The difference between credits and tax subsidies for health care

2:21 PM Add Comment
The difference between credits and tax subsidies for health care -

Health Care Tax Credits Comparing health plans comes down to many factors: franchises , co-insurance, incentives for wellness, and more. But one of the most important points of comparison for consumers who choose the coverage amounts to premium. This "the sticker price" means the amount that a person is responsible for paying out-of-pocket each month.

In an effort to help cushion some of the costs of health insurance premiums, co-pays and deductibles, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) established both credits and premium subsidies for the middle income consumers to lower that is the cause not to be able to offer some coverage levels. Here's what you need to know about credit and tax subsidies and how they differ.

The reform of health care tax credits

Most of the focus on the next health trade was tax credits, which are intended to reduce the monthly premium for individuals and families with incomes by up to 100 percent ($ 23.550 for a family of four) to 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($ 94,0 for a family of four in 2013). These tax credits will be immediately available for registered and payments of tax credits can go directly to insurers to cover part of the monthly health insurance premiums charged to eligible individuals.

This tax credit can be used to purchase one of four levels of "Metal plans" offered by the state market; including bronze, silver, gold and platinum. In general, the bronze level plans require the most comprehensive cost sharing (deductibles, co pays) while the platinum plans require the least.

sharing subsidy costs

Another type of financial aid for online market customers are cost-shared federal grants. The cost-sharing subsidies essentially increase the portion of benefits covered by an insurance company, which reduces outside pocket expenses for low-income consumers.

For individuals and families earning 250 percent or less of the federal poverty level ($ 58,875 for a family of four in 2013), subsidies can reduce deductibles, co-insurance, co-insurance and the total out pocket spending limits on a plane. These discounts are automatically applied as consumers qualify based on income and the purchase of a level plane of money. True, unlike the tax credit option to receive a cost-sharing grant; a person must buy a silver plane, also known as the reference scheme by law. Silver plans are one of four levels of plans sold through exchanges, each with a different level of sharing of costs

Warning :. Grants will be available for only network providers, which could leave some consumers with high costs to visit non-network providers.

to see if you may qualify for a tax subsidy, try the calculator health reform grant GoHealth and see an estimated tax credit and the premium you can expect to pay in 2014.

GoHealth In The News: GoHealth gets OK to sell subsidized health insurance

1:20 PM Add Comment
GoHealth In The News: GoHealth gets OK to sell subsidized health insurance -

GoHealth Announces Agreement with the federal government to sell insurance market health as a Web-Broker Entity. Shane Cruz, vice president of technology, speaking with Peter Frost Chicago Tribune.


Officials warn consumers to be wary Medicare Mix-up this fall

12:19 PM Add Comment
Officials warn consumers to be wary Medicare Mix-up this fall -

Health Care Reform as if educating millions of people about impending changes Medicare because of this drop was not challenging enough, federal officials also worry about the impact these changes will have on the population eligible Medicare. This population is often more vulnerable to scams or be exploited and could be left confused about the recent changes in health care.

Although the new health insurance markets do not include coverage of health insurance, the administration has a strict warning to those who attempt to sell the market coverage for people with disease; in fact, it has been illegal for about 20 years. According to information on a government Web page called Medicare & Market, "It is against the law for someone who knows that you have health insurance market to sell a plan." Those who violate the warning of the government can be slapped with fines of up to $ 25,000 or five years. Prison

Although most Americans are required to have health insurance in place by 1 January 2014 or pay a penalty; the elderly and people with disabilities enrolled in Medicare Part A does not need to buy a map of the exchange of health. Open enrollment for Medicare plans runs from 15 October 2013 to 7 December 2013. These plans will not be sold in the state insurance markets.

With so much attention surrounding the opening of health exchanges next month, it is easy to get confused. Officials ask consumers and Medicare eligible consultants to ensure they are actually reviewing health insurance plans and no market options.

Why exchanges need young people

10:17 PM Add Comment
Why exchanges need young people

birthday_cake While older people tend to have a greater need for health insurance, it is in fact the young and healthy Americans that the success of the affordable care Act depends.

also known as the "young invincible" by policy makers, these 18-35 should be 20 percent to 30 percent of the pool to make the exchanges work, according to Politico. While the individual mandate includes a fee for those who do not obey the law, there is no guarantee that the administration will be able to get enough young and healthy to register.

The new market rules in Obamacare take effect in January 2014, prohibiting plans from charging individuals with pre-existing conditions more than health and age and gender discrimination. Because of these changes, the calculation of the Affordable Care Act works best if millions of healthy consumers start paying into the system to compensate bills racked by sick people can not be repressed.

The challenge

right now, we do not know how many young Invincibles will actually sign up for insurance through the exchanges. What are the challenges in the way? We have all heard of technical challenges on the federal exchange site. With the highest premiums rumors on the way, some fear that prices will discourage young people from registering. However, officials from the White House insist the main problem is the site and not the price, hoping that once all the technical problems are fixed, the young and healthy will sign en masse.

The right combination of young and healthy, for old or sick relative must register at the end of March in order to keep rates from rising next year. Each of these factors prove critical to the ultimate success of the law in the long term.

Educating the public (young and old) on the right to health can help ensure that everyone regardless of age, gender or sex gets high quality and affordable health insurance through the steps. For more information contact GoHealth at (888) 322-7557 to speak with a licensed counselor.

President Obama Offers Fix for health coverage of cancellations

9:16 PM Add Comment
President Obama Offers Fix for health coverage of cancellations -

clock The President addressed a major concern for consumers on Thursday, the cancellation of insurance policies. Some Americans receive letters from insurers stating that they may lose the original plans they have purchased in the private market because they fail to meet the new requirements of the health law and basic benefits.

In its public statement, Obama acknowledged this problem and its past assurances that all those who like their current plan can keep it. Already, under the grandfather clause, those with previous plans to ACA can keep these plans. As a solution to the current problem at hand, Obama has extended this principle to include people who bought plans after the law took effect.

What this means to you

Health law says that insurers are required to inform consumers if their plans meet renewed not the minimum standards of coverage of the affordable care Act (prescription, the doctor visits, etc.). Insurers can offer customers the ability to stay on the current plan, but they will also alert consumers other options available through the markets.

commissioners State insurance may still decide what plans can and can not be sold in every state, but the bottom line is insurers can extend existing plans that would otherwise be canceled in 2014, and those whose Plans were canceled may choose to re-enroll in the same kind of plan.

consumers who received a letter informing him of the cancellation of the plan or non-compliance to standard amenities are encouraged to explore their insurance options market to browse new plans and compare costs. Shopping markets can help individuals find better options and tax credits to help lower hedging costs. Obama admitted that although this idea can not completely solve all the problems, it will help many people.

Top Conditions Need to know to enroll in the health plan Right

8:15 PM Add Comment
Top Conditions Need to know to enroll in the health plan Right -

Women's Health Week Shopping for health insurance can be a daunting task and it is crucial you choose the right plan to protect the well-being of your family. Therefore GoHealth strongly recommend you seek the advice of a professional. However, if you choose a DIY approach, we want to share some health insurance knowledge to help you find the best insurance for you and your family.

Talk the Talk

Before diving into the registration process, you must know the right lingo. An understanding of the terminology of health insurance will help you weigh your coverage options and select the right plan.

Here is a breakdown of the top terms need to know.

