistic civil rights movement in the 190s teams work to help people "neurotypical" refrain from view autism and other conditions as diseases or disorders that have needs to be healed. Instead, they advocate the recognition of individuals neurodiverse talents bring to the table.

Neurodiversity in the workplace

People with neurological disorders include a variety of jobs. Many people with ASD score high on intelligence tests and have a special talent for music, math and more. Many also have a special talent to focus on small details and work with systems (as opposed to others). These are great skills for a software engineer, statistician or someone who works in quality control to have.

Erie Insurance is proud to employ neurodiverse people and promote the importance of neurodiverse workplace. ERIE recently organized a "lunch and learn" Neurodiversity special event for employees interested in learning how to work more effectively with colleagues who are neurologically different.

Want to learn more about promoting an environment ? inclusive workplace for people neurodiverse Then check out the following books recommended by corporate librarian ERIE:

  • Asperger's on the job: Must-Have Tips for people with Asperger's or high functioning autism, and their employers, educators and Advocates Rudy Simone
  • How to find work that works for people with Asperger's syndrome: the Ultimate Guide to bring people with Asperger syndrome in the workplace Gail Hawkins
  • Management with Asperger syndrome , Malcolm Johnson

Too Little Liability Insurance creates extreme risks

9:03 PM Add Comment
Too Little Liability Insurance creates extreme risks -
man with umbrella

I am a safe driver. I do not do risky things. Someone I know would never sue me.

Its like something you say? When it comes to really terrible events, many people have a mentality "It can not happen to me". This belief is not only false, it is also dangerous.

"Believe me when I say a catastrophic event can happen to anyone, "said Scott Brown, a supervisor at Erie insurance claims department with 38 years of experience." the most serious case we see involves a simple negligence, not recklessness . "


The most catastrophic event Scott has seen over the years involve cars. Surprisingly, most do not involve alcohol or drugs.

"Everyone thinks they are superior drivers, but we all made mistakes on the road," says Scott. "All of a momentary distraction of bad weather can contribute to an accident."

Accidents can have a significant impact if you hurt someone else. This applies even if you hit an expensive vehicle like a brand new luxury car or a commercial vehicle.


Such serious accidents in the home due to simple negligence. Some of the most common cases include Scott saw the pool drownings, burns and falls.

Given the consequences

Beyond the emotional impact of serious accidents on you, there is also a serious financial impact.

If you injure someone or damage their property, a court may well hold you liable for the victim incurred. These costs can climb into the millions quickly, especially if a person needs extensive medical treatment or long-term physical therapy.

"The general rise in health care costs and the fact that our society is more litigious, contributes to rising costs of medical claims," ​​he said.

an accident causing serious injury to someone else could easily exceed the limits of insurance automobile liability of an average person. If your limits are exhausted, personal property like your salary and savings could be at risk. In some states, even your retirement savings and home could be at stake.

How to protect yourself 100000

The basic insurance limits of liability on your car and home are usually $ or $ 300,000. This is sufficient for many situations, but not all. In fact, he will not even cover the price of the average jury for vehicle negligence verdicts. (Which currently stands at $ 531,858, and half of all the prices are higher than that.)

In these cases, a personal liability policy Catastrophe (PCL) could be a lifesaver. PCL policy, also known as an umbrella policy provides an extra layer of liability protection beyond both your auto and homeowners policies. You (or a member of the family covered) covers if you are sued because of an accident.

Beyond protecting hard-earned assets, PCL also ensures that you do the right thing when the wrong thing happens. unfortunate situations sometimes occur. By having the resources to help compensate someone for their injuries and disadvantages, you will have the means to help them.

Not just for millionaires

Many people mistakenly believe that only high net worth individuals need a PCL policy.

In fact, liability risks are everywhere, and they have the potential to derail the people financially modest means as well as multimillionaires. (Experts recommend that you cover at least one to two times your net exposure value.)

insurance certainly can not stop bad things from happening. But it can help to ensure that the accident will not let you, your family and maybe even a Dry victim. A professional as Erie insurance agent can tell you more on the law of liability insurance offers protection and peace of mind.

Infographic: Tornado Safety

8:02 PM Add Comment
Infographic: Tornado Safety -

Today marks the first anniversary of the Midwest tornado outbreak that devastated cities like Washington, Ill As places like Washington continues to recover. and reconstruction, it is useful to keep tornado safety tips in mind. Check out the infographic below to learn how to survive a tornado, no matter where you are when you touch down.

