President Obama Offers Fix for health coverage of cancellations

9:16 PM
President Obama Offers Fix for health coverage of cancellations -

clock The President addressed a major concern for consumers on Thursday, the cancellation of insurance policies. Some Americans receive letters from insurers stating that they may lose the original plans they have purchased in the private market because they fail to meet the new requirements of the health law and basic benefits.

In its public statement, Obama acknowledged this problem and its past assurances that all those who like their current plan can keep it. Already, under the grandfather clause, those with previous plans to ACA can keep these plans. As a solution to the current problem at hand, Obama has extended this principle to include people who bought plans after the law took effect.

What this means to you

Health law says that insurers are required to inform consumers if their plans meet renewed not the minimum standards of coverage of the affordable care Act (prescription, the doctor visits, etc.). Insurers can offer customers the ability to stay on the current plan, but they will also alert consumers other options available through the markets.

commissioners State insurance may still decide what plans can and can not be sold in every state, but the bottom line is insurers can extend existing plans that would otherwise be canceled in 2014, and those whose Plans were canceled may choose to re-enroll in the same kind of plan.

consumers who received a letter informing him of the cancellation of the plan or non-compliance to standard amenities are encouraged to explore their insurance options market to browse new plans and compare costs. Shopping markets can help individuals find better options and tax credits to help lower hedging costs. Obama admitted that although this idea can not completely solve all the problems, it will help many people.

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