  • premium - The fixed monthly payment made to an insurance company to maintain coverage. You pay the premium amount, regardless of the received medical care
  • Franchise -. The annual amount to be paid out -pocket before insurance coverage begins. For example, if your deductible is $ 2,500, your insurer will not pay for medical expenses covered until you have met your deductible $ 2500

General advice :. If saving money is a priority, seek a health plan with lower premiums and higher deductibles (keep in mind this will provide less protection for unexpected costs of health care). If you want more financial protection for medical expenses, looking for a plan with higher premiums and a low deductible

  • Copayment -. or "copay" is a fixed amount amount (eg, $ 20) you might be required to pay in advance before receiving a service or prescription
  • coinsurance -. a percentage of a single medical bill that you are responsible for payment. This is usually after you have met your deductible. For example, once you reach your deductible, you may be responsible for 30% of your medical expenses and your insurer would be responsible for paying 70%, until you meet your maximum out-of-pocket plan costs.
  • Maximum Out of pocket costs - a specified cap the amount you may be required to pay for medical expenses in one year. Once you reach your maximum out-of-pocket limit plan, your insurance company pays 100% of covered services.

Go beyond the basic terms with our glossary health insurance.

Keep an eye on our blog, Twitter and Facebook pages of tips to help you navigate the enrollment process. And remember, GoHealth is there to help you. Our certified counselors can help you choose the right plan quickly and easily, and our service will cost you nothing.

Small wins the Week, Day 1: Wake Up Call

7:13 PM Add Comment
Small wins the Week, Day 1: Wake Up Call -

Welcome small wins week ! New to the campaign? All the details here .

Waking up is hard to do. Yesterday, we challenged our fans on Facebook and Twitter that:

Day 1: Monday are the worst! Tell us how you motivate you to get out of bed to start your week with the hashtag #GHSmallWins

Here are just some of our favorite memories:

small wins day 1

want to join the challenge? Publish your photos on Twitter with the hashtag #GHSmallWins, or leave a comment on the Facebook page GoHealth Insurance or in the comments section below.

Five life events that allow you to buy Obamacare after the deadline

6:12 PM Add Comment
Five life events that allow you to buy Obamacare after the deadline -

If you missed the deadline to buy Obamacare, you can have a another chance. It depends on your situation. The law of health care described "life events qualification" which are life changes that make a person eligible for a special enrollment period for major medical health insurance.

Here qualifying life events that could lead to register outside of open enrollment:

  1. Marriage
  2. birth, adoption or placement of a child in your home
  3. permanent resettlement in a region offering different options plan
  4. income change or the household situation that affects eligibility or tax subsidy cost-sharing reductions of your qualified health insurance plan
  5. loss of another health coverage
    Examples job loss, divorce, loss Medicaid or CHIP eligibility, expiration of COBRA coverage, a health plan becoming decertified

notes :. The following are not considered a loss of coverage :. voluntary cancellation, termination of a plan because of the lack of premium payments or losing coverage that is not a minimum essential health coverage

special enrollment periods for qualifying events life usually last 60 days from the date of the qualifying event. If you think you qualify, visit to shop for quality brand coverage.



5:11 PM Add Comment
Checkup - National Women's Day

Women, this is your reminder to play an active role in your health. If it's been a while since you had a well-woman visit, schedule one today. You will take part in a national effort to make your health a priority.

May 12 is National Women's Checkup Day and the US Department of Health and Social Services on Women's Health is coordinating it. Checkup National Women's Day comes during the Week of Women's Health, an ideal opportunity for women to take control of their health.

It is recommended that you sc Smiling-Woman-in-Red broadcast schedule of a well-woman visit with your health care provider each year for:

  • document and discuss your health habits and family history
  • Stay up to date with vaccinations
  • Set health goals with your doctor
  • Conducting screenings for conditions such as heart disease , diabetes, cancer, mental illness, sexually transmitted infections and more

Why the important exams?

There are a number of benefits to regular checks. With tests such as mammograms and Pap tests, professionals can detect diseases early, often making them easier to treat. With routine care, women can also reduce their risk of several health problems such as heart disease.

Under the Affordable Care Act, women can now receive preventative screenings with no deductible or copay. There are many health screenings covered for women, including projections for:

  • Cancer
  • Blood pressure
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • HIV
  • osteoporosis

Make an appointment

to participate in the national effort, women should communicate with their health care professional to schedule a checkup. Well-woman visits can save lives by detecting early signs of trouble and encourage healthy habits, so tell the women in your life to make an appointment today.

How to meditate at work without getting caught

4:10 PM Add Comment
How to meditate at work without getting caught -

meetings, conference calls, reports, audits and training - the list work never seems to do for get shorter. As the stress and frustration of the day degenerates, it is likely that you are less focused and productive at work (ie logging onto Facebook, find a recipe for dinner tonight, or reading each bit new there.) How many times have we been told to focus only to direct his path again? Control of our wandering mind and shift the focus to the task at hand can often seem impossible.

What if there was a technique to work with the spirit which in turn helped to reduce stress, improve focus and boosted productivity? Meditation is a natural way of learning the mind and using what we learn to improve the way our mind works. Not only that, but it can be done anytime, anywhere, for any period of time - which makes it perfect for that time, the day when you can not seem to get the work done. Check this list of meditation techniques that are both easy and fun, even in the office!


Find Your Happy Mantra

Take a positive word (peace is good). Plant your feet flat on the floor and take deep breaths and calm while repeating the word in your mind. Do this for one minute, then repeat. Your mind can wander and this is normal, just go back to your word.

Walking Meditation

Take a walk outside for a few minutes. Focus on your body and the sensations as you walk - the ground under your feet, the sun on your skin, the air around you and how your body works seamlessly with little thought of you. Do this on your way to lunch as a way to detach yourself from tasks at hand or on the way to a meeting to release any stress.

Smile Meditation

similar to Mantra happy evoke happy memories of the past or think of an image as a waterfall or in the open. Make your picture as descriptive as possible - add colors, the smells, the sounds. Think about how you feel right now and let this feeling wash your thoughts of work and stress. Do not worry about how long you should do this, simply relax and smile.

Breathing Meditation

Take a deep breath and focus on the air moving through your body. Count to five, then exhale slowly. Repeat this as many times as you can. To do this, before a presentation or release stress after a meeting that may not have been too much.

Body-Minded Meditation

Plant your feet flat on the floor. Focus on the top of your head and work your way down shift attention to your eyes, nose, shoulders, chest, hips, knees, calves and feet. Check to see if the place feels tense feelings and spread expansion in this region. Once your reach your toes, work your way back to the forefront of your mind.

The trick to meditation is to find what works for you and build on it over time. Meditation may sound effects beyond the work environment leading to healthy relationships with others and yourself. Try the above techniques to begin and we know what works for you!

Control costs of health care requires the active participation of patients

3:09 PM Add Comment
Control costs of health care requires the active participation of patients -
Michael Mahoney

Michael Mahoney, SVP Consumer Marketing at GoHealth

Michael Mahoney, consumer marketing SVP at GoHealth

Rising franchises and strong networks encourage consumers to take a more active role in deciding how to get out their pocket dollars health care is spent - or not happen - during treatment

Ask questions before, during and after treatment, and play an active role in your health care are two ways of lowering unexpected medical expenses

.. doctors may suggest health examinations, procedures or requirements for a variety of reasons and it is important to know why. The reason behind every part of your treatment is important -. Especially if it is optional or elective

In my last dental appointment I saw on my table that the hygienist provided treatment which was not covered by my insurance at all. Fortunately, my wife has spent over 10 years in dentistry and knew that course of action was based on personal preference and has no significant impact on my care if ignored.