Free help for your Turkey Emergency

7:01 PM Add Comment
Free help for your Turkey Emergency -

Beyond real holiday emergencies such as kitchen fires and toboggan accidents, there are other more minor issues that still have the potential to cause panic. Like, how long do I cook my turkey? And how do I know it's really done?

Fortunately, the resolution of your turkey emergency is only a (free) call. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) encourage anyone with questions about the meat of anything, poultry or call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline egg products.

The line opened with experts on food security and nutrition. Since its inception in 1985, the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline has answered more than two million telephone calls relating to the safe storage, handling and preparation of meat, poultry and eggs. Today, you can send your question or request a live chat session.

Experts will be there 8:00 to 2:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day to help you avoid a turkey emergency. As you can imagine, the experts have helped people in some pretty interesting turkey emergencies. They collected five of the most memorable on their blog. Read them for a laugh and a lesson on what not to Thanksgiving.

Read the original article on the first five Thanksgiving turkey fails and get safety tips useful to foodsafety.gov food.

Quiz: Holiday Safety Party

6:00 PM Add Comment
Quiz: Holiday Safety Party -


Your score:

Your Rank:

ERIE Announces Winners 2014 Shift

4:59 PM Add Comment
ERIE Announces Winners 2014 Shift -

They came, they learned and created. Now REA is proud to announce that schools have won the top prizes in the annual contest Shift.

Now in its third year, Maj encourages teenagers to creatively share safe driving tips and experiences with their peers. Teens who participated in Maj gained points by completing activities such as signing a commitment safe-driver, create and vote on videos safely pilot, and share safety messages their peers.

Adolescents with the most points won cash prizes for themselves and their schools. This year was also the first year for the award for best video. (That honor went to Corey Householder Barbara Ingram School of Arts in Hagerstown, Maryland Discover the "No art" winning video above.).

The following is a breakdown of Shift winners and their prizes:

  1. Thousand Islands High School
    Clayton, New York, $ 10,000
  2. Barbara School Ingram Arts
    Hagerstown, Maryland, 5000 $
  3. Punxsutawney School
    Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, $ 1000

in addition, the first and second place for students received $ 1,500 and $ 500, respectively. Other students quarters of winners received Amazon gift cards of $ 100.

Ultimately, all students who received the safe driving message was Maj winners. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that while adolescents account for only 14 percent of the population of the United States, they account for about twice the motor vehicle injuries.

Erie Insurance worked with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) to perform an exclusive analysis of data on the Ministry of Transportation of the United States crashes. It shows how countries compare in terms of relative danger of deaths from car accidents when teens are behind the wheel.

By making teens aware of the dangers on the road, Shift aims to help reduce the number of car accidents involving teens.

How much would it cost Ensuring Downton Abbey?

3:58 PM Add Comment
How much would it cost Ensuring Downton Abbey? -
How much would it cost to insure Downton Abbey sign

There are many reasons why millions of viewers tune in to PBS to watch Downton Abbey, the British period drama that follows the lives of the Crawley family aristocratic. There are illicit romances, class tensions and Countess Dowager of witty observations of Grantham, to name a few.

And then there's Downton Abbey, known as Highclere Castle in real life. The current home of Count and Countess Downton Abbey also serves as stunning backdrop and plays a central role in the plot of the show.

Most people simply admire the castle. As insurance professionals, we had to ask: How much would it cost to make Downton Abbey

As you can imagine, there are many . We recently spoke with Terry McConnell, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting at Erie Insurance, and Michael Bauer, Supervisor, Commercial Underwriting at Erie Insurance, to get an idea of ​​what it would cost to make Downton Abbey. Read on to learn about what Terry and Michael were taken into account for this calculation. (Or you can get the Cliff Notes version of watching our video!)

Home: same size of the house is one thing. Then there is the fact that it contains high quality craftsmanship from a bygone era. These two facts lead to ensure the cost Downton Abbey

The materials :. Do you have a lot? We can not guarantee that there is nothing compared the thousands of items, many of them truly priceless-inside Downton Abbey

Other structures and landscaping :. The estate also includes a guest house, stables and manicured landscaping. All these things need coverage.

of accidents: Dozens of servants, cooks, gardeners and more work behind the scenes of Downton Abbey. Learn what it takes to ensure against injuries at work

Disclaimer :. When Her Majesty the Queen of England, is your dinner guest, you have a specific need for liability coverage. Ask about other risks of sole responsibility of the Crawley and how they would be provided

The Final Verdict :. Drumroll, please: This is where our experts reveal their estimates for how much it would cost to make Downton Abbey.

