Obama Backs Reconciliation for sweeping health care reform and health insurance

6:25 PM
Obama Backs Reconciliation for sweeping health care reform and health insurance -

the White House For a time now, it has been said that health care legislation and the reform of health insurance at the federal level could be pushed by the United States Senate, using what is called reconciliation.

Reconciliation is a rule allowing some bills that affect the federal budget to pass with a simple majority of 51 votes - effectively blocking any party obstructing threat minority

In this case, Senate Democrats would be able to pass almost any type of health reform they wanted, and Republicans would not be able to do much. .

This weekend the rumor was reported to be true that President Obama has supported the use of reconciliation if necessary, reported New York Times .

President promised that health reform this year will not fail, and the use of reconciliation is the guarantee. Obama has more than enough votes in the House of Representatives and the Senate with reconciliation, it is a slam dunk.

Clearly, Senate Republicans are outraged.

GOP lawmakers accuse their counterparts Democrats to try to avoid a debate on health reform and excluding Republicans.

But some Democrats, such as US Senator Max Baucus, want a consensus on reform.

"[We need a health care bill that can get] get more than 60 votes. If we jammons something in someone's throat, it's not sustainable," said Senator Baucus.

We could not agree more with Senator Montana. We need a plan that takes account of everything, and includes everyone.

But now, with the recent news that Sen. Arlen Specter Pennsylvania changed its membership in a democratic party, his new caucus could have a filibuster-proof 60 votes anyway. (We assume that Democrat Al Franken will win over his fight with US Senate election Norm Coleman in Minnesota.)

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