There are situations like this where it is up to us to take control of our health and finances. Collecting information and ask questions can help us make informed decisions.

I encourage everyone to listen to the recommendations of his doctor'S, but we also need to get the full story. The rising cost of care means that we should all be asking questions, learning and assessment of what the meaning of treatment options for us based on our own personal needs

Do not take time to fully understand your treatment options and make an informed decision could be a costly mistake time, it is a routine treatment or major surgery.

Momentum Finalist Price: An Interview with Clint Jones

2:08 PM Add Comment
Momentum Finalist Price: An Interview with Clint Jones -
Clint Jones GoHealth CEO

GoHealth CEO, Clint Jones

is GoHealth honored to be a finalist for the 2014 Merrick Price Momentum! Prices are hosted by 1871 and in the 1871 awards process have sat down with each of the finalists for a short interview. Find out what Clint Jones GoHealth had to say about the history of the company, the business community in Chicago, and this means Chicagoness GoHealth.

Tell us what your business does.

GoHealth is a Chicago-based company, which takes advantage of technology to make the purchase and simple health insurance sales. Founded in 01, GoHealth has developed three business units serving consumers, health insurance agents and health insurance companies across the country.

powers GoHealth, a private health insurance exchange that has helped over 30 million people shop for coverage. With world-class technology, a team of advisors and licensed insurance partnerships with over 300 health insurance companies, GoHealth allows people to easily compare and buy the right health insurance plan for their needs. In 2013, GoHealth became the first private company to connect to, the acceleration of registrations and to GoHealth to seamlessly connect people with the subsidized health insurance.

GoHealth is also a leading provider of technology solutions and enrollment for health insurance agents and carriers. This includes CRM proprietary software, a product loyalty members full service, and a platform from end to end registration that connects to the exchange of the federal government.

How long has your company been around and how did it start her?

After college, we were both independent and had no health insurance. When we tried to get coverage, we realized that the process of shopping for health insurance was incredibly complicated and confusing. We wanted to create a better, easier way to connect people with the health insurance plan right. So in 01, we founded Norvax, which eventually evolved into our current brand GoHealth. We worked to fill a void giant that we recognized in the technology industry of health insurance. We have been in business.

How your business is connected to the entrepreneurial community in Chicago?

We are passionate about what we contribute to the entrepreneurial community in Chicago. We started here, this is where we grew our society, and we want to continue to grow in Chicago. The entrepreneurial community in Chicago shows that you can start with a simple idea and turn this idea into a thriving enterprise. Chicago is a big city filled with so many fantastic new businesses, and we are proud to be one of them. We hope that we have established - and continue to - a good example for young, up-and-coming entrepreneurs, because we know what it is. We were once in their shoes.

What Chicagoness mean for your business?

Chicagoness is a huge part of the foundation of GoHealth. Our roots are in Chicago; GoHealth where he was born. We create an urban campus in the middle of River North neighborhood, because we believe that the place to be in Chicago. The technology community here is booming and it is amazing to be at the heart of it. Our company is comprised of workers, bright and innovative talent, many of whom were recruited here in Chicago. The city is incredibly favorable companies based in Chicago, so we really can not imagine being located elsewhere.

Is there a difference between generic and brand-name?

1:07 PM Add Comment
Is there a difference between generic and brand-name? -

According to the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, nearly eight in 10 prescriptions filled in the United States are for generic drugs. We've already discussed how you can save on prescription drugs going generic; However, how do you really trust these counterparts "off-brand"?

Although it may seem, the two are radically different, below you will find information that shows how drugs and generic brand drugs are actually much more similar than many consumers believe.

rx 2

what are generic drugs exactly?

generic drugs are copies of drugs brand. They have exactly the same dosage, intended use, side effects, risks, safety, and strength as the original drug

How do I know if I take a generic drug?

If the lower price of your order is not reversed, you can usually tell by the way the drug is spelled. Brand names are usually capitalized, while generic names are not. Otherwise, it is important to ask your doctor for clarification.

Why are generic drugs less expensive?

On average, the FDA said the cost of a generic drug is 80 to 85 percent less than the branded product. But cheaper does not mean less, or less effective. Why generic drugs are much cheaper because the people who make these drugs are not obliged to repeat clinical trials of new expensive drugs and generally do not pay for expensive advertising, marketing and promotion. In addition, when multiple companies begin producing and selling a generic drug, competition among them can also drive down prices even further.

In fact, many generic drugs are manufactured in the same factories as brand drugs. The FDA estimates that 50 percent of generic drug production comes from brand-name companies.

Do generic drugs take longer to work?

No. All generic drugs approved by the FDA should work the same as their brand drug equivalent. This means that any generic drug must perform roughly the same amount of time as the brand name drug, it is modeled after.

If the generic and brand are exactly the same, why they sometimes look different?

Trademark laws in the United States do not allow generics to look exactly like the branded drugs they modeled off of, but the active ingredients must be the same in both, ensuring they have the same medicinal effects.

RTA: How to Use `Em So You Don, AOT Lose` Em

12:06 PM Add Comment
RTA: How to Use `Em So You Don, AOT Lose` Em -

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are excellent options for millions of Americans annually. Although you might be able to defer a portion of what, AOS left in your FSA in the New Year, most of us probably have a few dollars left to burn before the end of 2014. There are obvious ways that you can spend the money, but we, AOVE come up with some creative solutions to help you. pharmacy

  1. squeeze in a quick office visit. dental exams and procedures, as well as eye exams, glasses and contacts are generally covered by an FSA.
  2. Bulk order your prescription drugs. If you know you, Aore will need a specific prescription, AI or some, aÌ for a specified amount of time, order more than to use up these funds.
  3. Think outside the box. Going on holiday in hot weather during the holidays? Sunscreen and prescription sunglasses are covered by FSAs. Other elements, such as contact lens solution and first aid kits are also covered.
  4. Search. popular shopping sites like and spent researching FSA-covered products you can buy.
  5. Check with your human resources department. Before you go crazy buying items covered by your FSA, you confirm the amount, Aore allowed to carry forward to next year and if you grant a grace period for spending.

3 mistakes to avoid on your grant application declaration

11:05 AM Add Comment
3 mistakes to avoid on your grant application declaration -

Many people avoid getting a health insurance because they think that It is too expansive. However, with the tax subsidies from the government, more people than ever can afford to get the coverage they need. So far, 87 percent of those who enrolled in 2015 have coverage tax subsidy app

To be eligible for a tax subsidy, there are some basic requirements received financial assistance from the government under the form of a tax subsidy. You must answer:

  • US citizen or live here legally
  • family income between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level
  • coverage must be purchased through a health insurance market
  • Not eligible for coverage by an employer
  • Not eligible for Medicaid

to see if you qualify to receive a tax subsidy, you must complete an application. Here are some things to note when applying for government assistance.

1. Do not overestimate or underestimate your family income. Miscalculating your income could cause you to receive the amount of the wrong tax subsidy, and you have to do right when you file your taxes. This could mean repay a portion of your grant.