Ready to learn more? Then we will begin to see what it would cost to make Downton Abbey.

Slideshow: How ERIE Gave Back in 2014

2:57 PM Add Comment
Slideshow: How ERIE Gave Back in 2014 -

Part of ERIE's commitment to be foremost in Service℠ means giving back to the communities in which it evolves with time, talent and treasure.

In 2014, officers and employees once partnered on a variety of worthy organizations. New this year is ERIE Service Corps, a program throughout the company that brings together employees of teams to support local causes during the working day. Take a look at the slideshow above to see some of the many ways ERIE made this year.

What to know about Classic Car Insurance

1:56 PM Add Comment
What to know about Classic Car Insurance -
Classic cars

Whether an old Packard, a groovy VW bus 1960 or a muscle car your days of glory, antique and classic cars certainly are a special breed of vehicles. As such, they often need special classic car insurance.

The insurers offer many types of classic car insurance for different types of antique cars. Erie Insurance offers coverage * for the following types of cars:

  • Classic Cars are at least 10 years and, due to limited production or manufacture of exceptionally fine, reached rare or historical interest being restored, maintained or preserved.
  • Antique Cars are 25 years or older who have been kept in good condition and / or licensed as an antique with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • Special Interest Autos do the opposite of most cars: Instead of the depreciation of the value they maintain or appreciate the value as they age.

While insurers often require a separate policy for writing classic car insurance, ERIE will generally write your classic car on the same policy as your car (s) regularly. ERIE also offers discounts to classic or antique cars that are driven Instance mileage at very low fine, 500 miles or less per year.

REA can insure your classic car on a specified amount of base. This means that we pre-determine the value of the vehicle and provide for a specific amount shown on your page political statements.

For vehicles with a value of $ 10,000 and more, our professional equipment damage appraiser will inspect and value of the vehicle. This means that you will know what we think the car is worth before a loss occurs. This way there are no surprises if you suffer a loss because we will pay up to the amount indicated on the page of your reporting policy.

Even if you do not drive your classic car, you always want to protect it from dangers such as fire, vandalism and theft. That's why it's a good idea to speak with an insurance professional as Erie insurance agent if you are interested in classic car insurance. He or she will be able to advise you on the right coverage at the right price for your classic or antique car.

* May vary by state.

Slideshow: ERIE Debuts New Technical Learning Center

12:55 PM Add Comment
Slideshow: ERIE Debuts New Technical Learning Center -

ERIE is already recognized as a leader in service. To take advantage of this long tradition, ERIE has invested in a state-of-the-art building known as the Technical Training Centre.

The building, which officially opens today, will enable agents, claims adjusters, insurers and specialist risks of the struggle to gain hands on important training related to various aspects of their work.

The Lab property

The laboratory of the property includes a large-scale model of a home -yet it is no ordinary house.

to start, all of the siding to flooring to appliances is composed of different materials commonly found in homes. So there siding that turns from vinyl to wood to stone and a roof that welcomes asphalt shingles, clay and slate on a single plane.

The purpose of the house multifaceted is to expose students to the many types of home building materials they may encounter on the job.

The Damage Lab Material

This fully functional automobile shop includes a variety of automotive lifts, high-tech machinery frame, an alignment machine a hub of the vehicle, a paint booth and a vehicle preparation station. The laboratory gives students a better understanding of how damaged vehicles are restored to their pre-loss condition. Students can also inspect and create estimates on several cars total loss.

A green building

The Technical Learning Center answers many of the highest standards of mind environmentally friendly design, construction and operation, including:

  • the plumbing water saving low-flow irrigation.
  • heating, cooling and energy efficient ventilation.
  • The use of building materials with a high composition of recycled materials.
  • curricula that highlight the importance of using sustainable materials and techniques.

The Technical Learning Centre is under consideration for a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED). This certification of the US Green Building Council recognizes buildings that demonstrate a high level of sustainable building practices.

What this means for customers ERIE

In the insurance sector, the building and the highly specialized training in it are real leader board. The Technical Training Centre gives students hands-on opportunities to explore and write estimates. It also exposes the latest trends with home industries, automotive and insurance. These practical experiences will ultimately help develop accurate estimates and better service to all REA customers.