2. If your income changes after you enroll in a health plan, make sure to tell your insurance company or a registration agency. They adjust the amount of your grant you to avoid an unpleasant surprise at tax time.

3. For many people, using tax subsidies is just as confused as filing their income taxes. Some people rely on professional tax preparers or software with filing their taxes. In this way, they avoid the mistakes and maximize reimbursement. We encourage people to contact one of our licensed insurance advisors or use an online tax subsidy calculator to get your grant helps right the first time. GoHealth offer these resources for free, so there is no reason to apply on your own.

Pay your premium to activate your cover

10:04 PM Add Comment
Pay your premium to activate your cover -

Open Enrollment finally ended (sort of), which means that you should have enrolled in the plan health your choice now. Many believe that the completion of a simple application means that they have health insurance. However, your coverage will not take effect until you have paid the fee for your first month directly to your insurance company. PayFirstPremium1

Here are the steps you must take to ensure that your health insurance is active: ..

  1. Make sure your health insurance application is complete
  2. Pay the fee for your first month directly to your insurance provider
  3. Watch your health insurance card and start enjoying your plan!

once you pay your dues first month, consider creating a monthly reminder to ensure you maintain your coverage throughout the year.

If you started your application but were unable to finish due to technical difficulties or long waiting periods, you have until Sunday, February 22 to complete your registration. Make sure you have the coverage you need!

For more information on how to pay your monthly premiums or how to contact your insurance company, contact GoHealth at 888-322-7557.

Tips for skin protection Spring Break

9:03 PM Add Comment
Tips for skin protection Spring Break -

Good news: Warm weather is finally in sight for most of the country! This also means spring break is fast approaching for students and families everywhere. While you book hotels and packing your swimsuit for this warm weather getaway, it is important to remember to protect your skin. sun beach

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can be dangerous. Even occasional exposure can lead to brown spots, wrinkles and even skin cancer. Take precautions to keep your skin safe while you enjoy the sun this season.

  1. Use plenty of sunscreen

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF of at 30 for a prolonged and direct exposure to sunlight. Make sure to apply enough for all of your exposed skin, and cover the often neglected areas such as lips, tops of the ears and feet.

  1. Timing is everything

the sun's rays are most intense 10:00 to 4:00 p.m., to stay inside during this time will greatly decrease your chances of severe exposure. If you must be outside during the daylight hours of peak sun, be sure to use sunscreen and seek shade as cabanas and umbrellas by the pool.

  1. Cover your

Even in the sweltering heat, it is best to keep as much of your skin covered as possible. Wearing a hat will limit your face and neck exposure to harmful sun. In addition, closely woven fabrics absorb ultraviolet rays more effectively than cottons, so pack fashionable clothes that also protect your skin.

  1. Prepare even when it is cloudy

The ultraviolet rays can damage your skin, even through cloud cover. Always be prepared for the harmful rays by dressing appropriately and having sunscreen in hand.

If you get too much sun, do not delay the deal! Hydrating sunburned areas immediately apply aloe to reduce pain and redness. You should also drink plenty of water to replenish the liquid sunburn pulls away from the rest of your body.

Take care Preventive Services

8:02 PM Add Comment
Take care Preventive Services -

individual health plans purchased by the market must now cover a set of preventive services at no additional cost to the individual. This means that if you have a health plan and choose to enjoy one of these services, your health insurance provider will absorb the full cost of care.

This provision of the ACA made dozens of procedures and realistic projections for millions of Americans. However, there are still millions of people who do not know or do not include preventive care services. In March 2014, it was reported that only 43 percent of the population has understood that the Affordable Care Act eliminated out-of-pocket for preventive care services.

In addition, many people have chosen to completely give important procedures. In 2014, 20 percent of women reported a preventive care service costs to avoid out-of-pocket high. This means that many women could be skipping regular mammograms, an essential procedure for detecting breast cancer life threatening. Not taking advantage of preventive care services now could mean expensive medical care later.

In an effort to educate Americans about their coverage and encourage them to adhere to a diet if they still have to do, we described the different preventive care services and how you can take advantage of to improve your health.

What specific preventive care services?

There are many options available, but all preventive care services fall into one of four categories:

  • evidence-based projections and tips
  • preventive services for women
  • routine immunizations
  • prevention services for children and young adults

in each of these categories there are 15 covered preventive services for adults, 22 covered preventive services for women (including pregnant women), and 26 covered preventive services for children and young adults.

In the adult category, some of the most commonly sought services are projections of depression, colorectal cancer screening for adults over 50, and various immunization vaccines. Tobacco projections and diet tips are also covered.

For women, the services get a little more specific. Mammograms are covered every one to two years for women over 40, and the BRCA test counseling and cervical cancer screening are also covered. Although it can vary, contraception - including birth control, sterilization, and education and counseling - is also considered a preventive care service. Without doubt the most important for the majority of women, well-woman visits are also covered.

Children and young adults can also enjoy a wide range of preventive care services. Autism, vision, and depression screenings, immunization vaccines under 18, and regular checks are covered up to 17 years to aid in the healthy development of young people.

Preventive care services are free. Why do I still have to pay fees?

Preventive services are often described as "free", but it is important to pay attention to the details of the treatment that can end up leaving you with a bill.

additional laboratory work or spray may be the cause of your out-of-pocket expenses. You may hear your doctor mention of sending samples to a laboratory for further testing, and this is where medical costs can start earning. Not all external laboratory tests is covered with a preventive care service.

You can also benefit from treatment based on a visit preventive care service, but that treatment may not be included and could result in cost sharing. For example, although colonoscopy is covered as a preventive care service, removal of polyps during the procedure is not.

Another possibility is that the laboratory can have you charged for a service that actually should have been covered. If an error is obvious or if you are not sure why you need the money, call your doctor or the laboratory directly followed.

Can I receive preventive care services of any doctor?

When you take advantage of preventive care services, it is important to try to see a doctor within your network. This provision can be a little difficult, however: If there is no doctor available to perform the network preventive care services, and an off-network provider is available and you will not be charged. However, if you choose to go to an off-network provider if a network provider is available, you may be charged for the visit and preventive care services performed.

To avoid unnecessary out of pocket expenses, it is best to check first if there is an available network provider for you. If there is, visit this doctor to avoid fees.

Preventive care services are important for everyone, but the only way you can take advantage of them is if you are enrolled in a qualified health plan. If you're still not sure, you can still have until April 30 to cover. Once you find a plan you can start enjoying the preventive care services available.

health insurance options for recent graduates

7:01 PM Add Comment
health insurance options for recent graduates -

You are on the university graduate? In addition to getting a job, finding a place to live, and generally understand what you want to do with your life, you may find yourself struggling with how to get health insurance. millennials

Fortunately, recent graduates have choices regarding enrollment in a health plan. An option for many young adults is to cover under the plan of a parent until age 26. Even if you are married or not living at home, this provision of Obamacare is always true, as long as your parent agrees.

for others, if your student health plan ends when you graduate, you may qualify for a special enrollment period. This means that you can enroll in a qualified health plan outside of Open Enrollment. Getting married, having a baby, and other various life changes would also qualify for this special enrollment opportunity. But remember: You only have 60 days from the time your student health plan terminates for a new health insurance, so do not delay your registration

But how do you find the good plan that works for your needs.? A Catastrophic plan may be the right choice for you. This type of plan is an affordable way to protect against the high costs of injury or illness. three plans cover catastrophic visits primary care per year, as well as additional health benefits

However, a Catastrophic plan is just one option. it may not be your best option. To find a plan that is right for you, connect with GoHealth authorized agent. These experts can guide you through the registration process and answer any questions related to the health insurance you may have along the way.

No matter how you choose to go about it, remember that it is important to get a new insurance once your current plan ends. Going without health insurance means you could face a costly fine next year at tax time. All recent graduates should visit today or call 888-322-7557 to speak with a licensed agent in your options.

How to add your baby to your health plan

6:00 PM Add Comment
How to add your baby to your health plan -

Congratulations on your new baby! While you determine any parent, it is also very important to ensure that your little one has adequate health coverage. adding baby

Welcoming a child you qualify for a special enrollment period, a short window of time to sign up for health insurance. However, time is running Minute give birth :. You only have 60 days to add a new baby to a plan purchased through a health exchange

Here are four simple steps to adding a new baby to your health insurance plan:

  1. Review your budget. Make sure you can afford the increased insurance premiums adding a new baby to the health insurance plan for your special enrollment period. Contact the department of your health to learn more about the options for coverage at low cost.
  1. Tell your health insurance company. If you do not notify your insurance provider to adding a new baby in the allotted time, you will be financially responsible for all medical expenses.
  1. Submit all required documents. Be sure to turn in all documents in a fast and timely to add a new baby in your coverage.
  1. Enjoy the maternity and neonatal care covered by the 10 essential health services.

We are here to help you find a plan that meets the health of your growing family needs a budget during your special enrollment period. To speak with a licensed insurance agent GoHealth, call us at 888-322-7557, or start comparing your health plan options here.

Guide GoHealth Summer Health & Safety

4:59 PM Add Comment
Guide GoHealth Summer Health & Safety -

Lauren Mandel

Summer is finally here! If you're like us, you probably want to days at the beach and back barbecues might occur throughout the year. But as you plan for your summer events, do you also how to keep your family healthy and safe? We have listed some of the risk of the most common warm weather and describes prevention tips to help you have a summer without injury.

Summer safety infographic final

Employees: Prepare to take charge of your health care

3:58 PM Add Comment
Employees: Prepare to take charge of your health care -
Gerry Leonard Headshot

ADP Benefit Services President Gerry Leonard

Gerry Leonard, President ADP Benefit services

now, more than ever, Americans have the power to choose when it comes to their own health care. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has opened doors for some to get a subsidized health insurance for the first time. But with this increased choice comes more complexity

Case and point :. health coverage sponsored by the employer, which was not always an easy decision for the employees given the complexity of comparing plan options. Beyond the single complexity, certain segments of the workforce of the employer was not always offered health care benefits, but the ACA has forced many to rethink their healthcare delivery strategies health. While most large employers are now required by law to provide health care benefits for full-time workers (those working over 30 hours per week), many have left the part-time employees to navigate single registration. What these part-time workers may not realize, however, is that they may be eligible for federal tax subsidies that make these affordable plans.

To remedy this process, in partnership with ADP® GoHealth give employers the tools to help their part-time health benefits of temporary employees or trusted contractors and receive federal grants estimates could reduce costs outside pocket.

Our new Exchange offers free registration assistance and support of the application for government grants. With GoHealth as our partner, we created a user-friendly online shopping experience that offers a wide range of diet options, including those available on public exchanges federal and state. Our solution provides personalized recommendations to the employee based on the specific budgets and lifestyle needs while allowing employers to keep the plans they currently offer.

Together, we have implemented a new benefit election process which is truly the best of both worlds. Employers can now offer more help and support to part-time workers with regard to their health insurance while streamlining the long-term health benefits of data and reduce the cost of health care. And the employee side, in addition to a greater choice of plans, online support and real-time communication with insurance agents licensed allow them to better understand their options, which in turn give them the means to make decisions smarter health care benefits.

ADP, we now process payroll for more than one in six Americans and support more than 0,000 employers. Interest in private exchange solutions continues to grow, we are excited about the opportunity to deliver a new, consumer friendly quality health care delivery experience for our customers and employees for their purchases.

ADP Benefit president Gerry Leonard runs a services division of ADP provides outsourcing services for many of the largest companies and organizations in the United States. ADP, a leading global provider of human capital management (HCM) solutions, is proud to have the largest customer base Benefits Administration in the industry. Gerry leads a team responsible for the registration administration, eligibility, Consumer-Directed Accounts benefits (FSA, HSA, HRA, Commuter, tuition), COBRA, dependents verification and absence management.

Health benefits of 4

2:57 PM Add Comment
Health benefits of 4 - delicious oils

Lauren Mandel

Some people think in order to lose weight, stay fit, and generally live a healthy life, ingesting oils should be avoided at all costs. . However, more recently, various oils have been praised for their health benefits, both in the kitchen and when used as natural cosmetics

We have described four common - and some not so common - Oils and explained how you could benefit from using a little of each in your daily life. oils


As one of the most commonly available oils, it is good to know olive oil also has some pretty stellar benefits for health. Its monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and help normalize blood clotting

recipe using olive oil :. Spaghetti with garlic, olive oil, and red pepper flakes

as a healer of the skin, olive oil can now be found in many natural products and moisturizers nail.


If you are not in the loop coconut oil craze, now is the time to start paying attention. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which means it is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and. It can also help to boost immunity and aid in weight loss

recipe using coconut oil :. Toasted coconut waffles

Apart from cooking, coconut oil can also be used on full-body moisturizer anything fried by split ends PATCHY dry skin.


If it comes lawyers, you know it's going to be loaded with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids the heart. Avocado oil contains lutein, which helps improve eye health, and it also includes a compound called sterolins, which can reduce the appearance of age spots on the skin

Recipe using avocado oil :. Pan roasted sea bass with citrus and avocado oil

avocado oil also works well for some home remedies, including wound healing and as a skin treatment for conditions like eczema.


What can be bad about a byproduct of winemaking? the grape seed oil is an excellent source of oleic acid, which has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of stroke. It also marries well, so it is perfect for fat salad dressings, and has a high burning point, it can safely be used to cook at high temperatures.

recipe using grape seed oil :. Grapeseed oil vinaigrette salad

In addition to being a delicious recipe addition, the grape seed oil can also be used to make homemade sunscreen and treat sunburn

6 Versions health of your favorite Comfort Food Recipes

1:56 PM Add Comment
6 Versions health of your favorite Comfort Food Recipes -

Lauren Mandel

When the first breeze of autumn sweeping our area, we are ready to fry some comfort food. creamy soups, hearty pasta and hot chocolate chip cookies, to name a few. seasonal ingredients

But when you try to watch your waistline during the colder months, it can be difficult to find a balance between healthy and delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner (and snack time, if we're honest).

instead of depriving yourself of your favorite foods of autumn comfort, try one of these healthier versions of your favorite classics. They are sure to hit the spot.

baked Mozzarella Bites My Recipes

Your children may love classic mozzarella sticks, but you do not necessarily like to eat fried foods as snacks the post midday. Instead, put the wrapped cheese in the oven for a healthier baked version of the whole family will love.

Whole Wheat Pancakes health blueberries

If you feel like something sweet for breakfast, these pancakes with whole wheat blueberry might be your next favorite recipe. By choosing whole wheat pancake mix and soy milk as the star ingredients, you cut calories without sacrificing taste.

Chicken Pot Pie Light Food Network Kitchen

Everyone loves a hearty, rich chicken pie. But the calories that comes with it added? Not really. If you want the flavor but not the fat, try this lighter version. It uses a small amount of 2% milk and Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.

Barley minestrone Good Housekeeping

Perfect for a cold day, this soup is packed full of whole grains and vegetables, including zucchini, carrots and tomatoes. Not only is it healthy and easy to make, but it will keep you feeling full for hours after you finish your bowl.

Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes My

for those who need to avoid gluten, find a good cookie recipe can be difficult. These peanut butter candy chocolate chips are a game changer. They are rich, soft and cooked through in just 10 minutes.

Healthier Meat Lasagna Martha Stewart

We know all the pasta is not the most healthy dinner option, but when you trade in noodles whole wheat to the traditional version, low-fat cottage cheese for full fat usual materials, and lean, ground sirloin for fatty pork sausage, you have a delicious, healthy recipe for lasagna.

An interview with GoHealth CTO Shane Cruz

12:55 PM Add Comment
An interview with GoHealth CTO Shane Cruz -

by Elizabeth Fay

Shane Cruz is the Chief Technology Officer the GoHealth, a graduate of MIT, and the President of the Association of Web-Based Health Insurance Brokers. He joined GoHealth in 04, and contributed to the development of technology that tens of millions of health insurance buyers use each year.

This is his take on GoHealth and work in the community technology booming in Chicago.


Shane Cruz (left) to the North River office space GoHealth

What do you like on the work at GoHealth
Shane .? GoHealth the perfect balance between small and large business environments. We feel and agility of a start-up, but the stability of a much larger organization. We also work to a great cause: to help improve health care in the US

How would you describe the culture of GoHealth
Shane:.? GoHealth provides a culture that allows people to discover new things, develop their skills and feel valued. Our environment stimulates rapid personal and professional growth that is hard to match elsewhere. People can learn from their experience in one year GoHealth that they can in some years with other companies

At GoHealth, we measure the success of our employees based on performance and results -. Not the number of hours spend at their desks. Our team embraces the hard / play hard mentality work, which is why we were able to offer unlimited vacation policy and continue to grow our business.

What do you look for when hiring technical talent?
Shane: We look for people who are passionate about what they do and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. We believe the intellectual curiosity, strong problem solving and teamwork are far more valuable than skills with a particular technology.

What is it like working in North River?
Shane: Work in North River is fantastic. The location is accessible and close to some of the best restaurants, residences, and entertainment in the city. There is a different atmosphere here in relation to the loop. Energy attracts like-minded individuals in the region and creates a strong sense of community.

Some have described the North River as the next Silicon Valley. With the increasing amount of moving companies in the region, do you feel like you are part of something special
Shane: North River technological community has momentum amazing and it's exciting to Get Involved. The startup scene is unique because although companies in North River are well funded, there is not an abundance of on-financed companies. This leads to environments that cultivate entrepreneurship and understand the value of bootstrapping and allow people to find a way to get things done when no amount seemingly endless money.

Important notice: Obamacare extended period

10:53 PM Add Comment
Important notice: Obamacare extended period -

Lauren Mandel

The federal government recently announced that the original December 15 period was extended until December 17 at 11:59 p.m. PT. You must register in a plane at that time and date, to have an active coverage on January 1, 2016. tax extension

Why was it prolonged delay at the last minute? GoHealth us, as well as other public and private exchange, saw unprecedented demand from consumers trying to obtain health insurance.

While we are delighted so many of you take the responsible decision to get coverage for 2016 also include that our wait times were longer than usual. Please feel free to call 888-322-7557 yet to speak with a licensed agent for the recommendations of the plan, but keep in mind you can also visit where you can quickly and easily register online.

And remember: No matter how you choose to register, you must choose a plan by tomorrow, December 17 for active coverage on January 1, 2016.

already registered in coverage for 2016? Congratulations! We are pleased that you have found the plan that is right for you and your family.

3 ways Obamacare helps prevent and treat cancer

11:54 AM Add Comment
3 ways Obamacare helps prevent and treat cancer -

Lauren Mandel

Unfortunately, it seems that everyone - in one way or another - has been affected by cancer. You have faced the disease directly, or a friend or family member worked to overcome the cancer has become far too common.

Fortunately, there are steps being taken to improve treatments and find a cure. In November, individuals and organizations working to raise awareness for three of the most deadly cancers: stomach, pancreas and lung. Cancer awareness

To help raise awareness of these diseases and all other forms of cancer, we described some steps you can take to prioritize your health during the month of November -. And in the future

catch it early.

under the Affordable Care Act, all health plans must cover specific services preventive care for adults, women and children. All these services and procedures are essential to maintaining good health, and there is little that can specifically help prevent or treat some cancers:

projections of tobacco and intervention for users tobacco - smoking is linked to 0 percent of all lung cancers. If you are a current tobacco user you can ask for help to quit smoking. And if you have smoked in the past, you can filter for certain types of cancers

colorectal cancer screening -. Regarding cancers that affect men and women, colorectal cancer is the deadliest cancer in the United States. This proves how colorectal cancer screening are to your health

Human papillomavirus (HPV) -. While HPV is common enough (about one in four people are currently infected in the United States), it is now preventable by vaccine against HPV. HPV can cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in women and in men, penile cancer

mammograms -. Although the American Cancer Society recently changed its recommendation for frequency of mammograms, they are still vital procedures when it comes to prevention and breast cancer diagnosis. Check with your doctor to see how often is good for you

cancer screening cervical -. When cervical cancer is found early, it is treatable and associated with long survival. Get the Pap test ensures that if you get this type of cancer, he found as soon as possible

Contraception -. Women who use contraceptives for five years or more can reduce their risk of ovarian cancer by about 50 percent. However, this is a personal decision that should be discussed with your doctor

Remember : .. You can enjoy these health care services covered if you have a plan qualified health

Get the treatment you need.

as preventive care, health plans are required to cover 10 essential health services, including services that could help to prevent or treat certain types of Cancer.

laboratory services, prescription drugs and hospital are part of the 10 essential health services, which could help you or a loved prevent cancer or treat disease. Without coverage, you may need these services, and then deal with expensive medical bills on your own.

If you have cancer, you can not be denied coverage.

Something else that we owe to the Affordable Care Act? You can no longer be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, including cancer. So if you get sick, do not be afraid to enroll in coverage. Having health insurance can make sure you are protected against outside pocket costs for services you need.

The best choice for your future health is to think ahead and get coverage now. You can visit our market to find the health plan for your needs.

5 Next Steps After you enroll in Obamacare

9:52 PM Add Comment
5 Next Steps After you enroll in Obamacare -

Lauren Mandel

If you already have insurance disease in 2016, congratulations! You registered before the deadline for open enrollment. whenCanIStartUsingPlan1

But now that you have a plan, do you know how to use its benefits once it becomes active? Use of insurance properly disease can be confusing to choose a network doctor for your first appointment. We present the first five things you should do to put¬ † Obamacare your work plan.

  1. Review your plan benefits

Do you know if you are you enrolled in an HMO vs. PPO? Is Obamacare your plan have a high deductible? What about your fee for when you visit a doctor office AOS? These are all important pieces of information to know before you move forward and use your health plan. If you, Aore confused, there are services available that can help you review and understand your benefits.

  1. Select a network doctor

It, significant OSA to ensure that the doctor or health care facility you choose is your plan network, OSA. If you choose a doctor or facility that is off-network, your health care services can be either more expensive or not covered at all. Review the details of your plan coverage, AOS before taking such decisions.

  1. Schedule

Once you find a doctor, it, AOS time to make your first appointment. If you, AOVE afraid to go to the doctor in the past because of high costs, gift, AOT worry: Under the Affordable Care Act, things like pediatric services for your children and well-woman visits are covered, so there, AOS no need to delay making that first appointment for you or your family members

  1. Fill a prescription

The same rule applies here :. If you AOVE avoided filling of prescription drugs in the past because of the cost, you have more to worry about. Prescription drugs are covered as one of the 10 essential health services under the Affordable Care Act. Check with your doctor and pharmacy to ensure that you receive a version covered by your plan.

  1. Evaluate other needs

Just because you have a plan Obamacare doesn, AOT means all your needs are treated. Do you want a professional to help explain your benefits? Could you stand to save even more on your prescription medications? What about dental services and eyewear? Our new tool, GoHealth Access, can help you do all this and more. Learn more about why you need GoHealth access and what it can do for you.

Know all the facts during the Global Week of vaccination

8:51 PM Add Comment
Know all the facts during the Global Week of vaccination -

Lauren Mandel

In 1955, a vaccine against polio was introduced, and the United States has been polio-free since 1979. smallpox was eradicated in the United States in 1972, but there is enough vaccine to immunize every American if necessary. Today it is hard to imagine having to worry about any of these recurrent illnesses. vaccine

However, many people thought the same thing about measles. That is until the first confirmed death measles in 12 years happened in August 2015. This could potentially prevent this death and others? The vaccine against measles.

Although there have been a number of impressive vaccination breakthroughs in recent years, the world has a long way to go to "Close the Gap immunization," a goal set by the World Health organization for World immunization week this year.

Although vaccination is a personal choice, it is important to learn all the facts before making your final decision. vaccination helps prevent up to 3 million deaths each year, but another 1.5 million deaths could be prevented if the coverage was more common and understood.

Nearly 1 in 5 children in the world are still missing routine immunizations for diseases such as tetanus and whooping cough. If you are concerned about how the vaccine will affect the security of your children, it is important to note the CDC has repeatedly confirmed that 'there is no link between vaccines and autism.

How can you learn more this week and the future? Visit the website of the World Health Organization World Immunization Week for more information.

external security on Independence Day

7:50 PM Add Comment
external security on Independence Day -

by Jenny Fliegel

Independence Day is just around the corner, and we looking forward to the upcoming shows, picnics, barbecues, and especially elaborate fireworks displays. Whether your celebration will take place at the beach, a park, or even in your own backyard, have you considered including outdoor security in your plans? Between your cold drinks and grilled hot dogs, keep these tips in mind to ensure your Fourth of July is both safe and enjoyable.

Handle fireworks with care GoHealth july 4th

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the US, an average of 230 people go to the room emergency every day because of fireworks injuries in the weeks surrounding July 4th. The majority of these injuries are burns on the hands, fingers, head, face, ears and eyes.

The best way to protect your family is to let the lighting of fireworks to professionals. While sparklers may seem a safer option, it is important to consider that they burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees-hot enough to melt some metals. If you plan to use fireworks, see the State Legal directory to make sure they are legal in your area. Keep in mind that even if the fireworks are legal, they can easily cause injury if handled correctly.

If you want to use them on your own, only buy fireworks from a licensed dealer and read all instructions before lighting. fireworks activities must be supervised at all times, especially if children are around. Wear safety glasses when lighting, and be sure to point fireworks away from homes, buildings, vehicles, grass areas or dry leaves and other flammable substances. Light a firework at a time, then quickly move several feet away from the area.

If your device does not fire you should never stand above to see what went wrong. Keep a bucket of water, fire extinguisher or garden hose nearby to dispose of spent fireworks. If you or a loved one is injured by fireworks, immediately call 911.

responsible Grill

Who does not love a hot dog or a charred grilled hamburger on July Fourth? While security cooking may seem obvious, it is important to pay attention to these tips when your barbecue.

If you are grilling, make sure your barbecue is in the open and away from your home or any enclosed area. You should never leave your grill unattended when in use, and be sure to keep children and pets away from the area. And always keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat accumulation.

It is also important to monitor the temperature of your food to avoid food-borne illnesses. Use a meat thermometer to ensure that all meat and poultry are fully cooked before serving to customers. FDA of the United States never suggested leaving food for over an hour when the temperature is above 0 degrees Fahrenheit and not more than two hours at other temperatures. Also cover food and drinks when outdoors to keep bees and other insect pests.

Swim safely

We all like to play in the pool or on the beach, but be aware of local weather conditions and forecasts for the weekend. Even if a lifeguard is present, children must be supervised by a responsible adult around water at all times. Always use of lifejackets and personal flotation devices secure at hand, and pay attention to the lifeguards and posted instructions around swimming areas.

Beware of the sun and heat

The sun may feel good, but it can be harmful if you do not prepare properly. Apply a sunscreen with broad spectrum SPF 15 or more than 30 minutes before going outside, and reapply often.

Drink water regularly throughout the day, even when you are not thirsty to stay hydrated. In warm weather, take frequent shade breaks to cool off and avoid the possibility of exhaustion by heat or heat stroke.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, clammy skin, pale or red skin, and rapid, shallow breathing. If you notice someone with these symptoms, move them to a cooler place, remove or loosen tight clothing, and give them water to drink slowly.

The symptoms of heat stroke include red, hot skin, hallucinations, chills, throbbing headache, rapid pulse, high body temperature, slurred speech and confusion. If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, call 911 and cool the person with the means available, such as a hose, sponge with cool water, ice packs, or cool, wet towels.

Drive carefully

Drive to your Christmas party? Do it with caution. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has classified the Fourth of July as the deadliest day of the year regarding car accidents. An average of 161 people die in car accidents to date, which is 12 more deaths than average on any other day of the year.

Allow enough time to get to your destination to avoid feeling the need Accelerate. There will probably be more traffic on the road than usual. Stay alert and use rest areas to take breaks when you feel tired. Program your GPS before you leave for your destination, and put the distractions - such as cell phones -. Away

Think always complete, and place children in appropriate safety seats. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), seat belts reduce injuries and deaths related to the serious accident of about 50 percent. If you go to a place where you know there will be alcohol, choose a designated driver before arrival.

Drinking alcohol slows reaction time and impairs judgment needed to operate a vehicle safely. Driving under the influence is the leading cause of death from motor vehicles. Make sure you drive carefully; even if you are not driving under the influence, there is always a possibility that other drivers could be.

It is never too early or too late to consider buying health insurance to prepare for these inevitable accidents. Our main concern is the safety and well-being of our customers. Individuals can compare plans and learn about the process at or call 888-322-7557 to speak with a licensed GoHealth agent.

Survey shows that Republicans and Democrats Split on for health care in the United States

4:47 PM Add Comment
Survey shows that Republicans and Democrats Split on for health care in the United States -

With the 08 presidential election a little more than eight months on, and the Democratic candidate still not determined, expect politics to take a front seat in the press for some time.

And when it comes to politics, health care is a matter of division for presidential candidates.

Arizona Senator John McCain, the likely Republican presidential candidate, pledged to fight against rising health care costs as president. Senator McCain has proposed a number of ways to reduce the costs of our health care system - and we hope to make care more affordable

The Democratic candidates have taken a different approach .. The two candidates Senator New York Hillary Clinton and Illinois Senator Barack Obama rely on the government to take a greater role in providing affordable health care

Each is up to mandate health insurance coverage individual -. Obama requires that every child is ensured, while Clinton would require all Americans to get coverage.

We know that the candidates have different views of health care, but what about the voters?

A new poll found voters that identify the different politic parties have very different views on the quality of the US health care system, reported Reuters .

The survey, conducted by the School of Public Health and Harris Interactive Harvard University, found 68 percent of Republican voters thought the United States health system was the best in the world. Only 32 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of independent voters said the same thing.

"We did not think the split would be as great as it was between Republicans and Democrats," Robert Blendon, a Harvard professor who helped design the survey questions.

But voters are not the only ones who disagree on the quality of the health care system.

WSJ Health Blog noted the World Health Organization ranked the health of the US system in a disappointing 37th place in the world. But the Cato Institute has challenged these results.

There is much disagreement as regards health care, which we elect our next president (and the new members of Congress) will determine how we will make changes.

McCain Sharpens Health Care Plan

1:44 PM Add Comment
McCain Sharpens Health Care Plan -

John McCain This week, Republican presidential candidate and Arizona Senator John McCain laid out details of its health care reform plan.

Initially Senator McCain planned on focusing its health care reform efforts on cost control through better management of chronic health problems and encouraging clinical detail health care that provide care at a lower cost.

now in addition to this, the Arizona senator proposes to provide more Americans in the market for individual health insurance tax credits. McCain would offer families a tax credit of $ 5,000 to help them buy a health plan. People would get $ 2,500.

The biggest change Senator McCain would make the current health insurance system is that getting rid of tax breaks to employers who provide their workers coverage.

This would mean many companies would stop offering health benefits, and more people would have to find insurance on their own.

McCain advisers say eliminate employer tax relief would increase government revenue by $ 30000000000 10 years -. That would be redirected as tax credits for individuals and families, reported The New York Times

With more consumers in the market, Senator McCain says, increased competition would lower the overall cost of health insurance.

McCain also wants to let people buy plans across state lines to increase competition even further.

Senator McCain acknowledged some with certain pre-existing health conditions may not be able to find private coverage. That's why it will push states to launch pools of high-risk insurance and provide federal funding for pools.

"I will work tirelessly to solve the problem," said Senator McCain in a speech in Florida.

The Fittest Cities in America

11:42 AM Add Comment
The Fittest Cities in America -

running The American College of Sports Medicine recently ranked the 16 most populated cities in the United States depending on how including their shape residents were

They released yesterday the final list, reported USA Today

Health and fitness experts rated each city based on a number different factors - .. such as the percentage of residents who have health insurance and access to health care.

ranking system is called the index of American Fitness, has written the article.

positive point cities also got a high percentage of people who exercise regularly, stay at a healthy weight, not smoking, and eating fruits and vegetables.

The highest big city in America? San Francisco

The full list :.

  1. San Francisco
  2. Seattle
  3. Boston
  4. Washington, DC
  5. Atlanta
  6. Philadelphia
  7. Chicago
  8. Dallas / Fort Worth
  9. New York City
  10. Miami / Fort Lauderdale
  11. Phoenix
  12. Indianapolis
  13. Houston
  14. Los Angeles
  15. Riverside, California
  16. Detroit

"Our hope is the cities on the bottom of the list will try to replicate some of the things that cities on the top of the list are doing," said Walt Thompson, a professor of exercise and physiology. He also heads the committee that rated the overall health of each city.

US House Of Representatives Passes Committee of Veterans of bills of health care

8:39 PM Add Comment
US House Of Representatives Passes Committee of Veterans of bills of health care -

U.S. Capitol Yesterday Veterans Affairs Committee the US House of representatives approved two different bills aimed at helping veterans receive access to care.

the first bill guarantees to veterans who live more than 60 miles of the establishment of health care veterans can receive care from other providers.

But the details of this project to give legal flexibility for the supply of 60 mile. If you travel for care is "not in the best interest of the veteran," according to an article CongressDaily, they can receive care from a non-establishment Veterans' Affairs health.

A second project law approved in the Committee of the House will allow severely disabled veterans receiving care in hospitals and nursing homes without copayment.

the second measure also contains provisions that extend the coverage of care mental health for veterans and require the creation of a plan of total pain.

US House of Representatives approved the "law of Michelle"

7:38 PM Add Comment
US House of Representatives approved the "law of Michelle" -

books Recently, the US House of Representatives approved a draft bill by a vote of the voice that will allow students to one year of school sick leave without losing health insurance coverage.

the bill is known as "the law Michelle "in memory of Michelle Morse, who was a student at the University of Plymouth State.

she died of colon cancer in 05.

When she was diagnosed with colon cancer, he was advised to take fewer courses by his doctors. But because she was afraid of losing health insurance coverage to her parents, she kept her full class load, said an article appeared in the Boston Globe.

the fear of Michelle was based on the fact that many health insurance companies will allow students to stay on the health plan of their parents if they follow courses full-time.

The new law could help students get school off to fight serious diseases and not to be afraid of losing their health insurance.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the passage of the bill would not have much impact on the budget, reported News Journal Washington Bureau in Delaware.

bill is now on its way to the Senate for approval.

Senator McCain and the Health Insurance Deregulation

4:35 PM Add Comment
Senator McCain and the Health Insurance Deregulation -

John McCain Recently, Republican presidential candidate John McCain becomes a little heat for an article he wrote in an obscure magazine called Contingencies magazine, reported Washington post .

in the article, Senator McCain wrote that he would deregulate the individual health insurance market to bring more competition.

in the health insurance reform plan of Senator McCain, he wants to let people buy across state lines the health plans so they are not required by the regulatory state.

The problem is not necessarily the idea itself, but this time.

Many of the problems we have on Wall Street have been at least partially attributed to the deregulation of the financial market.

This is what McCain wrote in the article:

"opening the market to more vigorous competition health insurance nationwide, as we have done during the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of established regulatory statement. "

on the surface, yes it seems that McCain's plan does not seem be a good idea after the collapse of Wall Street. But is it fair to compare the Wall Street regulation with the regulation of health insurance?

Former Senator Tom Daschle appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services Health

1:32 PM Add Comment
Former Senator Tom Daschle appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services Health -

According to The New York Times President-elect Barack Obama has named Tom Daschle, a former senator from South Dakota, to be the secretary of the Department of Health and Human services.

Daschle has accepted the appointment, the Times reported.

Former Senator wrote a book on health reform entitled "Critical: What can we do to health-Care Crisis" where he proposed a health care plan and reform similar assurance to President-elect Obama and Senator Max Baucus.

is that true change comes to the health care system? with the Daschle nomination, it is now more likely.